"It's time, are you ready?" Shigure asked Eureka who is standing beside him.
"I have always been ready, your highness," Eureka replied respectfully.
They are currently standing on one side of the war zone, while on the other side stood the Confederate Kingdom.
This caused a loud cheer from the 200 knights he had brought.
"We've decided to remain defending for the first fifteen minutes, do not hurt them yet either. But make sure you don't get hurt as well. If that fifteen minutes is up and the war didn't end yet, attack with all you've got," Shigure once again said.
A loud sound of agreement was heard.
"We've got intel that they would remain defending for the first fifteen minutes, we have no idea what they are planning but make sure to throw all you've got while they are not yet attacking," the king, Junzo, of the Confederate Kingdom announced to his men at the same time as Shigure.
He brought 500 of his knights and standing beside him was the headknight, Ichiro, of their kingdom.
Ichiro thought as he look at his king.
"You're still against this, I can feel it," Junzo then said to Ichiro. Ichiro on the other hand remained quiet.
"Once we conquer this land, the Confederate Kingdom will be stronger, then we can finally conquer the Twilight Kingdom, after doing so we will conquer the land of the king whose ability is magma. Then we shall rule the world," Junzo announced.
Ichiro looked away, they were not prepared that's what he is sure of.
Shigure and Junzo announced at the same time. And as a cue, all the knights run towards the center.
"Both your sensing capabilities have improved tremendously, if you feel that one side is losing, then help that side. Help me not allow anymore casualties in this stupid war," Eureka said to Raven and Azusa.
"I understand," Azusa replied and Raven nods showing his acknowledgment.
"Let's go," Eureka then went ahead and entered the battle.
Sounds of abilities rung out. Barriers and different types of shields erupted from one side while different types of attacks are coming from the other. Sounds of swords hitting each other could be heard.
"Why don't you just attack weaklings," insults are hurled to the Archic knights who could only grit their teeth waiting for the time their king commands them once again.
But it is quite obvious how difficult is their current situation, some started having wounds, 200 against 500 is obviously a difficult fit.
"It's been 10 minutes have she started moving?" Shigure asked. He too became anxious he didn't expect that Confederate kingdom would have 500 knights on their side.
"I haven't seen her yet," Akihiro replied. Upon entering the battle field he haven't seen Eureka since.
"How about you, have you seen her?" Shigure asked Gato and Yukimura.
"No, your highness," both replied as they too tried to search for her.
Time ticks, even Azusa and Raven started having difficulties on protecting the other knights while not attacking.
"Three more minutes," Shigure started losing hope of what Eureka have said.
'In a game of chess, the game will end once you checkmate the king.'
Suddenly this sentence entered both Akihiro and Yukimura's mind, and just as they look towards Junzo, "ALL OF YOU STOP ATTACKING!!!" a shout came from them.
This shout was loud enough to be heard despite the chaotic situation, and those who were from the Confederate Kingdom are familiar enough with this voice. It was non other than their king, who's ability is enhancement.
Everyone looked at their side, their they saw Ichiro and the other knights guarding the king pointing their swords to the one behind Junzo. At the same time a sword is currently at the neck of Junzo, one last move and he could lose his life.
"It's obvious, see Ichiro we are winning. You never had any confidence in me, your king," Junzo said as he laugh like a devil.
Ichiro thought as he too watches the time closely.
"Like I said-" coldness run through Junzo's back as he suddenly felt the cold metal on his neck.
"Stop them or I'll stop your heart?" he then heard a cold voice from behind.
When Junzo suddenly stopped talking those guarding him looked at his side to see a girl with her silver hair and red eyes standing behind Junzo with her sword in his neck.
"Who the hell are you?!?" one roared.
They all pulled their swords and pointed it at her, even Ichiro was completely shocked, they never felt her presence, all of them were at the peak of their abilities, so why didn't they feel her?
"I told you to stop your people, or do you really want me to end your life?"
Just as she said this, her right hand which was free pulled her other sword and cut an arrow into half which was heading in her way, "One more attack and I won't even ask before I chop off the head of your king. Now are you going to stop your people or do you want me to stop them myself right after I kill you."
"ALL OF YOU STOP ATTACKING!!!" without further a do he had shouted using his ability.
"BUT DON'T TOUCH THEM IF THEY DON'T ATTACK YOU!!" Shigure followed after.
"Wh-Who are you?" Junzo asked.
"Just someone," Eureka replied, she then looked at Ichiro, "I have no intention of making this longer."
In one swift motion she was able to cut the necklace in Ichiro's neck, who was closest to them. The necklace flew to her hand after.
"Wha- What are you going to do with that?" Ichiro asked as he nervously look at her.
"Taking care of it won't help you or the kingdom, she left it to you not as a memento from your parents but as an evidence, she knows you'll keep it no matter what once she dies, she knows you won't let it join her and yet you kept it with you for so long."
"What are you talking about?" Ichiro asked in confusion.
"Should I ask you then, what is the ability of your sister?"
"You give me that!!" Junzo suddenly roared enhancing his voice.
Ichiro and the others covered their ears due to it's loudness. On the other hand Eureka kicked his leg when he whirled around, causing him to kneel on the ground, her sword this time pointing at him.
"See," she then looked at Ichiro, "Even this stupid king of yours knows."
"Is that a record?" Ichiro couldn't help but ask.
His sister the late queen had the ability to record everything that happens around her in her mind, she can project it in her eyes whenever she wants. But no one knows how to save it in a different way.
"It's shaped as a teardrop, I guess it's pretty obvious on what medium she used to bring it out."
"Her tears? She can save her recording through her tears?"
"Shall we try it then?"
Without waiting for any reply she smashed the pendant on the ground.
*You! You married me for the position?!?*
Just like that a woman's voice resounded.
*Why else should I marry you? *laughs evilly* A brat princess, to be honest I can't tolerate your attitude at all, so how do you want to die? Ah that's right you must be recording this right now. But it will be futile they won't see it unless you project it through your eyes, but you will have no eyes after this, the assassins will take it away. An easy plot right? No one is here to protect you because they are on another battle with the bandits. And just as I follow them an assassin entered the palace and killed you, what a wonderful plot indeed.*
*Your shout is music to my ears, finally after so long we are able to seize the kingdom without infuriating the people. At the same time my blood is running in Naoya's veins, I can choose whoever he should marry. Then slowly we would be able to take the kingdom away from your blood. Aaaaah the long wait is finally over.*
*You won't get away with this*
*Oh I will, for sure I will. And before we walk on separate ways, let me impart to you a little detail. Do you think I can do these on my own? No, do you know of the silent rule? We created that, for centuries we slowly, very slowly conquered the four kingdoms. Indeed how pathetic. *evil laugh**
What they heard next was her screams. After a short silence.
*Ic-Ichiro…. Take ca-care of…. Naoya… and take our kingd… dom… away from that….. bastard..*