Going with an all-time Casanova

Henry nodded. With the selection process nearing, his hands were full. He needed to meet the student's council committee, and then meet all the students for the guidelines. He must see to it that all the papers and letters are sent before the activity starts.

During the meeting with the student's council, Henry was feeling so frustrated. Some of the officers were absent and the remaining officers were inattentive. He wanted the event to be perfect, but he cannot do it alone.

In the middle of his foul mood, somebody knocked. He felt more angered thinking that it was a late officer.

"Come in." he said in a stern voice.

Then she saw Madel coming in. He can see her shy demeanour despite the mask covering her face.

[what could she be doing here?]

"You can sit anywhere you like Madel" he said. He did not need to explain their relationship with each other because everyone knew that he was a gay.

"Uhm.. I just came to give you... I mean all of you some snacks." she said with hesitation.

He did not know what to feel. He was pissed off earlier during the meeting, and he still was, but something lightened up a bit. She flicked her fingers and the fruit snacks appeared on the table. It was made up of 50 different types of berries and fruit cuts. The design was festive and exquisite as always. One of the members stood up and took out some plates from the kitchen. The heavy atmosphere started to lighten up and everyone was happily eating.

"Wow, were did you get these fruits, I did not know that there were so many types of them." Isola, the secretary commented.

"They even taste better with each other." Jelo, the vice president said. Everyone were giving compliments and thanking Madel when Henry called their attention.

Madel flicked her fingers again and a bamboo with water appeared for everyone. She then excused herself and the meeting continued. Henry looked at her retreating feature with soft eyes. He felt thankful to his friends, he lived a life where no one cared for him for such a long time. He never thought that someone would understand him or even show some concern. With this thought he remembered the ordeal that he would let her carry, he was conflicted.

Because some of the preparations included the reservation of venue for the contests he assigned some of the members to ensure the proper scheduling of the events in each venue. While he was walking towards the teacher's faculty room his attention was captured by a woman who was wearing a veil.

[why is this woman here?]

Just as he was about to approach her, a familiar figure went out and greeted Madel with a smile. It was Tristan. He was holding a gift wrapped in silk and tied with green vines and peach flowers. Madel was about to go when he asked him to go with him in a nearby pergola.

[to be going with an all-time Casanova, Madel, you will get some real scolding from me.] Then he wondered what was he thinking about. [Isn't it a bit much for me to meddle with her love life.] He walked away with annoyance in his face.