Divine Consecration, Casting Blade into Godhood!

Just then Shu Yidan remembered something. In the 250 years in the past timeline, ever since he cast a Hua Xiu into a Blade Spirit, she had never emitted any sort of sexual desire.

That was only natural. After all, a weapon was a weapon and wouldn't presumably have human desires. So, the only reason Hua Xiu was acting like was… the faith energy from Modern Earth!

'Heh, I really underestimated them…" Shu Yidan gently smiled as he thought about this.

To begin with, the amount of faith energy he could draw from Modern Earth was quite unreal. Having drawn enough for a recently reincarnated Blade Spirit to cast a Divine Body? Of course there would be consequences.

Shu Yidan had taken many measures to limit the flow of faith energy. If he had gone all out, something like a Gate between worlds would be formed. Shu Yidan wasn't quite that keen on having the United States bring civilization to this poor ancient Chinese world, so he had purposely limited the True Immortal divine sense's connection.

Most likely, the connection was having his story posted on a forum or webnovel site. Like that, while the influx of faith energy was low, the ability for the energy to affect him in any way was lower. He would more or less follow his own path, and if those on the 'other side' were entertained, faith energy would flow.

But of course, Hua Xiu didn't know that. Through her connection to him, she drew in enough energy to cast a Divine Body.

Anyway, it was how the series of events went. Hua Xiu incarnated into a Divine Body by drawing from a connection that wasn't meant to be excessively drawn from. Thus, she was possessed by lust that she shouldn't have felt in the first place. And being a Goddess possessed by lust, she seduced Shu Yidan and set him on the path of becoming a manwhore.

Shu Yidan was a true gentleman of Daoist Virtue. It was definitely not his fault.

Anyway, what happened had happened. The problem still remained, that using faith energy from a different realm as an existence born newly into the world (as Hua Xiu had instinctively done) was a horrible, horrible idea. If not for the Writ of Heavenly Emancipation, the Azurewind Peak would have been turned to dust by tribulation lightning seeking to destroy the newly reborn Outsider God.

Shu Yidan had many things on his mind. First of all, he had to remove the influence of Modern Earth from Hua Xiu. He was a reincarnator from Modern Earth, so it would naturally support him. Hua Xiu though… The faith energy's corruptive influence turned what should be an existence incapable of thinking of sex to…! It was to benefit him… and it did in a way, but…

"Hey, Hua Xiu, can you stand still for a while?" Saying this, four giant pillars colored yellow, white, red and blue formed around her. Seeming like they had a space suppressing effect, they locked her into place.

In the Cultivation Residence, Shu Yidan could freely create and dismantle all kinds of objects in a blink. Before with Feng Shiyao, he had placed a fluffy bed before the door. Facing Xiaoyi and the Sect Master, he had rearranged the interior to cast an array and draw upon the power of the residence to battle. And now… this was the true inheritance left behind by the Azurewind Sect Master!

"Four Cornerstone Array, Purify Divine Will, Seal All Evils, Divine Weapon Consecration!" This was the very source of the Array that Sect Master Azurewind had cast, and could use the power of the Four Cornerstone Elements: Fire, Water, Air and Earth. This was a power that could consecrate and seal Gods!

"Great Daxian!" With Shu Yidan's words, there didn't seem to be a single change. However, the True Immortal Divine Sense within him was rapidly being drained away.

"Founding Ancestor Eight Trigrams, I, <>, True Immortal Titled Heaven-Wind Cycle, as the 81th True Immortal of the Heaven-Wind Line… thus proclaim!" Saying this, Shu Yidan grit his teeth.

"I… Consecrate my treasured blade… Hua Xiu… to… Lower-Title God… for her devoted service… through Life and Death… assigning her the mission… of guarding the Founding Ancestor's… Parted Lineage!" Saying this, Shu Yidan collapsed.

However, the God Consecration Rite was successful. As the four giant pillars covering her disappeared, divine power flowed into Hua Xiu, transforming her Divine Body to a new height. However, she didn't care about it in the slightest, running towards Shu Yidan's collapsed form.

"Master! Master!! Open your eyes… please open…" Shaking his fallen body to see no reaction, tears pattered down on his form.

"You… don't spray me with your salt… I am alright…" Grasping Hua Xiu's arm, Shu Yidan raised himself up.

"I didn't expect you to cry. Didn't they teach you, blades don't cry, they just spill blood? Calm, calm…" Patting her hair, Shu Yidan comforted her.

As expected, upon being consecrated as a God, the corruptive effect of Modern Earth's faith energy had been neutralized.

"But Master, you…" Hua Xiu wanted to say something, but Shu Yidan interrupted her.

"That was just a little backlash. I still count as a True Immortal and can use some powers with True Immortal Divine Sense due to retroactive principle… even now as a Golden Core. Consecrating you as a Subordinate God for protecting the Founding Ancestor's lineage… well, that only took a lot of my True Immortal Divine Sense." Shu Yidan gently patted her head.

"But Master, now that you've lost your True Immortal Divine Sense…" Hua Xiu wanted to speak more, but realizing she didn't have any idea about True Immortal Divine Sense meant, having been destroyed in the final battle against Yang Yi, she couldn't speak.

"Giving up True Immortal Divine Sense for a God, that isn't a bad trade. Now, I have some matters left. You must have received an inheritance upon being Consecrated, and that determines your cultivation path. I am taking away the Restricted Spirit Crystal – RXW7651 as now that you've incarnated into a Divine Body, it is useless to you. Good night, I really should be sleeping now…" Saying this, Shu Yidan hurriedly departed.

"Oh, and don't forget, I'll be needing divine help soon, so you'll have to quickly comprehend the inheritance you've gained. Work hard." Saying this, Shu Yidan left without looking back. "…Also, sorry."

Hua Xiu opened her mouth to reply but his figure had already disappeared, before closing her eyes. Sure as her Master said, within her mind was an inheritance, as if sent down by the Founding Ancestor's grace.


"System, are you there?" Shu Yidan asked, now that he was away from Hua Xiu.

A blue screen appeared and time stopped.

[Host has 1 hour and 2 minutes to activate the SYSTEM]

"Requesting immediate System activation." Saying this, Shu Yidan braced himself.

[Host has been sustained major damage to essence, qi and spirit. Immediately activate Full-Heal Function?]


The moment the thought was completed, a white light covered Shu Yidan's body and like a cleansing bath, it was as all his injuries were cleared away in a blink.

[Host still sustains <<>> and <<>> status, activate Hidden Quest to resolve?]

"Yeah, do it." Shu Yidan immediately replied. "By the way, now that the System has activated, can you do something with this device?" Raising the Restricted Spirit Crystal – RXW7651 in his hand, Shu Yidan asked.

[Restricted Spirit Crystal – RXW7651: Would you like to contribute this device to upgrade System?]

"Take it, but cut off all connections of the device to Hua Xiu." Shu Yidan immediately replied.

[Proceeding… Procedure Complete. The Restricted Spirit Crystal – RXW7651 has a Dual Cultivation Module which will strengthen the link to Faith Energy from a different realm. Engage?]

"…Put that on pause. It's getting really late, so I'll exit for now and check the stuff about activation and all later. And yeah, you are a really good system no matter whatever unknown 3rd Party Application Store you are from, sorry about not trusting you." On Shu Yidan's words, there was no response and the blue screen disappeared, returning the world to what it was.


Before he could make the decision on Dual Cultivation Module, he had to talk to someone. Feng Shiyao. He could understand the thoughts of the Empress he loved, but he needed to understand Feng Shiyao's thoughts on the matter as well.

In the past timeline, she was loyal to him despite having every reason to turn away. And that reason was enough for him to accept her…

In this life, he would accept her. Even if he didn't love her as now, perhaps he would fall in love with time.