Meeting with the 'Goddess'

After seeing their passed away relatives' last memories, no one was in the mood for a celebration. But it was way worse for the hunters who didn't see any memories. It meant that their loved ones didn't love them back that much, and it was hard to take.

Because of their spoilt mood, the hunters decided to cancel the celebration they prepared for Mayton and dispersed to their rooms after eating their meals in silence. Mayton didn't actually have a room of his own yet, but he didn't get to choose one. According to Zgar 'mistress' ordered him to stay in the little room he got cleansed, Mayton did as he was told since he didn't have any reason to refuse.

The day was really too tiring for Mayton. He didn't do much physically but the emotional roller coaster of the day worn him out. He first felt happy because of finally getting out of his room and meeting Old Mert once more. Then came the scare of Ghorzhang followed by the sadness and anger he felt because of his parents' death. Thus as soon as he put his head on the pillow, he fell asleep. That night he dreamed of revenge.

Next day he was awoken by the sound of Zgar banging on his door.

''Mayton, Mistress is up and wants to talk with you. She said it's important.''

Mayton got annoyed as he thought; 'so we will talk whenever she wants to, and won't when she doesn't want to, regardless of my wishes'. He didn't blame Leyzhen for this though. It was most likely the result of the combination of Zgar being overly eager to serve and Leyzhen trying to free herself from his pestering by giving him some errands to do.

''Wait until I change my clothes and wash up.''

Mayton shouted back and got up from his bed. He also was curious about this mysterious Miss Leyzhen and wanted to meet her sooner rather than later, but everything had its time. Unfortunately, Zgar didn't think like that and, much to Mayton's ire, followed him around to urge him as Mayton got ready. Finally, he brought Mayton to Leyzhen's temporary residence, a separate building looking at the hunters' courtyard.

When they entered the building, the first thing Mayton noticed in the hallway was the words squirming all over the walls. Once again those were the words from the world he spent his past life at. After they passed through this strange hallway, they entered an equally strange room.

Inside the room, a blonde little girl was sitting down on a simple wooden chair behind a simple desk as she wrote something on a parchment. What was strange about the room wasn't the little girl or her actions, instead, it was the various items utilized in the room.

There was an orb floating in the air illuminating the otherwise dark room because of a black substance covering the windows absorbing any light that shined on it, looking like an endless abyss instead of a curtain. There was also a mirror with a viscous surface, and near the mirror, a comb was on the ground occasionally shining with a red hue, looking more like a tool for murder than a proper utensil.

While Mayton was looking around the items in the room bewilderedly, he heard a faint cough which brought him back to his senses. He realized that he was looking around Leyzhen's room without even greeting her as he felt heat creeping up his neck.

''Come, sit. We have many things to talk about.''

Leyzhen said emotionlessly, as she pointed to the chair in front of her. Mayton found himself sitting on the chair even before realizing he was walking towards it. He thought; 'I can't be relaxed in the presence of this girl' as his earlier embarrassment got replaced by wariness.

''Miss Leyzhen, before we begin to discuss important topics, let me thank you for all you did for me and my fellow villagers. I also want to apologize to you for my rudeness when we first met.''

Mayton said. Just when he wanted to continue with some questions, Leyzhen's emotionless voice cut him off.

'' I think you misunderstood my intentions. I did not help anyone for altruistic reasons. All I did, I did for myself so there is no reason for thanking me. As for how it was for myself, I am afraid I can't tell you right now. But enough about me, I have important questions for you.''

Then she asked a series of questions about Mayton starting from his childhood in his past life while occasionally scribbling something to a parchment. Leyzhen was mostly emotionless throughout their conversation as she asked questions and Mayton answered them all as if he was hypnotized. Mayton, on the other hand, was feeling an illogical rage which increased the more he interacted with Leyzhen.

'' Did you say you saved an old man in tattered black robes from the mob? Did he look like that?''

Leyzhen said and waved her hand towards the mirror with the viscous surface. The scene of Mayton's execution appeared on the mirror, focused on Yeqin* who was watching it among the crowd.

''How do you know that?''

Mayton stood up from his chair in rage. There was a faint redness in his eyes as he slowly started to lose his reasoning.

''It doesn't matter how I know. Please continue, what happened after you helped him?''

Mayton tried to stop the rage consuming his will and continued on. But when he came to the part he got arrested and imprisoned in a brightly lit, all white cell, this time it was Leyzhen who felt angry albeit not showing it on her face.

'So that's how he ended in this sealed world. Yeqin first named him Mayton then made him reincarnate here and named him Mayton once again. Damn it, this has been going on for so long, and I just learned of it.' thought Leyzhen as she started to scribble a few more words on the parchment in front of her.

If her conjecture was true, everything that happened recently was planned by Yeqin long before she was born. Even her finding out about Yeqin's betrayal and meeting up with Mayton might be part of Yeqin's plan. This made her feel like she was just a puppet with her strings in Yeqin's hands without even realizing it her whole life.

To be sure, she still asked without lifting her eyes from the parchment;

''Do you know who named you Mayton or was there anyone in your village who heard of someone named Mayt-''

Leyzhen's face turned grim as she felt a wave of heat hit her. She lifted her eyes and saw a faint outline of flames around Mayton's body, heating up his surroundings just like real flames. She realized her mistake but it was already too late as Mayton let out a ferocious roar which didn't sound like a voice of human at all and lunged at her with a speed he never demonstrated before.

Thankfully Mayton was no match for Leyzhen no matter what, thus she stopped him calmly with a wave of her hand just like she did to Old Mert back in the village. ' I already learned everything I need. We might as well stop here before his soul gets damaged' Leyzhen thought.

''Zgar, come, take your friend back to his room. I am afraid he is too tired to go himself.''

Leyzhen called to Zgar who was waiting out of the room after she knocked Mayton out by a touch to his forehead. With a knock on the door, Zgar entered the room and exclaimed in surprise as he saw Mayton slumped on his chair, unconscious. He didn't ask anything though.

The first order he got from Leyzhen after she accepted him as her servant was to not ask any questions. Thus, despite his curiosity, Zgar grabbed Mayton's arms and started to drag him towards his room without a word, huffing and puffing in the process. For a ten year old, it was indeed difficult to drag someone, but Leyzhen seemed like she didn't even see him as she continued sitting on her chair in a daze, playing with her hair.

When Mayton woke up, it took him a moment to realize he was back in his room. He remembered entering the room of Leyzhen and seeing strange items all around, but when he tried to recall the conversation, he realized that he could remember anything other than some fuzzy images and vague sounds.

After a few minutes spent trying to recall the conversation, Mayton gave up and decided to ask Leyzhen what happened next time they meet, but seeing that already time for dinner, he wanted to grab a meal first. Thus he went to the dining room to find something to eat.

There he ran into Zgar and Ghorzhang chatting with each other as the hunters listen in on them. Unlike Mayton who always acted too mature for his age and felt a bit distant to them, they were true childhood friends. Thus they talked about everything, one of their favorite topics being Zgar's relationships with Angeza and Leyzhen.

Even though Ghorzhang was usually too serious to tease Zgar, the favorite past time of the hunters who listened on their conversations was teasing Zgar. Especially after he started to annoy everyone with his never ending compliments about his 'Mistress'.

''Hmm, don't you think you are acting dishonestly by trying to get closer with Miss Leyzhen? What about Angeza? Didn't you say you wanted to chase after her no matter what? From the way I see it, you love Miss Leyzhen more. Sigh, young man, such a fickle heart is not good at all.''

One of the hunters who was eating his dinner teased Zgar. Rest of the hunters laughed boisterously after hearing him.

''Uncles, why are you bullying me? They are different for me. I respect Mistress but I don't love her. The one I love is definitely Angeza.''

Zgar said shyly. But seeing his shyness, the hunters just laughed at him more, as they continued to tease him. Not being able to take it anymore Zgar, on the verge of tears, stood up and said;

'' Angeza is- is like an angel. The most beautiful angel. If I try hard enough, I can reach her. But Mistress is different. She is good at everything and strong too. She also agreed to help me get strong so I can catch up to Angeza. She is not like others at all, she is unreachable like a- like a Goddess. ''

By the time Zgar finished his sentence his face was as red as a tomato as he ran out of the dining room with tears glistening his eyes. While all the hunters were laughing at Zgar, Mayton looked stunned as he dropped the food in his hands then much to the surprise of the hunters he suddenly shouted;

''Goddess?! I finally remember where I saw her. Leyzhen really is the Goddess!''