Exploring the University

Francis Rey was quite sure that he was not injured during his fight with the shadows so he was puzzled as to where he got his wounds from. Once he felt rested he got up and ate some fruits on the table. He almost ate a whole basket of fruit but he did not feel that he was full.

He stood up and walked towards the door. He tried pushing it many times but it won't budge. Then he tried pulling it with full force, it immediately opened making him fall with his butt on the floor.

"What an ignorant fool." He chuckled as he berated himself.

It was his first time to use a door and feel its inconvenience.

As he went out and saw the buildings he was astounded with the intricacies of its design. The roof was cone shape with steep angle and is made up of large blue scales. The walls of the building are stones with different carvings like runes or chants.

Gold and gems were used to write the name of the building in the wall. It was both elegant, exquisite and expensive to look at. Although the buildings look old fashioned. The skills of its builders were pronounced. There was perfect symmetry, the surface of the walls was refined and the materials used exudes strength.

The carvings in the stairs and some pillars shows the preciseness and talent of its makers. Windows are wide and open, even the halls are open. The building exuded elegance, authority and openness.

Despite his surprise, he was well trained to see different worlds and culture. He lived in a highly-advanced society which makes it possible for every individual from every walk of life to visit different planets. But only the elites have enough resources to travel to different galaxies.

He continued walking and saw huge trees rising higher than 100 stories building, its massive body can well hide anyone standing at the back of it even a group of people. There are beautiful flowers some are giving off small light, orchids and flowering vine, giving color and fragrant scent in the surroundings.

There are also few small glitters that are floated in the air. Huge trees gives shade under it. Because of its luscious leaves sunlight could not pass through it. The light under the trees are from the glowing algae, spores (also referred to as fray in planet Rosetha) and flowers. The flowering vines in the centree are giving off yellow and green glow, while the algae on the tree trunk have a violet, green, and a yellowish glow. Below the tree there are grass and flowers which gives green and white glows.

He could not recognize most of the plants but he was mystified. Just then, he saw glowing sprites and insects flying under the tree. The place was peaceful and serene.

He stopped to feel the ambiance of the surroundings. It was so serene. The breeze touching his cheeks was wet and cold. If his pores have tongue he might have said that the air was sweet. He can smell fragrance as he continued to walk outside. The smell of flowers, wet grass and soil had triggered an unnamed pleasurable emotion in his chest.

[The amount of oxygen in the air and the type of atmosphere in a planet has a large effect in hormone levels indeed. These feelings must be because of the increase in my endorphins and serotonin]. Francis was being his nerdy self again.

He continued walking around and saw the students, they gave off the same aura as the school. Filled with grace and elegance. The girls wore a scalloped off shoulder gown. They wore blooming skirts reaching the floor the style was simple but the beige colored fabric was exquisite and refined.

The students wore brooch which looks like an emblem. It was also made of gem and gold. Outside they wore a white cape with fur at the edges of the hood. Not far, he saw Henry and a girl practicing their sword. He also saw Madel sitting and looking at the two.

"Hello." She said with a smile waved at him and asked him to come.

Madel asked Francis to sit with her. She was a quiet person but she was charming and friendly. When Francis asked about where he is she told Francis Rey what she knew about the world.

"You are in planet Rosetha, Furintian Country, Jilai City. The type of government in this world is called Strength wise government. The countries are divided into three categories, the weak "C", the average "B" and the strong country "A" " She said.

"He replied with a nod. It was a good thing that they have the same language, or was his brain rewired to understand them. He was confused.

"How did you get here?" she asked. "Where did you came from?"

"Uhmm," he said.

Then he was interrupted when they sensed Henry and Cheska approaching. They sat on a round stone chair under the centree. Madel's gloves were not yet back so he can clearly see her wounded hands. Henry felt a sudden streak of pain in his heart.