Captivated by her

After their little chats, Henry asked Madel to spar again. They had almost 10 rounds. As usual Henry could not control his emotions again. He was giving Madel sharp looks. Cheska explained to Francis that the interscholastic event was coming soon, each student under the physicians hall will enter the selection process in the school and be brought to battle against other academy in within the City.

Helen as the class charmer would enter the Terpsichore contest, Cheska would enter the painting competition while Henry will enter the group battles. It was an event which is held during the winter. They only have two months to prepare.

"How about Madel? She usually cheers for the contestant, or run errands for the players." Cheska said.

Francis Ray nodded. "I will help Madel in running errands then" he said.

Cheska smiled, as second year students she does not hope to be selected to represent the school. It was only out of a hobby that she painted and Helen too. Henry was always the one who goes out to enter competitions.

Helen was dancing and singing in some hidden corner under the root of the centree. But, unlike other times, she was singing a song about unspoken love and was dancing melancholically within the tune.

Her dress was that of the terpsichorean artist in Planet Rosetha. The fabrics were extremely thin that it sways with the wind, It covers her body in layers. The sleeves were long with extra fabric which extends to the ground as she lifts her hand. It was so soft and light that it appears to be dancing against the wind making Helen's movements more attractive. The color of white and gold was her families signature color. So, her dress is soft white lined with gold, sometimes, it would have intricate embroidery of gold. With her hands, she holds a flower like instrument called Chinet. Its center has small bells, that gives off a sound when she flicks it. This is one of the reason why Helen was so loved by her family.

When she dances, she can capture the soul of the audience putting them in a deep trance. But terpsichorean art was not limited to that. It includes attacking once soul and beguilement, which was outside of Helen's nature.

Cheska excused herself as she needed to study the arts of swordsmanship further. She was already in the third level and she was hoping to achieve a breakthrough to the fourth level with the help of the manual that the clan head gave her. She advised Francis to sit still and try to internalize what was happening first.

However she did not mention that her advise was a part of cultivation. So instead of sitting still, Francis looked at the students around the campus who were busy in their own tasks. Nobody was idling. Everyone were either, sparring, reading books, inside the halls concocting something. They were inside the physician hall.

It was just then that he noticed the number of the students. There were more than a thousand of students in the hall. There was cultivation hall, sparring hall, pill forming hall, classrooms, Assembly hall, library, herb gardens, dissection hall, and there were halls for different types of art. As of how he knew it? There were signage's carved from gold outside the halls.

"It appears that gold is common in this planet." He said to himself. As he went back to the centree he noticed someone who was dancing. It was a maiden who was wearing white with the touch of gold. As she turned around, Francis Ray saw her familiar face. She was none other than Helen. His heart almost stopped. Who knew that her ugly duckling friend looked good from afar.

He was so captivated by her dance that he stood still and kept watching for who knows how long. He fell into a deep trance. It was a white space filled with flowers. He can almost smell them. It was only him and Helen.

She continued to dance, she has dangling earrings and her hair was pulled up adorned by flower and beads were hanging from her head. Then he started to hear her melancholic singing. It was very familiar to him.

The song that Yuki sings when she's burdened. It was a song about unspoken feelings. She sang and moved gently like she did not care about anything in the world. It was so gentle that Francis can feel the sounds caressing his soul.

That feeling within his chest, Helen triggered the deep longing in his chest. The unspoken words of love that never left his mouth. How he wanted to turn back time and tell Yuki about his feelings. He felt mixed emotions, there were feelings of love, yearning, excitement, happiness, tainted with despair and regrets.

Helen stopped dancing but Francis was still in a trance. She opened her eyes and felt like a pair of eyes were watching her. As she looked at her right he saw Francis deeply staring into her. Francis woke up and their eyes met. At first Helen was thinking about why he was looking at him, but then she started to blush and her heart raced like wild horses when she remembered that she had been dancing.

Francis looked away to hide his reddened face as well. Because she was his friend it was natural that he greets her.

He walked slowly feeling all shy. He was still looking down and did not see that Helen's face were blushing as well.

"Ahm, you danced beautifully." He said.

Helen was more flustered. She did not know what to say.

"I did not know you looked good from afar." Francis said.

Upon hearing it, Helen was surprised. "this man dared to say that I'm not beautiful?" Her shyness was replaced by annoyance,

"Oh really." She said with an evil smile and then she kicked him in his legs.

Who would have known that the man would actually retaliate and pull her sleeves. He was not able to control his strength. Her sleeves were ripped off and she almost flew towards him. The impact led them to fall with Helen on him.

But instead of being sweet and romantic he said that she should not seduce him in broad daylight, and that he had already have someone in his mind. Helen argued that it was his tugging that caused them to fall. They argued and fought like cats and dogs. Who would have thought her kind and gentleman friend was like that? But she would not go down without a fight of course.

Henry and Cheska heard the commotion and saw Helen chasing off Francis with her Chinet.

"Well, they looked like they are having fun, unlike someone." Henry said as he looked at Madel's sorry state. Her legs were trembling and her hands were wounded.

"You are the one who caused her to be like this." Cheska said.

"Oh my body, I feel like I'm dying." Madel complained. She was literally dragging her body. Then she flicked her hands and brought out fruit boxes. As she ate, she regained some strength again.

"Oh, heaven." She said while she was eating the berries.

They all sat down to eat the fruit snacks. Francis and Helen were panting when they came.

"You look like you are having fun." Cheska said with a mischievous smile.