The Ministry.

As Ichigo's group left their rooms and made their way to the great hall for breakfast, Mcgonagall intercepted them.

"Mr. Kurosaki, the Headmaster would like to have a word in his office." She said.

Ichigo looked at his group who gave a him a nod.

"Alright, lead the way" He said to the professor.

The professor led him to what looked like a gargoyle and she spoke a password; "Lemon Drops" to which the wall moved to reveal the entrance to his office.

As he walked inside, he saw Dumbledore sitting at his desk, with two chairs siting infront of it. One of them occupied by a red haired girl. What caught his attention he most was what looked like… a phoenix perched in the room. The bird was watching him intently.

"Ah, good you're here my boy" Dumbledore said as he gestured to the empty chair.

As Ichigo sat down, the phoenix flew over and landed on his head.

Dumbledore's eyebrow raised at how Fawkes was treating the guest.

Ichigo felt oddly familiar with the bird and let it be.

"What did you call me here for?" He said, glancing at the girl who was staring at him with a blush.

"Well my boy…it has come to my attention that you have been intimate with a Miss. Kuchiki."

Dumbledore said.

"Your fiancé here has been distraught at your lack of fidelity" Dumbledore said, gesturing towards the girl.

"Excuse me?" Ichigo said, a bit angered.

"Your actions are hurting Miss. Weasley, I wanted to help you both through this troubling time. " Dumbledore said.

"Rukia is my fiancé" Ichigo stated plainly.

"MY boy… have a marriage contract between Miss Weasley here. " Dumbledore said with fake symphathy.

"No." Ichigo stated plainly.

"Its not a choice, its Wizarding law. Not even I can change it" He responded.

"I am not a wizard." Ichigo declared.

"Be that as it may….." Dumbledore was cut off.

"Nor am I member of your society, I am a high ranking member of a foreign military organization. If the Ministry tries to move on me or my companions it will be an act of war, and let me be very clear headmaster. Your little Ministry would be annihilated in a single night" Ichigo said with anger in his voice.

Dumbledore was a bit taken back, he did not consider this aspect. He had just assumed that laws of the Wizarding world were absolute.

"But my boy, she is a very nice girl. Surely..." Dumbledore was cut off again.

"So because she is a nice girl, I should abandon the woman I love for someone I have never met until today?" Ichigo responder in anger.

"Wouldn't you rather have a human girl?" Dumbledore responded. The world pretty much knew at this point that Rukia was not human, the power of her 'race' was still in debate though.

Ichigo was now furious, he let loose his reiatsu. It was focuses almost entirely on Dumbledore.

Dumbledore's eyes went wide, his started to buckle under the pressure. Several items In the room shattered and even fawkes squawked at the torrent that started to push down.

"My love life is none of your concern. If you have any further questions for me, they will be in the presence of my teacher. And by the way, the marriage contract had already been destroyed." Ichigo declared as he got up and left.

Fawkes flew back to his perch and glared at the headmaster in anger.

Ginny had not spoken throughout the whole encounter, she was a bit stunned by everything that had just happened.


Ichigo joined his group back at the great hall, everyone noticed the the scowl he had on his face, it felt oddly at place. He didn't speak as he sat down next to Rukia and grabbed her hand tightly.

It was moments later that a distraught Ginny Weasley and Dumbledore also entered the hall.

Before anyone could question what had happened, several new figured burst through the hall.

It was the head of the Ministry of Magic, Cornelius Fudge. He brought with him over thirty Aurors.

The Auror's immediately drew their wands and pointed them towards Ichigo's group.

"I have a warrant for the arrest of a Mr. Shirou Emiya for the illegal use of dark soul magic." Fudge declared.

"What illegal magic did he use?" Jaina mused.

"From what I understand, all illegal spells are listed and their punishments are clearly defined" She added.

"This does not concern you" Fudge stated in a huff.

"I disagree, you are pointing weapons at my student and threatening his arrest. Not only that he is also a foreign citizen, do you even understand what you are doing?" Jaina retorted.

Fudge knew the charges were, for lack of a better term, stupid. But he needed to get his hands on the girl. Her status was threatening to the Ministry and he couldn't very well go after her. So he went after the next best thing, her 'boyfriend'.

"Are you going to interfere in Official Ministry business?" He said, threatening the mage.

"I don't need to, your stupid ass is going to get yourself killed if you continue this course of action" Jaina scolded.

Before he could respond to her insult, Ichigo disappear and reappeared infront of the Aurors. In a very quick motion, he drew Zangetsu and cut all the wands they held in half. He then moved back to his seat and sat down.

Fudge was shocked at what had just happened in a blink of an eye.

"The next time your government points a wand at me or my companions, It won't be your little sticks I cut." Ichigo declared, not even bothering to look at the man.

Fudge puffed up and left in a rage along with the Aurors. Whispers and hushed murmurs were heard all around the hall at the shocking display. Ichigo had just assaulted over 30 Aurors and could have easily killed them all in seconds.

"You seem a bit more tense than you should be" Rukia said towards her lover.

"Just a little pissed off at a certain headmaster." Ichigo said.

As they were eating in peace after that event, a set of twins came by and set down near the group.

"Hello, I'm Fred and this is George." Fred introduce.

"What can we do for you?" Ichigo asked.

"We were wondering why our little sister is acting like she had just been dumped" George said.

"Well, Dumbledore had some strange idea that I would abandon my fiancé for a girl I had known for all of 30 seconds. I took offense to that and had some words with him and in his infinite wisdom he thought having your sister there was a good idea" Ichigo explained.

"I see, we apologize for that" Fred said.

"Yeah, our mother had been been a bit too happy to indulge our sister in her fantasies" George explained.

"Its fine, the contract was destroyed so your sister can find someone she loves to marry" Ichigo responded.

"Destroyed?" George and fred said together.

"Yeah, nullified and destroyed." Ichigo reiterated.

"I didn't think that was possible" Fred said in amusement.

"Wizards don't think a lot of things are possible" Ichigo mused.

"The rumors regarding you guys aren't entire accurate. A lot of people are saying your group is arrogant and won't refuse to talk to anyone because you view everyone as beneath you" Fred said.

"It's hard to have a meaningful conversation when most people who talk to us start demanding answers like we owe them something" Ichigo snorted.

"We heard Miss Granger running around and telling anyone who listened that your group was rather rude" George said.

"I believe the phrase is; Pot calling the Kettle Black" Rukia interjected.

"We're more than happy to answer some questions when someone bothers to act with courtesy and respect" Saber said.

Fred and George looked at each other.

"What race was Merlin?" Fred asked.

"He was half human, half Incubus." Saber answered

"How did you and Shirou meet? It seems a bit weird that 'king Arthur' suddenly shows up with a Japanese man. No offense" George asked.

"None taken, it was actually an odd situation" Shirou answered

"He summoned me from the Throne of Heroes due to a death tournament known as the Holy Grail war. He accidentally stumbled into it" Saber explained.

"Throne of heroes?" They both asked. At this point many people were listening in on their conversation.

"Legendary souls who achieved great deeds in life, having become objects of worship after their deaths. They are freed from the constraints of time itself and removed from the ring of reincarnation and moved to the Throne of Heroes. Thus they ascend to the status of Heroic Spirits." She said.

"I am technically no longer human, but a Heroic Spirit." She finished.

"That's neat" Fred and George both said. They thought it was exciting and all but it didn't really matter to the duo.

"Well that's all we have time for, people to see. Pranks to pull" They said together.

"It was a pleasure" Saber said. These twins were the first students that the group actually got along with. They would welcome them back at any time.


The rest of the day went by without much incident. The group shadowed some classes, they couldn't actively participate in the ones that required the Wizard's brand of magic but they sat in and watched.

Their favorite class was Professor Sprouts herbology. They got to work with some very interesting plants that resided in the wizard world.

The students in the school started to interact with the group more. Some would come up and talk for a few moments or introduce themselves. A few from the certain clubs would come and ask the group to join.

Unfortunately there were also those who didn't understand boundaries. Some students came up and asked Saber for dates or things along those lines. There were some who wanted to flaunt their 'status' to which saber laughed at. There were also the ones from the Ravenclaw house who thought it was their duty to understand and decipher the group's powers and origins.

The group actually got along with the students who came from Durmstrang. Saber had been challenged to a drinking contest through a series of events. She ended up matching against their entire student body that had come and walked away fine.

Before the group finally went to bed, they were visited by Mcgonagill.

"There is the ceremonial Wand-Weighing Ceremony tomorrow in preparation for the tournament, Mr. Kurosaki, please do not miss it" She stated before abruptly leaving.

"Wonder how that's going to work without a wand" Ichigo mused as he enter his room with Rukia.