Off to Archic Kingdom

"It really is cold in here," Azusa said as she rub her hands together.

They are already at the border of Archic Kingdom. The northern kingdom only had one season and that is winter. It was considered in such a way due to the fact that only two months were not snowing.

"We told you to bring your thickest clothes," Yukimura said upon hearing her.

"Yes sir, I'm currently wearing a bunch of clothes. It's just that the coldness still enters my body."

Raven removed his coat and placed it on Azusa.

"No, it's alright," Azusa said startled.

"It's fine, just wear it. My ability helps me warm up my surrounding," Raven replied moving his horse away from her.

Akihiro, Yukimura and Raven all weren't as cold as her since their abilities include fire attribute.

"That girl doesn't seem cold, does she?" Yukimura asked Akihiro, both their horses are beside each other.

"I don't think she is, at the same time she haven't uttered a single word since we left," Akihiro replied, both of them are looking at Eureka who was behind the group.

They are currently waiting for the person to receive them in the border before they can continue towards the castle.

"We humbly apologize for making you wait, your highness," two people arrived riding their horses.

"It's alright, we didn't wait long. Thank you for receiving us," Akihiro replied politely.

"I am Shouta, captain of the squad currently patrolling in the border," one said.

"It's nice to meet you."

"Shall we be on our way then, your highness?" Shouta replied politely.

He also bowed politely towards Yukimura but ignored the other three.

"Shall we then," Akihiro replied ignoring Shouta's gesture.

Their travel towards the castle was quiet. Other than Shouta's introduction of some of their buildings. Not long after they arrived at the castle.

"It is my pleasure to be visited by your majesty," Shigure, the king of Archic Kingdom, happily said.

"The pleasure is mine, your majesty," Akihiro replied politely.

"It truly is an honor to be accepted as your guest, I was nervous when I sent you the letter thinking that you might reject it," he then added.

"I was delighted when your letter arrived, we haven't had a royal visitor in a while," Shigure replied happily.

"Then please do allow me to introduce my companions in this envoy," Akihiro started.

"This is sir Yukimura, the head knight of our kingdom."

"It is my pleasure to be able to meet you, your majesty," Yukimura knelt and said full of respect.

"The pleasure is mine sir head knight," Shigure replied.

"These are Raven, Azusa and Eureka, captains of their squads," Akihiro then introduced the other three who followed Yukimura and knelt as well.

"It is our pleasure to be able to meet his majesty," they all said at the same time.

"To become captains at such a young age, how remarkable," Shigure replied.

"Allow me to introduce to you as well the head knight of this kingdom, Gato," he then introduced the man standing beside him.

"It is my pleasure to meet the king of Aurora kingdom," Gato said as he too knelt towards Akihiro.

"It is a pleasure to me as well, sir Gato," Akihiro replied.

"The travel must have been pretty tiring, I suggest for you to rest before we continue our conversation," Shigure said as he signaled one of the maids.

"I have the servants prepare your rooms in advance."

"Thank you very much, we shall accept your offer then," Akihiro didn't reject the offer at all.

As the maids showed them the way.

"Your majesty, that girl she doesn't seem to have..." Gato murmured.

"Yes indeed, she doesn't seem to have any abilities. But she was introduced as a captain. I wonder what her strength is?" Shigure wondered.

The following days, they have decided to enjoy their stay before going to the main reason why they were there.

The three of them received different kinds of welcoming, those who are older than them showed their annoyance, those who are of the same age, some befriended them while others looked at them full of jealousy.

"They should just finish their business here and go home," sometimes they'd hear such words.

"They're lucky the king was generous enough to accommodate them," while at times they hear such words.

"Don't get too cocky, why would we allow you here?" and this time, this is what Azusa and Eureka are listening to.

"We're sorry, we shall leave then," Azusa replied, terrified at those blocking them.

She actually wants to train in their training area with Eureka but was blocked before they could enter.

She then pulled Eureka but before they could go far.

"What kind of attitude to our guests are you showing?" a voice came from the other side.

"Y-Your highness," those knights bowed instantly, the same goes with Azusa and Eureka.

"My father welcomed them warmly but is this how you show your devotion to the king?"

"We didn't mean to, Prince Theo," one knight replied.

"We just want them to gain the king's permission first before they could enter the training ground," another followed.

"It is fine your highness. Indeed we are an outsider we can't just enter places in this kingdom like it's ours. We acknowledge our mistake, we shall take our leave now," Eureka butted in before Theo could say another thing, she then walked ahead after bowing.

Azusa bowed and followed her.

"Your highness?" Theo's personal guard couldn't help but ask.

Their prince isn't as welcoming as their king so this attitude of him was new to them.

"That girl is mysterious. As I watch them these past few days, I've noticed the importance the king of their kingdom and sir Yukimura place on her. I also noticed how the other two respect her. She is obviously a zero but why such attitude?" Theo replied knowing what his subordinate is curious about.


"We can just train here," upon arriving in an open space Eureka then faced Azusa.

"I understand," Azusa replied, pulling not one but two swords.


"Isn't it a bit late for this visit?" Eureka asked.

The night after they found out that they were going with Akihiro, Azusa went and visit Eureka.

"I'm sorry, there's just something I really want to tell you," Azusa replied.

"Could you teach me how to use two swords?"

Eureka took a moment before replying, "It would be very difficult."

"I'll endure, I'll do my best to learn no matter how difficult," Azusa replied full of resolve.

"We shall start when we arrive at Archic kingdom," Eureka replied.

"Thank you," Azusa said happily and hugged Eureka, who didn't move or say anything.

"I-I'm sorry," Azusa said upon realizing what she had done.

"If there's nothing more, then I shall go and rest," Eureka replied instead and closed the door.

'In the end, it is true that she no longer have emotions.'

Of course, even without them approaching her, they've noticed the sudden change in her after that day. Her subordinates even went and asked them if something happened.

(End of Flashback)

"We shall start then," Eureka said, pulling out one of her swords.

Azusa held her swords tighter. Eureka starts her attack mainly focusing on Azusa's left side.

"Don't use your right sword to defend your left side. Learn to defend your left with left."

Her attacks were non stop.


Her sword went flying.

"You have to learn how to attack and defend at the same time. That is the benefit of using two swords. Your ability would benefit as well, incorporate your speed with your sword wielding, then your strength shall be remarkable."

"I understand."

"Let's continue."

They continued their training till night.

During her bath.

"My whole body hurts, she is really strict when she's teaching," Azusa couldn't help but sigh, her whole body is aching at the same time her mind is tired.

Eureka would attack non stop and she had to think where and how she would attack.

'But I won't give up, I won't put my father's name into shame,' she then thought full of resolve.

"Are you planning on drowning yourself?" she heard a voice beside her.

She opened her eyes and looked up, "Eu-Eureka!!"

"If you want to sleep, sleep in the bed. I also need to take a bath," Eureka replied.

Looking at the time, she indeed didn't notice that she had fallen asleep.

'That's dangerous, how stupid,' she thought before standing up and out of the tub.

"We'll start our training before the sun rises tomorrow, be sure to wake up early," she heard Eureka say as she was leaving the bathroom.

"She really is strict," she could only sigh.


"Say Raven, why does it seem like that zero is someone important?" one of those Raven befriended asked him.

"You'll know eventually, I don't think explaining will help you realize," Raven answered vaguely.

"Then can you introduce us to the speed ability user? Azusa?" another asked.

"There are two girls but you only want to meet one?" Raven asked in return.

"But the other is..." one trailed off.

"A zero?" another continued.

"It already came from you she seemed important, why would we place importance on someone who you deemed weak. And Azusa is off limits," he replied with a smirk.

"Off limits? She has a lover? Is it you?"

"It's not me, but you could say that she do have a lover," he once again replied.

"Damn, you love being mysterious don't you?"