
The ride to the castle was filled withsilence, it was a short one but for Haruka it felt like eternity. The coldness she felt coming from Mutsumi is too much for her to bear. She have no memories of her but the days they spent while she was here was already enough for her to feel that they really have known each other for a long time.

Eureka was startled when Haruka suudenly held her hand that was on her side. She could feel her uneasiness so just let her squeeze her hand.

After arriving a servant is already waiting for them. It seems that Akihiro after reading the note quickly sent someone to wait for them.

They were then lead to the inner hall. In there was Akihiro, Yukimura, Raven and Azusa. All of them was obviously anxious.

Mutsumi raised one of her eyebrows upon seeing all of them, she then shook her head after realizing that they were the group who went to Archic Kingdom.

After they all sat down, the whole became so quiet.

"Mutsumi," Yukimura started wanting to explain everything to her.

"Is this some kind of a sick joke?" but before he could explain Mutsumi started.

"That is..."

"Do you think this is funny? When we all heard that you died, do you know ho devastated we were?" Mutsumi emotionally said to Haruka.


"And now, are all of you playing with us? You never said that she was alive. You never said that the reason you went to Archic Kingdom was to bring her back. And now you even wore A veil to hide your face?" She was completely consumed by the pain of betrayal she felt.

"No, Mutsumi wait.." Yukimura stood up to try and explain.

"Wait what? Huh? All of you are in it as well, how funny that I was the only one who didn't know that all along I was interacting with Haruka herself."


"Even asking me who Haruka is? Do you-"

"MUTSUMI!!" Yukimura held her shoulders and shook her. Her tears flowing she stared shock at Yukimura.

"She has no memory," he then calmly said.

Mutsumi's eyes slowly went from Yukimura's face to Haruka who was quietly sitting there, trying her best not to cry.

"I'm sorry," Haruka started, she can no longer hold back her tears.

"I'm sorry I have no memories, I'm sorry I don't remember any of you, even the man I truly love. I'm sorry I can't remember the times I spent with all my precious friends. I'm sorry," she looked up at Mutsumi.

"I'm sorry that even though I cam here I still couldn't recall anything."

Mutsumi covered her mouth, she didn't expect this outcome. She was overcome with pain that she didn't try to think back, how Haruka's eyes never showed recognition despite them touring the whole kingdom.

"Allow us to explain to you everything. So can you sit down and listen/" Yukimura then said.

Akihiro and Yukimura started explaining to her everything.

"Then right now."

"Yes, we can't reveal her to everyone not until we find the conspirators. Shigure was able to hide her identity and the fact that she is alive from those in this kingdom. We can't waste all his efforts."

"That's it," Eureka suddenly said from the side.

"What is it?" Akihiro asked her. Everyone was startled when she suddenly talked.

"Just how complicated are we making this? Including me," she shook her head saying this.

"That's why I'm asking what do you mean?" Akihiro asked once again.

"The solution for this problem is simple, we won't need to wait far longer," Eureka faced them and said.

"Then what is the solution?"

"When her highness came here, no one knows what her identity is. When she became the queen, I'm pretty sure they have approached her and asked her to join them, which obviously she had declined knowing full well that they must be one of those who created the silent rule. After all she is the only one who can prove the truth behind it. Causing them to target her and the babies she's carrying," Eureka started explaining.

Akihiko gritted his teeth, Haruka on the other hand looked at her shocked. Feeling her shock.

"You may have no memory, but hiding it from you won't do the both of you any good either, yes your highness, you were once pregnant. But they have decided that since you can't be a part of them then it's better for you to just disappear. After that they made sure that you will never be able to get pregnant again. Then caused the people to be impatient pushing you to go on and leave king Akihiro behind. Who would have thought that they were not yet finish but have followed you to kill you? Yet their plans were for naught since you have survived."

"Then what does all of this have to do with the solution you were saying?" Akihiro asked once again.

"Queen Haruka is still queen Haruka to all of them," Eureka replied.

Everything then dawned on all of them.

"You're saying that Haruka could still show herself up and shake them all up, and without them knowing that she has no memory..."

"Yes, your highness. We already have an idea of who they were, so making them all confess won't be as hard."

"But," Akihiro said looking at Haruka.

"Please do not worry, your highness. I can tell that the Haruka I showed while I'm here is still the same Haruka that I was before coming here and after coming here. You have helped my kingdom in subjugating those conspirators, I am more than willing to do the same as well."

"Thank you," Akihiro smiled at her warmly.

"*clears throat* Is it possible for us to return to the main topic, your highness?" Eureka interrupted.

"*clears throat* Yes of course. But then we have another problem. What about the other matter?"

"I don't think sir Dai would take so much time in finding out about it," Eureka replied. Just then.

"Your highness," Dai came kneeling in front of all of them.

"Have you found it?"

"Yes, your highness."

"I see, then we can start cleaning up this kingdom," AKihiro said.

"Do allow me to take the other matter, your highness," Eureka then knelt and asked.

"If you even went out of your way to kneel down then I suppose I shall give it to you. Then the rest of us, including the other four will be cleaning up this whole place," AKihiro then commanded referring to Karen and the others.

"Yes, your highness," Everyone acknowledged.


"Haruka," Mutsumi hugged Haruka emotionally. She was unable to do aything awhile ago since they suddenly had a meeting.

"I'm sorry Mutsumi. I really want to remember, it's just," Haruka replied hugging her back.

"Oh, don't worry. I'm sorry too for lashing out at you awhile ago. And we can all just live in the present. The memories you lost, we'll create new ones. Just be current self and we shall accept you just as you are," Mutsumi said looking at her in the eyes.

"Then, help me act. How will I act in that kind of situation?" Haruka asked referring to when she appears in front of all those officials.

"Leave it to me," Mutsumi smiled widely and pulled her out of the hall.

Yukimura could only shake his head, "Mutsumi really."


"What's wrong?" Yukimura asked noticing Akihiro's unusual silence.

"Nothing, I'm just thinking of another matter once this is over," Akihiro replied looking at the two ladies.

"Our main enemy?"

"No, but something else."

"Something else?"

"Something I've hidden to everyone, you included," Akihiro replied looking at Yukimura apologetically.

Seeing this, Yukimura understood that it was not because he just wanted to hide it but because he couldn't tell anyone about it, "Don't look at me like that. Whatever secret it was. I'm very sure that you hid it for all of us."


"You really are something, aren't you Eureka?" Azusa said as they walk out of the castle.

"I already told you, i don't have all the time for this matter. That's why I've been thinking how I should end this the fastest way ever since we ended the one from Archic Kingdom," Eureka replied.

"There really is nothing in your mind," Azusa couldn't help but to comment.

"There are a lot of things in my mind, sometimes it felt like it would burst," Eureka replied.

"Maybe," Azusa stopped walking causing the other two to stop walking as well.

"Maybe someday, you will accept us without all of those things that's going on in your mind. That you will be free from the duty that you bound yourself with," Azusa said smiling at Eureka.

Eureka didn't speak.


"We must apologize lord, we really could no longer connect with any of our spies," one man kneeling down said.

"Really, just who is my enemy right now?" the man he was kneeling at then said.

He then stood up and started walking towards the window, "It doesn't matter, soon this whole world will fall into chaos and no one would be able to stop it."

He then laughed like a madman.