How Did He Run?

"And that's the reason we've been in war with the Hesperian Kingdom all this time."

The five of them looked at her, she seems to be in deep thought.

"Are you okay, Captain?" Sachio couldn't help but ask.

The others looked at her worriedly as well. They are all 5 to 8 years older than her. So even though she is their captain they still looked after her. And even if she always look indifferent.

"Let's stop chattering and attentively watch this place shall we?" Eureka finally said and turned her back monitoring the other side.

"Our captain really is something else, isn't she?" they could only sigh.


The next day upon arriving in the city, Eureka went straight to where squad 2 is.

The others were looking at her curiously as they heard her ask for Raven. She never went there in the past so everyone thinks that something must have happened in the northern walls.

"What's wrong? Did something happen in the northern wall?" upon arriving Raven asked her instantly.

"No, I just want to ask you something. Can we speak somewhere else?" she asked as she noticed that more and more people are watching them.

Raven guided her to a secluded place near their training ground.

"What is it?"

"10 years ago," Eureka started.

Raven's eyebrows instantly furrowed.

Ever since they became acquainted, this is the first time Eureka became curious about something. And what's more, it has to be 10 years ago.

"The direction of Sir Leo's running, what is it?"


"Yes, how did he run?"

Eureka's face was serious as if the question was really not as simple as it may have sounded.

"Why of all things are you interested with that?" Raven couldn't help but ask.

"If you can't answer it's fine," she said turning her back.

The reason she asked Raven was was because of Yukimura, if he was there then he knows how the hero run. But she can't answer Raven's question as to why.

'And she left just like that. She really is weird sometimes. She has too many secrets.'

Raven only thought as he watched her walk away.

In the first place, he didn't know such detail. And of all things, when asked regarding the incident from 10 years ago, she had to ask such trivial thing.

Upon returning, Feena and Hideyoshi were waiting for him.

"Why did she ask for you?"

News travel really fast, these two weren't even there when Eureka arrived.

"She asked me something," Raven answered walking past them.

"Why does it only have to be the two of you?" Feena asked following him.

"I don't know. Maybe because she just really hate people looking."

"That's right, how about on your side Feena?" Hideyoshi suddenly asked.

"Our side?"

"Yes. How are things with Azusa?"

"Oh, she is still cold," Feena answered dejected.

"Hmm, why did she visit you in the first place then?"

"I don't know."


Just as Eureka passed by the training ground for squad 5, she noticed Azusa being bullied by her squad mates. In a way that they were actually attacking her with the pretense of it being a practice.

Azusa noticed her gaze and she looked at her full of hate.

'What have I done with her?' Eureka couldn't help but ask herself.

During their lunch, Eureka sat down in an unusual place.

"Why are you seating with me?" the one in front of her asked her angrily.

"Can you see any other empty place in here?" she said indifferently.

"I hate you," Azusa blatantly said after some time.

"I can see that."

Just then Raven's group came. Azusa looked at them. And Eureka noticed the hatred she had towards them.

"What?" seeing Eureka looking at her, she asked angrily.

Eureka continued eating this time focusing at her food. Azusa stood up and left just as Feena and Karen tried to get close to her. They could only dejectedly watch her.

"You're seating with her," Karen said as they all sat down where Eureka is.

The table where Eureka and Azusa sat was a 4 seater one. So the other guys took two seats from other tables and joined Eureka.

"It just happened," Eureka answered.

She then noticed Raven looking at her questioningly.

"The question this morning and now sitting with her. What's going on?" he asked her directly.

"There are no other available sits around, me seating with her is purely coincidental," Eureka answered as she finishes her food.

"Really?" Raven asked with a hint of disbelief in his voice.

"You don't have to believe me, I'm not asking you to," she answered as she stood up.

"Wait Eureka can't you stay a bit longer? You know let's chat a bit more," Karen said trying to stop her.

"We still have training this afternoon," she said before leaving.

"What's wrong with you Raven?" Feena scolded him.

"She asked me this morning something about the incident 10 years ago, then I suddenly see her seating with Azusa whose father was connected to what she asked. Of course, I'd be curious," Raven answered sternly.

"10 years ago?" Mamoru questioned.

"She asked me about the direction of Uncle Leo's running."

"Why would she ask such small detail?" Hideyoshi wondered.

"Who knows."


"So, have you found out who did it?" Akihiro asked Dai.

"Your Highness," he then looked at Yukimura and Akihiro, "It's..."

The news made then feel garve and this showed in their faces.

"Yukimura how should we resolve this?" Akihiro asked as they walk down the hall.

"There's a meeting for the Generals and Captains tonight, I'll take care of it tomorrow. This shouldn't be made public," Yukimura answered, looking troubled as well.


"Could we talk tonight?"

Feena and Karen looked at each other astonished.

"Of course," Karen happily agreed.


During the meeting that night, everyone could say that Yukimura is distracted.

"Are you okay, Sir Yukimura?" Jin asked seeing the condition of their leader.

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm just thinking about something. I'm sorry about that. Shall we continue?"

"Yes, during the escorts for the Dukes and Earls. We have faced no problems. No one seemed to be trying an ambush as well," Ayumi reported.

"It's still better for you to stay alert," Yukimura commented.

"There are no suspicious activities in the southern walls," Hitoshi reported.

"The same with the northern walls," Kunihiko followed.

"The eastern and western walls-" before Asao could finish Eureka suddenly stood up, facing a certain direction, which caught everyone's attention.

Before anyone could ask she suddenly jumped out of the window.

"What's wrong with her?" the other captains started murmuring.

At first, Yukimura was baffled but he suddenly felt an irregular energy coming from where Eureka was looking at before she jumped out. The other generals and captains started feeling it as well.

The first one to follow Eureka was Raven.


"We're so happy you wanted to talk to us, Azusa," they were standing in an open space a little bit far from the city.

"What should we talk about?" Feena asked, still wondering why they need to talk in such a place.

"Maybe about why you abandoned me?" Azusa replies as her eyes started showing her hatred.

"What do you mean by that?" Karen quizzically asked.

"After my father died you left me behind. I watched you befriend the three of them. I watched you become a group in the academy."

"I watched you fight in the graduation competition together with that girl. I watched you enjoy your daily life forgetting about me," Azusa started circling around them.

"No, we-"

"NO! DON'T TRY TO SUGARCOAT WHAT YOU DID!! YOU FORGOT ABOUT ME, THAT'S JUST IT," tears started falling down her eyes.

"I saw how much you're doing your best to befriend Eureka. That no matter how much she ignores you, you still followed her. But have you ever thought about me?"

"Have you ever thought about how I was since I became a knight? Did you know how those squad members of mine use the word spar just to hit me with all they got?"

"Did it ever occur to you that I was not fine all this time?" her running started becoming faster.

"You never did, you completely forgot about me. The day Raven was promoted I saw how happy you are when Eureka agreed to come with you and in that same day I found out that you *pointing at Feena* you took him away," tears never stopped flowing from her eyes.

"You have to let us explain," Feena started explaining.

"I don't want to listen. Let's just all disappear," Azusa shook her head vigorously.

As she goes faster and faster, Feena and Karen realized what she's doing. She's recreating what her father did 10 years ago.

"Wait, Azusa you have to listen to us," Karen tried persuading her.

Seeing how she doesn't want to listen any longer. They both tried using their abilities to stop her from running but at the same time not trying to harm her but to no avail.

"This is bad, if she continues then we would really be disappearing," Feena said to Karen.

"Why don't we try to jump out of this encirclement?" Karen suggested.

Just then the tornado started forming as Azusa started running faster and faster.

They could only hold each other not knowing what else to do.

When suddenly Azusa was thrown out of the tornado and went tumbling in a distance.