Selling fruit boxes

"Each cell is like a galaxy. There are minutes' organisms living within a cell. Those organisms living within the nucleus are stronger compared to the organisms living in the cytoplasm. In theory, we believe that it is because of their role to guard the DNA." Helen replied.

"But, based from our observation there is a type of energy which denser in the nucleus compare to the cytoplasm. This energy is used by the microorganisms to nourish their body." Francis added.

"How could you say that these organisms are stronger?" Cheska asked.

"from our experiments, when faced with organisms coming from other sources like …microorganisms from plant cells versus microorganisms from animal cell, the microorganisms in the plant cells will be defeated but, animal cell to animal cell, the organisms from the nucleus versus the organisms from the cytoplasm will surely die. The same results applied with organisms in lower realms. The organisms living near the center of their respective galaxy are stronger. Unless…." Francis replied.

"Unless?" Henry asked in a curious tone.

"When the body, is experiencing threat a sudden surge of power is released from the nucleus to nourish the cell." Helen said.

"What's with the grim expression?" Cheska asked Francis.

"Many organisms die when it happens. A simple infection can cause a total pandemonium to the lower dimension. A simple disease may not harm us. But the in lower dimension, it entails genocide. Not just one galaxy but an entire universe may be affected." He replied.

After discussing the inflammatory process, Francis and Helen were amazed by Henry's open mindedness. He was willing to learn and he analyzes what he learned. He lives in a developing civilization with no electricity or AI so the informations could be hard to internalize, but he was passionate.

He was ahead of his class because he was curious and he was willing to learn. He was like a sponge that accepts new information. This new information is strengthened, analyzed and synthesized through meditation. Cheska seemed to hesitate in accepting. Her mind could be filled with the information from her previous life and now, but she is slowly taking interest.

"let's give it a go tomorrow. Even the best physician in the country did not managed to cure her disease overnight. Let's ponder about things when we go home."

"Wait Henry, didn't Madel told you to give the young miss a fruit box for her?"

Henry had an awkward expression when Cheska reminded her. That Madel wanted him to sell a fruit box to their client? How could he do so? With his standing, he will be mocked by stooping so low as to selling fruits. But with Cheska's mencing glare how could he say no. Helen have her a mischievous smile.

His heart bleeding as he stepped towards the room of the young miss.

[that Madel. She will get some beating when I came back.] He said as he was thinking of torturing her during practice.]

With proper backing Madel could be a great merchant. Never missing an opportunity and seeing every opportunity in each situation is one of the characteristics of a successful business woman. She even thought of a way to give them fruit boxes and it was through Francis who loves within yhe school grounds.

When they got home, tons of paper work needed Cheska's review. She still needs to cultivate, meditate, practice and check the household. Every night she falls asleep with her worn out body. She sleeps for four hours and wakes up before dawn for school. It was a good thing that they had 18 hours of night time in this season. But soon they will have days of total darkness.

Cheska was reviewing documents inside her study when a voice sounded in her window.

"Reporting to Miss Cheska"

"Go on"

"The young miss of Guhil household had physically attacked Madel earlier this afternoon. She said that.."

"Miss Madel" Cheska emphasized.

"Hmm. Sorry young miss. She said that Miss Madel is a …. dirt in the campus and should stay in the slump to deliver fruits and vegetables"

"Oh, really she said that?" She said as she gritted her teeth.

"She also said that she is a useless trash so it's better for to stay in the slump"

"No more.. take this. Make sure to use it when incident like this happens again" She said.

"Yes young miss."

"And another. Investigate the Guhil family. I want to know everything" She said with a grim smile.

After taking the item, the spy immediately disappeared in the dark. Cheska's blood was still boiling from what happened. Before they became friends Madel has always been bullied by their schoolmates. For most, it was degrading to have a poor school mate. It made them feel that their school has low standards for allowing someone to enter in their academy. For some, they could not accept having any association with someone below their status.

Madel, with her meek and aloof personality stayed silent and allowed everyone to bully her. Some boys may get physical and some even tried to frame her. But the greatest issue was that she was accused of being a prostitute. Because of that they look at her with disgust, loath and hatred.

Weekends passed and another four school days but they hadn't solved the mystery yet. They read a lot of books about records of disease and medications but there was nothing that described a way to treat it. There was only a detailed description on how to minimize the inflammation.

They could not simply formulate pill because there is no beast with the same condition. They would not know if it will be effective. One thing for sure, Madel did not fail to send them fruit box and Henry needed to give the young miss not just one but three fruit boxes.

[who said I will sell it to her, I have lots of money. I can pay for it] He said to himself.

But on the fourth day, as he assessed the condition of the young miss he noticed something.

The rash in her face was starting to subside. He immediately went inside the meeting room and informed the group.

"but, we stopped giving her anti-inflammatory herbs? In fact, we gave nothing at all after the first day." Helen said.

"The disease may be entering a dormant stage." Cheska sommented.

They all went in to conduct physical assessment once again. The inflammation in the joint, the pain, and some of the rashes did subside.

The father of the patient ran towards the room in agitation. His daughter had not looked in the mirror since she got the butterfly rash. She felt bitter. She also ordered her maid servants not to mention anything about her rash. That was why when they noticed that it was fading, they kept silent. They may give her false hope as well which might lead to beheading and blood shed if the young miss was pissed off.

"It's true…" The head of the family was shaking and was teary eyed. He held the small face of his beloved daughter and started weeping. The young miss was left in disbelief. This might be another false hope and she did not want to get her hopes high.

"Is this the first time this happened?" Cheska asked. She knows that there are cases when inflammation subsides and becomes triggered again.

"Yes, yes,, it is.. for a very long time."

They looked at each other wondering what may have happened. They investigated the activity of the young miss again and if she took any pill since last week.

"There was none. The only changed I had was with my diet. I only ate the fruit box that you have given me as you instructed."

[Instructed?] they all thought. [who did?]

"Are you sure there was no other changes in your activity, emotional state maybe?"

"Nothing, I haven't cultivated as well, it was 2 years ago when I stopped cultivating."

Henry pressed his lips. The head of the household was still weeping but he was able express his happiness.

"If you will be able to cure her condition I will reward you handsomely." He said.

They remained in the household as it was the academy's policy to stay in their patients place during the day while the treatment is on-going. During meeting Henry took the fruit box that they were supposed to give to the patient. The contents of the fruit box were 50 different types of fruit cuts cube, which were arranged neatly. Another layer of the fruit box were 50 different types of edible leaves, and the last layer were 40 different types of berries. It was the fruit box for breakfast. The next fruit box was two layer of raw green leafy vegetables and the last layers were fruits. It was for lunch. Fruit box for dinner were the same as breakfast.

Each lunch box was prepared by artistic hands. The color combination, position and fruit and vegetable carving were detailed. Every fruit box had different types of fruits and vegetables in them. Even Henry's rich household could not provide so many variety of fruits and vegetables.

"It appears that you are right Henry, our patient's problem may be in the gut." Francis said in a serious tone.