Crowning the Prince with a Green Hat!

Flying in the blue sky upon a violet blade, Shu Yidan couldn't help but marvel at the blue sky. The Heavenly Wind Sect's main spells obviously focused on the power of Heaven and Wind.

Naturally, that included flight. Shu Yidan's speed, while incomparable to a Nascent Soul, dwarfed most Golden Cores. With a flick of his fingers, a compass showing the eight directions with the forms of the Eight Bagua appeared. It would take a few more minutes to arrive at the destination, to the castle where Xiahou Shangyue awaited him.

Flying like he was one with the wind and a part of the sky, Shu Yidan felt carefree, like his burdens were removed from his back.

He was like the Heavens, without a single trace of mercy. He was like the Sages, without a single trace of emotion. His original state, the foundation on which he had cast True Immortality. He was once again emotionless.

Shu Yidan thought that he had retained his emotionless and pure spirit during his rebirth, but his encounter with Ye Wenying proved him wrong.

Witnessing her curse made him lose his cool. He even thought that the only way to save her was to push Ye Wenying onto the Asura Path.

That was of course, wrong. Ye Wenying suffered from a curse based on the Time Dao and the Karma Dao, and Shu Yidan couldn't remove it. Yet it was still a curse and not an unbreakable one, and there existed treasures in this world whose sole purpose was to break curses.

Naturally, Yang Yi got them. But Shu Yidan had time travelled, so history naturally wouldn't reoccur.

Plans about how to seize these treasures would be left for later. All Shu Yidan wanted to do now was to seize the brief moment of reprieve and fully empty his mind of all worries and anger.

After all, he wouldn't get to enjoy such a transcendent feeling for a long time.


Capital City of the Ruan Kingdom, an opulent building some distance away from the Imperial Palace.

A handsome man sat upon a chair gazing down at his two maidservants as they disrobed the royal garb of the woman of imperial descent. His expression was cold as he locked eyes with the beauty.

"Eldest Brother! You dare force yourself on me, your own sister! You bastard, father will have you executed!" Xiahou Shangyue, the woman who would become a Black Widow who would trap kingdoms in her web, was yet a virgin. She threatened the man but her fear was clear in her voice.

Her eldest brother was going to rape her! She had never expected to have anything other than a miserable arranged marriage as the concubine of some prince, but a tragic fate of being raped by her own brother was…

"Hahaha, Shangyue, you really are something aren't you? You have been gaining our Royal Father's attentions with your wit in the court and skill in leading soldiers, even when your mother was a maid of no status! I have even heard rumors that our Royal Father is planning to crown you as the successor – even forgoing me, the Crown Prince, who was born to seize the throne!" The handsome expression twisted into a hideous smirk.

Xiahou Shangyue didn't know what was going on in her eldest brother's mind. Didn't he know what the King thought of her?

"Hehe, how does it feel getting your robes stripped off? Feel like a woman yet? For all your skill commanding, you are still a woman inside aren't you? Well, even if you aren't, I'll make you one tonight…" The Crown Prince smirked.

All dreams of a knight on a white horse coming to save her were broken. Xiahou Shangyue wished she had strength to strangle that bastard to death, but whatever he had drugged her with had taken away all strength. Fortunately, she didn't feel a hint of sexual arousal towards the bastard…

"Well, once the girls have your clothes off, we'll have the aphrodisiacs administered. Having an uptight bitch like you beg me for cock will…-" The Crown Prince's disgusting speech was interrupted when the windows behind him shattered.

A strange force seemed to cover their surroundings and the two maids who were sensually stripping off Xiahou Shangyue's clothes fainted unconscious.

The Crown Prince and Xiahou Shangyue looked up towards the source of the sound to find a young man floating a few feet above the ground. The expression on his face was still, and his eyes were cold with anger.

"Despicable trash! You dare besmirch my destined love?!"

Xiahou Shangyue couldn't believe her eyes. Forget about a prince on a white horse, a literal immortal from the mountains had come to whisk her away!


Shu Yidan flicked a finger behind him and the windows were repaired. He was using a forcefield, a watered down version of a Domain to conceal the sound of his arrival from breaking out.

The sound was still audible to the four inhabitants of the Palace, though. Xiahou Shangyue, her would-be rapist and the two women abetting the act.

A fingerflick. The two women turned unconscious.

An absurd declaration. She radiantly smiled, her would-be rapist frowned in anger.

Gazing at the man sitting on the oversized chair, all Shu Yidan wanted to do was to kill him in an excruciating and painful way.

Shu Yidan's palm turned, and sickly green vines came forth to bind that bastard. They quickly entwined around the man to bind him and make him unable to move. Thorns grew on them, injecting the man with poison and toxins. Shu Yidan wanted to vines to strangulate him, condemning him to a slow painful death…

When he remembered that the current Xiahou Shangyue might not appreciate it. He decided to pause the spell, keeping the man bound to the oversized chair.

Now, there was only Xiahou Shangyue. She looked so vulnerable on the bed, with her garments half stripped off. Yet the chiseled abdomen and muscular arms showed otherwise. This was a true warrior princess.

Sitting on the side of the bed, Shu Yidan didn't know what to say. Should he go on about their destined love, written in the stars? Or could he and her be soulmates, reincarnated sweethearts fated to be together?

In the end, there was no need to say anything. Xiahou Shangyue rose up and hugged him. He wrapped her lithe figure in his arms and tightly held her. Looking at her face to face, he drank in her appearance, lacking maturity yet holding infinite charm.

Her doe-like eyes, her clear-white skin, her exquisite features, her scarlet lips…

Shu Yidan finally couldn't resist and went for a kiss. Xiahou Shangyue closed her eyes in anticipation. Their lips pressed against each other and Shu Yidan relished in the taste. And naturally, his tongue surged further inside her mouth…

The kiss went on for minutes. When Shu Yidan reluctantly took back his tongue, Xiahou Shangyue smiled at him invitingly. Her fingers were stripping off his robes. Shu Yidan's body was heating up, and it was like Shangyue's body pressed on him was on fire as well…

Just then, Shu Yidan was pulled out of the sensuality that had gripped him… by a squawking voice. The culprit was the Crown Prince bound on the throne. His eyes were bloodshot and his mouth was open but what should have been a scream was a muffled sound.

Shu Yidan was annoyed at the bastard. But his head was turned away from the bastard by a light kiss on his cheeks. Xiahou Shangyue smiled at him.

"His reactions are quite something, aren't they? Putting a green hat onto the Crown Prince is an experience not even celestials would have enjoyed, right?" Hearing the vixen-like words from the princess' lips, Shu Yidan was astonished!

This woman's taste was as heavy as ever!