A Demon

"Don't you see that I'm busy?" Yukimura replied when his son and Eureka suddenly barged in his office telling him to battle Raven using his ability.

He then looked up, he was about to send them away when he noticed the fluctuations in Raven's aura.


"Come on, I need to let some steam off. Battle with me, simply training on my own won't help either, I want to test it on real battle," Raven said seeing the shock in his father's face.

"Fine, let me see your improvement as well," he gave up his work and stood up.

The three of them went to the raining area causing quite a commotion. Some knights are there after all.

And when they do began battling, everyone's mouth were left open. Raven's starting attacks completely shocked them as he was obviously far stronger using his ability. Even Yukimura was truly shocked at how much his son have improved. Not long after they started, he became serious as well.

Their flames flew everywhere, those who are watching could only move farther away from them. But Yukimura's strength shown itself when Raven started becoming unable to keep up with him. Just as their swords were about to clash.





Eureka went in between them stopping both their swords.

"From the start I already said that we are here to check on Raven's strength. You do remember that you are still stronger than him, right sir Yukimura?"

Yukimura was stomped for words, he forgot about it and started enjoying fighting with his son.

"And you, didn't I say that you just need to let some steam off? Why did you keep going when you have not truly controlled your ability?" she then said to Raven.

Raven too has no words, at the beginning he was fighting just fine, then as he too enjoyed their battle he had forgotten.

Both father and son were the same. Whenever they have sword fights they'd forget the time and kept going until Mutsumi would stop them.

"*sigh* I've heard from lady Mutsumi how you too would forget everything once you start sparring, but this time around is different, the two of you are using your abilities. It would be fine if you could control both the energies you release but Raven still could not. He just improved so doing it so excessively is not good for his body."

The two of them could only lower their heads while those who are watching could only think,

Yukimura realizing that a lot of the knights are watching them, raised his head, "There are times that even I would forget. You did a great job in improving. And you, keep working hard," referring to Eureka.

He then held his head high and walked out of the training ground.

"You should rest for now, you have overworked your body by using too much of your ability when your body itself is not yet acquainted with that strength in the first place."

"I understand."


"Hear this Akihiro," Yukimura barged in Akihiro's office after he left the training ground.

"What happened?" Akihiro furrowed his brows seeing the complaining face of Yukimura.

Yukimura then told him how Raven and Eureka invited him to spar until Eureka berated him. After hearing the full story, Akihiro started laughing.

"What are you laughing at? I was berated in front of so many knights. That girl really, she does not care about my rank at all," Yukimura continued complaining.

"But she is right, you are at fault as well. You should have not forgotten that your son just inproved."

"That's not what I'm saying, I'm saying is why does she have to berate me in front of all those knights?" Yukimura was on the verge of tears, he was embarrassed, he was completely embarrassed and to add to that his friend is actually laughing at him.

"Instead of that, Raven have indeed improved?" Akihiro then changed the topic.

"Yes, and his improvement was truly remarkable. He is far stronger than the time I was of his age," Yukimura then became serious and replied.

"Then her way of training is truly effective," Akihiro commented as he fell into deep thought.

"I'm just wondering about two things, why wouldn't she teach all the others?" Yikimura asked, he had been wondering about it for a while now.

"It's troublesome," Akihiro replied.


"It's troublesome she said. To train so many. She just said that she'd train them then they can train the others," Akihiro answered.

"Just because.... it's troublesome?" Yukimura was dumbfounded.

"Well I kind of understand where she's coming. She had been doing a lot of work remember?" Akihiro replied seeing Yukimura's look.

"Oh that's right. She had given herself so many tasks that giving her more will be too much, she might end up collapsing again. Though saying that it's troublesome, it's a bit too much don't you think?" Yukimura realized what Akihiro said.

"You know her. At the same time she also said that not all can improve even if they have the elements as their ability. She also said that even those who have a different ability might end up improving more. At the same time, there's also your prime. Just like us, we are past the time where we can improve so much."

"You're right about that."

"Then what are you wondering about other than that?"

"Azusa, why isn't she training her with her ability?"

"I think that has something to do with why the enemy wanted Azusa in the first place," Akihiro replied seriously.

That is why he had explained to Azusa that she can improve in other aspect but for now she needs to listen to Eureka.

("You don't have to worry, your highness. I trust Eureka despite her attitude.")

"The reason," Yukimura repeated.

"But in the end she still held back what kind of reason she was talking about, saying that it's not yet time," Akihiro commented.

"But still why did she have to berate me in front of so many knights?" Yukimura returned to their topic.

"What do you want me to say then? Weren't you the same to the past headknight? You would argue with him whenever he is wrong? You're just reaping what you sow," Akihiro replied.

"Then what about me? What did I sow to reap all this?" Kaoru suddenly spoke from the side he came from the other room beside Akihiro's office.

"Uhmmm you born to reap it?" Akihiro replied.

Why oh why? That demon girl, just because I still feel guilty she just went ahead and make me do so much work," Kaoru complained.

"That's it, that shall be her name, she's a demon girl," Yukimura commented after hearing Kaoru.

"You two? Are you kids?" Akihiro asked hearing the complaints from these two adults in front of him.

"We are not," thay said at the same time.

"So how is it?" Akihiro then decided to ask Kaoru.

"I haven't eaten, I haven't bath, and you're asking me how is it? Do you know how hard it is? You're also a demon, you're a demon brother. You two are demons," Kaoru complained even more after hearing Akihiro's question.

"That's right, you're also a demon. What kind of friend are you to laugh at our misery?" Yukimura placed his arm around Kaoru's shoulder and complained as well.

Kaoru did the same and both of them started accussing Akihiro of being a demon, that he and Eureka must be related to have the same evilness in them.

Dai who was watching from the side was truly dumbfounded to see two grown up men crying and complaining about a girl half their age.

Akihiro on the other hand could only massage his temple, since when did these two became this close?

"Kaoru," he then called his brother.

"No, I don't want to listen to you, your a demon, a demon, a demon," Kaoru replied covering his ears.

"Yukimura," he then tried talking to his friend.

"That's right you're a demon," Yukimura then followed Kaoru's example.

"You two seriously, I've called-" the other two started making noises trying to drown his voice.

Akihiro's veins were popping, his starting to have a headache from this two.

"Just why am I always at the wrong place at the wrong time?" a voice then came from the door.

"I think that should be, why are we at the wrong place at the wrong time?" another one added.

Causing the two adults who's having some tantrums to stop and just like in a horror movie slowly looked behind them. There stood Raven and Eureka, they can also hear the voices of the other six who are approaching, but seemed like they didn't here anything yet.

"What's wrong, why are the two of you blocking the door?" Hideyoshi asked peeking at what's happening inside.

"That is-"

"Nothing, nothing's going on," Kaoru interrupted Raven.

"What brought you all here?" Yukimura then asked.

"We were called by his highness, and was tasked to come here at this time," Eureka replied.

Kaoru and Yukimura slowly looked at Akihiro this time.

"I'm trying to tell you, you are the ones who didn't want to listen," Akihiro said seeing their murderous looks.