Actually, I Just Secluded Myself (1)

Preparing to meet his Dao Companion who he hadn't met for half a decade, Shu Yidan couldn't help but think of the events that had transpired in his memories.

In the past timeline, he was reluctant to get closer to his predecessor's matters and concentrated on increasing his influence within the Sect, finally becoming the chosen successor of the Sect Master, being titled Little Sect Master. Naturally, he had no time for Feng Shiyao.

Sensing weakness and wanting to fish in troubled waters, her sect, the Yin-Yang Conception Gate spread the news of him abandoning her out. While something like a tournament of geniuses for Feng Shiyao's new Dao Companion was happening, Shu Yidan lost patience and flattened the sect… In the end, despite the grand name, that little whorehouse of a local sect was only minor headache for him.

During the entire farce, Feng Shiyao kept herself chaste. She could abandon him for someone else but she didn't. She could get revenge and grant some rich heir the repo having cucked Shu Yidan, the Heavenly Wind Sect's Little Sect Master, but she didn't. That was certainly for self-preservation's sake, but Shu Yidan still appreciated such loyalty, moreso after he had abandoned her.

But in the end, the farce that her sect that had displayed permanently cut off any chance of reconciliation between them. Feng Shiyao's fate was to be under permanent house arrest in the Heavenly Wind Sect…

Thinking about those memories of another timeline in his cultivation residence, Shu Yidan frowned. The woman he abandoned in his past life, he had to take her back again...

Before going to meet a woman, you should look presentable. Especially if you are going to fuck her later. This little logic still applies in the cultivation world.

Shu Yidan vainly looked at the mirror, admiring his body.

Perfect white skin, pale complexion, long black hair, slender arms.

It was the shape of an androgynous man.

"Damn, I still look like a fuckboy…" Many things change but his body remained the same.

So the only option was to use the wisdom of Earth, change makeup and clothes for a different impression!

As for the impression to be given, as the Sect Master's disciple he needed the nobility of a genius. And as a host of a Villain System, he needed a rogueish suaveness!

After some time, he decided on a set of white aristocratic chang-pao robes with red highlights. It has the Sect's 'Feng' character emblazed on it in platinum, marking him as the Sect Master's disciple.

With a little pinch of an acupuncture needle, his cheeks looked a little less pale. After properly oiling his hair and slicking them back until they fell behind his head like a waterfall, he decided that he was fit to meet his Dao Companion!

Immediately running out of his lonely residence, he jumped upon a flying sword and flew away …


Upon a mountain peak far away from the world, Feng Shiyao stood outside watching upon the lonely moon.

Her beautiful face was radiant like the moon above, giving her a otherworldly aura. The qipao she wore made seductively displayed the twin peaks on her chest, her curvaceous figure and her ample waist. While the black hair bound in the 'ox-horn hairstyle', made two small hair-buns covered by a red ribbon seem like cute devil horns.

Yet, this woman who would fill the dreams of any man with a single glance stared at the moon with a lonely gaze. Thinking of her husband she had yet to meet for half a decade, Feng Shiyao felt mixed emotions.

She was a descendent of the aristocratic Feng clan and the disciple of the Yin-Yang Conception Gate, a local sect whose major heritage was of dual cultivation.

Yet her status in her sect couldn't match Shu Yidan who was the Sect Master's personal disciple. The resources her entire family could provide her weren't comparable to Shu Yidan. As for backing, the potent force of his Sect Elder Grandpa and the Sect Master made him untouchable under heaven…

In all things that mattered, Shu Yidan had her beat like a dog…

The only thing she brought to their pair was her talent and her body. Her Nine-Yin Purple Cauldron body could allow a man to take her Primordial Yin 9 times for every realm, starting from Golden Core.

That talent ensured that she would get resources to cultivate, if not for herself then at least for Shu Yidan's sake. For her to smoothly cultivate to Golden Core, Shu Yidan's Grandpa had sent many resources. At the peak of Golden Core, Feng Shiyao was a step away from Nascent Soul.

But, she hadn't reached Nascent Soul yet. Shu Yidan had used her body to break through and immediately abandoned her. If she could reach Nascent Soul, then she would fall into his eyes again, being of use again.

Feng Shiyao felt the stinging pain of being abandoned. It meant that the one she had devoted herself to only saw her as a tool.

Yet in the end, it didn't really matter what Shu Yidan considered her as, she would continue to be loyal to him. Because Shu Yidan at least treated her well. As a woman, if she only had to offer her body 9 times to him, it was a lot better fate than many others had to bear…

As a tool, she at least had to strive to support her master as far as she could.

But for breaking through to Nascent Soul, merely resources weren't enough. More important was insight. A cultivator had to comprehend a Dao Domain, an aspect of one of the myriad Laws of the Grand Dao.

There were cultivators who broke through in a serendipitous moment of clarity. But such a moment might never occur in her lifetime of 500 years!

So in the end, relying on a cultivation technique was the best path. She was cultivating the cultivating the Red Flame Vitality Law and cultivating it to the 9th layer would hopefully create a Dao Domain. Unfortunately, it would take her at least two decades to reach that realm.

'After two decades…' She thought of that aloof Dao Companion that always acted coldly towards her, how they had yet to meet for a long time…

Just then, she saw a streak of light in the sky.

A suave-looking young man stood atop of a flying sword in the sky. Swaying his sleeves, he slowly landed on the peak beside her. With a wave of his finger, the sword disappeared.

Running his jade like finger through his long hair, the man smiled at Feng Shiyao.

"Yao'er, it has been a long five years. I recently came out of seclusion so I had to meet you!" Hearing these words, Feng Shiyao got out of her daze. The Dao Companion she thought about came to meet her out of nowhere!


Shu Yidan tried not to show his annoyance. Flying swords were a chore to fly upon, especially if you weren't a sword cultivator.

Walking up to his Dao Companion, he tried his best to give the impression of handsome suaveness. Not a hint of 'degenerate drug-addict' could be seen.

"Brother Yidan, it has been 5 years. You have been in a long seclusion…" While her voice was sweet, her eyes were cold.

Looking at this girl who seemed miffed at him, Shu Yidan placatingly smiled. "Honestly, it was never my intention to abandon you for all this while. I was cultivating in seclusion."

"Hmph, your cultivation had reached Golden Core peak a month after we dual cultivated! Five years have passed and you haven't secluded yourself from the world, you have only secluded yourself from me! What kind of merits did such a seclusion bear you?" With a frown she immediately pierced through the lie.

'Woman, do you have to be so aggressive?' If Shu Yidan were less thick-skinned, he might have his face turn scarlet.

"Yao'er… you don't have to be like that. I know I have treated you unfairly. But… I truly couldn't meet you all this while." Shu Yidan said in a sheepish tone.

"So did you have a heart demon after our first time then?" Feng Shiyao asked with an indifferent tone, without a single thought of being a little obedient to her man.

Seeing Feng Shiyao's attitude, Shu Yidan mentally shook his head. 'Being polite was a waste as expected, huh? Acting cold before me, huh? Time to switch gears… Overbearing black-belly male lead mode engage, rapey vibes activate!'