Gaining courage to confess

The speed at which the Winged King Howler approached the celestial barrier left them with no time to retaliate or even argue with Madel. The speed where the air was enough to cut through their skin was truly frightening.

They could only lower their body towards the back of the aeral beast and hope for the best. Going to the dark forest was like plunging themselves into death. The fear from falling out of it and going to unknown territory was so intense that Cheska wanted to scream.

Helen was oblivious to all their thoughts. Her focus was now on Francis who was held on one of her arm and Madels tight grip.

Soon, an unexplained cold enveloped their body. The forest and the city's temperature was about 15 degree Celsius, but the sensation that they are feeling was simply foreign. It was the temperature that was devoid of heat, the moisture in the air was entering their clothes. The scent of algae, exotic flowers and probably scent of beasts penetrated their nose in the most alluring and intoxicating manner.

Henry's eyes immediately lit up. There was a dense source of spiritual energy in the surroundings. They were already inside the dark forest. The aeral beast slowed down allowing them to witness the scene in front of them.

The dark forest which was supposed to be pitch black was glowing. The thick leaves from the towering trees did not allowed the sunlight to pass through it. But the algae, the bushes, the small white lily's, the orchids, mushrooms, every plant below was emitting a white to faint blue light. Even the butterflies and some insects where adding into the fairytale land that they stepped in.

They could not help but to gasp in astonishment.

Cheska could not help herself but to take a leaf from smaller trees which were lined as if making a path. It had crystal like leaves which sparkled.

[it's as soft as a true leaf….. but this is a leaf.] Cheska thought to herself.

The aeral beast soared higher to reach a branch and two other beasts separated a vine filed with glowing flowers to let them pass through.

Going off the beast, Henry carried Francis and layed him down the grass. As they walked the grass emitted white glowing spores and the ripples in the air created the movement of more spores.

Not far a small house can be seen, it was more like a shed which have minimal space.

"Kiki, please get help, my friend was injured." Madel asked.

Except for the Winged King Howler there was no beast on site, but the pressing feeling inside Henry suggested that there were more beasts around and that Kiki was one of them.

Cheska immediately gripped the Hem of Henry's clothes. It felt like they were in the territory of some unknown God pressuring her body to kneel and hug the ground.

"Madel…" she said as she gripped her chest tightly waiting for her impending doom.

Madel looked back at them wondering what was wrong. To her astonishment, Cheska's whole being was being suppressed inside the celestial barrier.

"Guys" Madel called in an unhurried manner.

Henry looked around thinking that she was calling her friends. She must have been acquainted with the beast hall. However, the ones that were approaching them were not humans.

[where doomed] Henry could not help but to take a deep breath.

Celestial beasts are approaching from every corner. Hundreds…..thousands….some walked by foot some were riding in aeral beasts. Even if Madel brought them there to feed the beasts, weren't they too little to feed that many?

"This are my friend from the academy, Henry, Cheska, Francis, and Helen." Madel introduced them to the beasts.

"And guys, these are my friends, my family, lulu, kiki, Jiji, Riri, Mimi, Lola, Joji, Kiku..." She introduced the beasts to her human friends.

"There are too many of you guys sorry, we are in a hurry, you will get introduced some other time."

The fear, astonishment and anxiousness that collided in their chest was simply too overwhelming to bear. Their knees and muscle was trembling. If they did not have high mental resilience they must have had collapsed earlier on.

[Madel did not brought us here to look for herbs. She wanted us to die from shock] Henry thought to himself, preventing his rude behavior from scolding this friend of his.

"Nice to meet you" The beasts said in chorus and the bowed down.

The remaining threads of sanity was about to break for Cheska and Henry. They both new that celestial beasts could speak human language, but experiencing it first-hand left them into frenzy. They did not even notice when the oppressing energy was lifted allowing them to stand up straight.

As Madel gave each beast instructions, Henry and Cheska was still stupefied. As for Helen, the man that she loved for 25 years was lying unconscious, she did not care if the world collapsed at the very moment. She would stay by his side and die with him. The power of her spirit overwhelmed the body that was longing for another man.

The beasts immediately dispersed. One beast led Henry into the bathing area, while another led Cheska somewhere to change her clothes. The other beasts took a fine rectangular rock and expertly polished it to make a table. Other winged beasts brought fruits and flowers while other beasts arranged it into the table. Other beasts created chairs and so on.

Francis was carried into a bed filled with flowers.

Helen refused to leave his side until he wakes up. If it was not that moment she might have lost consciousness upon seeing a 25 foot Jihamada beast. A feline like creature with white fur, body which resembled a lion with white wings on its side. It was the king inside the dark forest.

"He does not have any internal injuries. His zhenqi, his energy, and his systems are normal. He will wake up soon." The Jihamada said.

"Thank you Jiha. We were so worried. I fell asleep earlier and did not noticed that were attacked by bandits. Thank you for waking me up." Madel said.

The beasts served Helen some snacks, which she accepted with politeness. After hearing that Francis will wake up soon she was relieved. It turns out that she was more scared of losing him than her own life.

Noticing that Madel was gone, Helen bit her lips and looked at Francis with loving expression. The emotions that had been buried inside her for so many years were trying to escape. Should she tell him?

Looking at the sleeping man, she mounted her courage to confess her love. Something that she failed to do for 25 years in her past life. She remembered her last wish when she died. It was to let her live a little more to tell Francis how she felt. She died, but was now given the second chance.