A little tour in the garden

Meanwhile, Madel, Henry, Francis and Helen where riding the Kidon to explore to garden. The garden had a portion of wide flower fields where numerous butterflies and colorful insects flew. There was a portion where cherry blossoms grew, some trees, were filled with blue, purple, or yellow flower. Another portion was filled with fruit bearing trees and shrubs with fruits.

Finally, the Kidon flew into a fall with a wide river. It was surrounded by stones and flowers. The thin layer of mist embraced the area giving it an enchanted look.

Henry and Helen and could not help but to gasp in agitation upon seeing all the rare herbs in the area. When Henry told them that their garden would be humble, it was probably a matter of fact. Because compared to the herbs in front of them, their student herb garden could be nothing but a grassy field.

"Water eve's Horn? I thought this was extinct. Just owning one stalk could result in an all-out war between empires. This herb can make us break through from the 6 level of intermediate realm to the level 1 of higher realm." Henry said. His eyes were about to pop out just recognizing the herbs.

"Winter's Call, Grassy Nim, Forging Dandelion,…" looking around in astonishment Helen could not help but to mumble as well.

Soon a silhouette of a beast came to drink in the well.

Henry scrunched his eyes thinking that he was seeing things.

"Am I seeing a dragon Henry? Is that a real dragon?" Helen tugged Henry's shirt.

She was afraid, overwhelmed and excited.

Looking at her expression Francis remembered his best friend in planet Hilan again. How many times did she pester him to go to a primitive planet just to look at real life dragons. They never saw one. When dragons enter a long state of hibernation it will be walk towards hell to enter their territory and disrupt their sleep. One must know that humans can joke with a drunk man but not a sleeping dragon. It would usher an untimely apocalypse for the entire country.

"Oh, my heart, Finally I saw a real-life dragon" Helen jumped with glee.

"Siri, come, meet my friends." Madel called the dragon over.

"The dragon has a name as well?" Henry exclaimed.

The dragon shyly walked towards them with its head down. It has blue scales, violet eyes and two sets of small wings. It walked in its four feet. The dragon rubbed its head to Madel's hand as soon as it got close.

"Oh, so cute, can I touch it too?"

Henry could feel an overwhelming sensation with the scene he is seeing.

"is this a dream? How come that even dragons are friendly in this place?" He could not help but doubt.

Dragon taming is a long and arduous process, dragon tamers cultivate some strong martial arts that lets their body to become physically strong and their life span longer. Once a blood contract is drawn, the death of the dragon tamer could weaken the dragon by 6 realms. With such a huge risk, it was not easy to convince dragons to connect with weak humans.

Dragon tamers clan follows a very specific rule to become qualified to enter a dragon tamers academy. This prideful profession seats at the top of all profession in the planet Rosetha. Having the highest cultivation realm, fighting prowess, and long life was enough to call them genius of all geniuses. No one can enter their world easily. First, they could not marry anyone who is not in a dragon tamer clan. The purity of blood line was highly considered in marriage.

Another consideration was that, a student from a non- dragon tamer clan could not enter a dragon tamer academy. With so many rules, one can say that these clans have a world of their own.

Looking at Madel and Helen feeding the dragon leisurely, Henry could not help but to doubt the world that he was living-in. Perhaps the books that he read or the information's that he got were all wrong. No wonder Madel's expression remained the same, while other people boasted about their newly acquired tamed beast, or herbs or spiritual fruits.

Henry looked at them intently. Madel's sparkling eyes looked at the dragon in a doting manner. The dragon gave her a loving gaze as well, like how a cub depends on her mother. When Madel looked at Henry their eyes met.

[He is looking at me.... Calm down.. calm down… he could be looking at the dragon not you Madel] Madel tried to calm down the storm like feeling of excitement, nervousness and surprise in her chest. She knows her place well and he knows that he has a special liking in men.

"Siri, can you help big bother Henry to pick up some herbs?" Madel asked the dragon nicely.

It agreed and immediately went over to Henry and fawned on him. Siri was simply adorable.

They strolled leisurely into the mystical place.

Riding the Kidon, they could see the beauty of sunset. For Francis, it had been ages since he last appreciated his surroundings. Recovering some of his memories and realizing that he lived most of his life in a cage, he realized that the beauty of life was not measured by wealth nor fame.

The beauty of life is in a person's ability to see it. For him who only viewed Helen as his life, and focused his time in research, he failed to perceive the value of simple things in life.

The modern society that he lived in was very calculative of time and achievements. Everything was moving in a fast pace, even the evolution of knowledge and practices. As a researcher, he had earned numerous degree, awards and recognition from various organizations for his work.

Dying unexpectedly made him rethink of his life. Was he happy? He was not. He felt empty. He was a mindless robot who was simply doing what the company and society wanted.

In this life time, Francis promised himself to live his life better. To maintain peace of mind, to be thankful for what he has and see the beauty in his surroundings. Maybe Helen, had always asked him to travel to open his eyes to these principles in life.

As they flew back to where they left Cheska, the warm air with a tinged of serene sensation evoked a unique feeling within Helen, Henry and Francis.

Francis looked at Helen's expression once again. It was the same as his beloved back in planet Hilan. The feeling of satisfaction was painted all over her face. He missed his Yuki (term in planet Hilan which means-forever my love).

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Madel asked all of them, as they reunited with Cheska. She was considering their time knowing that the way of medicine is hard. They have barely enough time to study even if they sleep for 3 to four hours a day.

"Hmm,…. I guess we can take a ride with the school carriage that sends off the students at night." Cheska said.

"Yah, I think I can stay, besides this is a rare event." Henry agreed.