Boundless Beneficence

Shu Yidan's mind was still on the memories brought by the dream, a time that had long gone past. Just then, he remembered someone was talking.

"…So, the problems my dear master left in my body have been fixed entirely... and my spirit and soul have been raised to a higher level. I didn't think this level of strengthening was possible before entering Nascent Soul. What did you gain?" Feng Shiyao's expression seemed as if she was suppressing a yawn.

"As expected, my physical body has been strengthened with the power of ghost-banishing Violet Sun's Qi… And on top of that, I had a nice dream as well." Shu Yidan said with a smile.

Having ended their dual cultivation, Feng Shiyao changed to clean white robe. Shu Yidan simply used some spells to clean his clothes.

"You had a dream? The ritual mentioned that there would be a chance to gain the 'guidance of the Heavens' – maybe that dream meant something.

As for me, I didn't gain anything like that… Well, an amplification of the soul is certainly better than something vague and cryptic like the 'guidance of the Heavens'." Saying this, Feng Shiyao smirked at him.

"In any case, you should still meditate a little, check on your body and meridians and such… The guidance of the Heavens may not be limited to a dream." Shu Yidan licked his lips.

Summoning a page, Shu Yidan wrote down on it and handed it to Feng Shiyao. "Take this to the librarian. You don't have a cultivation technique to enter Nascent Soul, so this book will be suited for you."

"White Lotus Conveying Spirit Art? The Heavenly Wind Sect has a cultivation art of the White Lotus Cult?" Feng Shiyao seemed surprised.

"It has a bit of a story behind it… But still, it is one of the main lineage cultivation arts of Heavenly Wind. It won't invite the censure of the White Lotus Cult, at the very least…

Anyway, we'll talk later… I have some souls to save now." Saying this, Shu Yidan faded away.

"Running away so quickly… Even though I spent 12 hours with him, he didn't even praise me…" Feng Shiyao couldn't help but feel somewhat dejected.

"Hey woman! I am going out for a bit, can you clean up the room in the meanwhile?" Shouting out to Ye Wenying, Feng Shiyao didn't waste a second before departing to the library as well.

The cultivation manor was finally quiet. Well, until the poor Ye Wenying came over to clean up the mess left behind…


The day had faded away, and evening was leading into night. Back in the forest, the Ten Thousand Grudges Demonic Ghost stood menacingly, bound to the land for the duration of the daylight.

The Demonic Ghost was still bound to the ground, unable to move. Shu Yidan immediately began attacking it.

"…Through a field of ten thousand flowers, a leaf would not touch body…" The requiem song of the Spirit Butterfly Sect resounded as Shu Yidan assaulted the ghost with fist after fist burning with violet flame.

"…Spirit Butterfly flies for a thousand miles, yet encounters a tempest in the end." The stanzas of the lamentation left his lips as he sang, while burning violet fire left his hands with every attack. The ghost roared out in pain upon every blow. The purifying power of violet flames brought salvation to every soul.

Previously, Shu Yidan thought that it would take days to break every one of the ten thousand souls from the cage of the Demonic Ghost. But with the power of violet flames, it would only take hours.

After understanding this, Shu Yidan began attacking without holding back. His fists struck out like a hurricane. Blows rained upon the ghost one after the other, without pause.

Flames born from hell came forth to burn Shu Yidan. The violet fire swallowed the inferior flames clean.

The icy cold frost that could freeze all existence came forth. The violet fire burnt through them.

A forest of black bony trees came forth to pierce Shu Yidan. The violet fire burnt them mercilessly.

"…Colored wings break off in chaos, falling flowers onto river's side…" Shu Yidan didn't stop singing as his fists shattered all the obstacles coming his way.

"…Yet spirit does not scatter, a thread of consciousness remains…" The Demonic Ghost roared but it couldn't change anything. The power of Shu Yidan's fists would exorcise it no matter what.

This was the power of the sun, the force that would suppress all ghosts and demons without mercy!

"…Destroyed body as chrysalis, on Chrysanthemum Festival blossoming anew!" With the completion of the lamentation, Shu Yidan's fists rained down on the ghost. Unfortunately, it had yet to leave the mortal plane.

"…Through a field of ten thousand flowers…" And so, the requiem began again. For this requiem would never end as long as the ghost remained with grudges!


Hours passed in what seemed like a blink, time flowing like water.

The Spirit Butterfly Sect's requiem song resounded a dozen times. Tens of thousands of blows burning with violet flame struck down on the Demonic Ghost.

Still, the Demonic Ghost stood. The ten thousand souls that it imprisoned were saved, yet it stood alone.

"So you still stand alone… Why won't you go on to the afterlife?" Shu Yidan's question was rhetoric – the maddened Demonic Ghost was incapable of anything but roars.

"…Keep on living… don't want to die…" Hearing the sounds of growling, Shu Yidan couldn't help his surprise.

"That's only natural. But like this, is there any value in living? You have lost sentience and can only live on by imprisoning souls. You are a blight on the earth and the ire of the heavens. You will only have misery all your life… Why go on living?"

The ghost only growled at him.

"If you were given the chance for another life, a reincarnation, would you take it? Would you settle your karma, atone for your crimes and live a life of virtue?" This was a yet another rhetorical question. Yet, the ghost silently nodded.

"No matter what, we all want to keep on living, don't we? Both you and I…" Shu Yidan's breath stilled as he paused. "…That's why, I'll grant you a new life. You and all the souls you imprisoned within yourself. And even all the spirits and ghosts who come here seeking reincarnation!"

There were many things that Shu Yidan's True Immortal Divine Sense was incapable of. Bringing forth a path of reincarnation wasn't one of them.

Even if the Divine Sense was completely used and dissipated, as long as a 'Record' of Shu Yidan's achievement of True Immortality remained, he would be capable of bringing forth the Wheel of Samsara.

Because… the reason for the existence of Immortals was for the protection of the mortals. It was a system of cultivation that lead to cut off all desires and all emotions, save one.

Boundless beneficence for all life, boundless desire for humanity's salvation!