He was enchanted

It happened so fast, before she could move to collect her robe and cover her self Henry had already looked her way. His eyes also widened [oh no, this could not be happening to me].

It was a good thing that her hair covered her body as she stooped down. He did not saw anything.

[whew, that was close, thank you deities for taking pity on this soul] He immediately looked away.

He felt his heart skipped a bit for a moment. The horror. If he really saw her naked body, would he take responsibility and marry her? That would be a tragedy before his love story even started.

"I haven't seen anything Madel, promise." he said while removing the ribbon that was tangled to the iron on his belt. He reached it to her without looking.

"I'm…. I… I'm sorry for exposing you to this." she said, but her face was blushing even more. "You can go ahead first, I will go back to the meditation room to get my clothes." She added.

Henry nodded and went out. He was fanning himself using his spread-out hands. It was a real close call.

Back in the meditation room Madel's face was still red, it took sometime before she could put on her clothes.

She found Henry waiting outside the door.

"I thought you were looking for Cheska and the others."

"We are the only students remaining here." he replied. He looked down and saw her hands to her side. He knew that people with weak spiritual power have lesser ability to ward off cold or heat.

"Where are your gloves?"

"uhm, I cant find it in the mediation room, it's probably in my coat under the centree."

"Let's go there then."

They both quietly strolled towards the centree. The algae below were triggered as they walked. It released green spores which were blown by the wind upwards. The spores were giving off faint green light.

They slowly fell to the ground giving a magical vibe to the surroundings. As they walked, the spores continued to increase in number. Such calm and serene atmosphere, a total opposite to the horror that they experienced during the afternoon. The flowers surrounding them were glowing softly and time to time, some sprites would pass carrying a faint blue light emitting from their body. The flowers from the vines in the centree was releasing a fragrant scent which has a calming effect. There was also a faint music in the surroundings it was the sound of the nature. The insects were chirping and the sprites where humming a melody to celebrate the full moon.

[Ain't this a romantic scene. If I am walking with my crush here it would be nice.] Henry imagined.

Madel felt the cold and held her hands together. Henry noticed it and he stopped. He opened his hands asking for her hand. She was hesitant to give it at first but she still reached out. They walked hand in hand towards the spot where they usually sit in the centree.

[Her hands are cold. How is it that she can with stand the shadows spiritual attack despite having no spiritual power?]

It was that time that Madel saw the beauty of the surroundings. The flowers, the spores, the glowing butterflies, sprites, and there were glowing mushrooms too. The body of the centree was surrounded by glowing algae. Although it was dark under the centree the vines with glowing flowers hanging in long stem were giving a magical view above. The faint glow of violet flowers where matched by the glowing wings of the butterflies. She looked at the heavens and saw the bright starry nights. The top of the tree was being swarmed by fireflies.

It was a rare experience. To see the world how as humans saw it. When Henry touches her, her all-seeing eyes becomes nullified for some reason.

Back when they were running for their lives during the shadows first attack, she was not able to see the coming danger because Henry was holding her hand while running. If he did not held her hand she could have seen that they were running towards the shadows. She felt guilty and bitter for being selfish. It was a nice feeling to be protected so she held on to his hands too unwilling to part with the warmth that reached her heart. Because of her selfishness Helen died that day and Tristan needed to protect them over and over again.

She blamed herself and wished that her all-seeing eye will never be nullified again. However, with the majestic view right in front of her she could not help but to gasp in awe. All along she had been seeing atoms, kishas, microorganisms, spirits (collective term for the organisms in the smaller dimensions). It was rare for her to see such sight.

This time the touch of cold wind and the fragrant wind and the dark night which was illuminated by glowing flowers and frays (glowing spores of algae) triggered something in her heart. She knew that the feeling was imprinting itself in her cells.

She was reluctant to look at the man holding her hand. Her heart was already thumping like it was about to go out and present itself to the man beside her. What more if she looked at him.

Henry became curious with her reaction and he started looking around himself. A mixture of emotions poured in to his chest when he came out of his dream world to witness the magical scene which unfolded before his eyes.

He paused to marvel at the scene before him. He looked at the girl beside him. The warmth and softness of her hands, her beautiful eyes, her cloak which is moving with the fragrant breeze made his heart feel erratic. He was enchanted.

Going back to reality, he noticed just how odd his behavior was.

"Urgh.." Henry looked away. "Next time use your storage ring to store your coat, don't just leave it hanging somewhere..." he kept on blabbing again like a nagging mother.

"I can only unlock some parts of my storage ring Henry." she said. "I think I needed spiritual powers to unlock the rest of the storage ring"

Henry just looked at her. Indeed, without spiritual power it was a blessing that she could use a storage ring. There were indeed rare storage rings which are passed on to young heirs which did not need spiritual power to be opened.

As an heir of Fulinhar family he possessed one when he was little. He wanted to give it to her but he remembered Cheska's story about wedding in planet earth. when a man gives a ring to a woman it means that he is proposing or exchanging vows. [well, you just have to carry your things around I guess.]

Madel found her coat and released Henry's hand to get it. He felt like he wanted to hold on her hands more but he can't. [perhaps I'm a very touchy person] he consoled himself for his longing.

It was a long wait for the school carriage. Henry talked about his past, his grandparents love story and he even talked about the preparation for the incoming school activity. She enjoyed the sound of his voice. His face, his sassy look, the way he raises one of his brows, the way he flicks his hands, and how he pretends to flirt like a demure and modest girl around boys.

Henry was not crabby that night.

"oh my, I forgot to tell you. I found my prince charming today." he exclaimed excitedly.

"Really, how was he like?" Madel asked

"He has sharp manly features, but his eyes are gentle, his clothes and hair are neat. He smiles like angel too."

Henry kept on telling Madel about his imaginary love story and she listened joyfully as well. When the carriage came, he continued telling stories until they reached their destination.

After She took off the carriage, Henry could not help himself but to look at her. Standing outside Madel's coat and uniform still had some fray's on them. It made her look like she was glowing. Henry closed his eyes and tried to settle his heart. It has been in chaotic state since afternoon.