Grand Ball

"It hurts so much, father. I can no longer do it," Manami cried to Jin.

Ever since tha day Haruka had came up and announced her purpose. Akihiro became even more aloof. Not even once did he looked at Manami no matter what she do.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry Manami. But you do know you have to do it right?" Jin couldn't do anything. Both of them have to do it, or else...

"Why? Why is he such an evil person? Why does he love playing with people?" Manami could only complain to her father as her tears never stopped.

"I'm sorry this wouldn't happen if-"

"You've done more than enough, father. No matter what he says I'll never acknowledge him," Manami stopped his words.

Jin could only bitterly sigh. If he had arrived earlier that day. If he didn't choose his duty on that day. Then this wouldn't be happening to them right now.

Just then a servant came handing him a letter. After reading it, his facial expresiion changed.

"What is it, father?" Manami asked seeing the change in Jin's expression.

"We are invited to an exclusive ball that will be held at the great hall this evening. The king said that he will be announcing something very important."

"Could it be?"

"Yes it must be the future queen."

"Then it's not me. He never noticed me after all."

"That would be right."

"But... but... I must be the one. Father I must be the one to become queen. You have to do something," Manami begged her tears flowing even more.

"We'll do something. Don't worry we'll do something," he reassured her as he pets her shoulder.

Akihiro's words suddenly came to his mind.


"So he's finally announcing?" one man asked.

"He is, but he must make a wise decision. If didn't choose the one we brought in front of him, then he must expect that the one his choosing would have the same destiny as that of the former one," another one replied.

"We are able to expand our number and have the majority of the seats because of his grandfather. Who would have thought that the father would be wise enough to keep his queen safe? Its just a good thing that this one couldn't do it."

"We would break his mind until he decides to follow our wishes. We took careful steps to reach our place, it took us so much time, I won't let him destroy everything."


"Uhmmm Mutsumi? How do I look?" Haruka coming out from one room asked.

Mutsumi, Yukimura and Raven are waiting for her. Upon seeing her, all of them were pleasantly surprised. She is beautiful beyond words, her beauty never changed despite the years that have passed. This is also the beauty that once captivated Yukimura.

"Your drooling, I won't allow cheating," Mutsumi suddenly said to him.

"Wha- Will you stop? What do you mean cheating? I only have one person right now okay? I just know how to admire people," Yukimura rebuked.

"Will you do that once you two are alone, I'm not fond of watching such scenes," Raven commented on the side.

Haruka giggled at his remark.

"You look wonderful, I really can't wait to see the reactions of all those people once they see your beauty," Mutsumi decided to ignore her son and commented as she got closer to Haruka.

"But I really am nervous. What if they find out before we could get them to confess?" Haruka worriedly said.

"They won't, plus we're just shaking them up until we have our evidence secured. By then they won't have any more complaints. Not unles they decide to retaliate and a battle starts," Yukimura was the one who replied.

"That's right. So don't worry and just stand and speak confidently beside Akihiro," Mutsumi added as she guided Haruka, who placed her veil back, out of the house.


"Where is Eureka, why haven't I seen her yet?" Akihiro said as he fix his clothes that is already fixed.

"Your highness, she must already be on her way to the other matter," Dai replied respectfully, but sighs inwardly thinking,

"Oh that's right. Will she really be alright? You do know we needed her to accomplish it in order to win this battle," Akihiro said once again, this time his in front of the mirror double checking his looks.

"She is a competent one brother. Do you really think that she would fail?" Kaoru could no longer stay quiet and butted in.


"No more buts, your too nervous. If they see just a hint of nervousness from you then it would really fail. You have to stay focused and just protect the one who will be standing beside you."

"I know, but it's been so long," Akihiro once again said. Indeed it has been so long since the last time that someone had stood beside him, it's been so long since she last stood beside him.

"Don't dwell over the past, think of this time as just the continuation of what you two once were," Kaoru answered exasperatedly.

Akihiro looked at his brother. He knows that Kaoru is still hurting, he knows that Kaoru still lives Haruka, and because of this he has no idea what to say to him.

"Don't look at me like that, I already said stop dwelling in the past. I'm more than contented to see the two of you happy. I will be fine and be happy myself. So just cherish her more," Kaoru seeing his look commented.

he then fell into deep thought.

"Let's go then," Akihiro after breathing in and out a few times, finally said.


A woman was staring wide eyed at Eureka, who was once again covered in blood. Around her are dead bodies that was unable to react when she suddenly came. Her sword dripping wuth blood, her facial features that looks so cold adding with it was the moonlight coming from the window.

"He really is confident to himself, to actually have this place so far. He must not even notice that connections already gone. Well I should still be thankful, the weaker enemies are over confident with their abilities that makes the work less hassle."

Eureka commented befire yse faced the shocked woman.

"Will you stay sitting there? We have to go now."

"But...I... I can't leave. If I do..."

"Don't worry you can. And if you don't then it will even be more dangerous for them."

"Them? Wait do you know of my situation?"

"If I don't I wouldn't even be here. So shall we go?"

The woman who knows of Eureka's achievements, decided to trust her and stood up, following her.


The ball was the talk of the town, it was an exclusive one after all. It has been so long since one was hosted.

One by one all the high ranking officials arrived, giving their praises to Akihiro.

"I must say, your highness. This seems lika a real grand one. I wonder what your announcement might be?" one official commented.

"You'll just have to wait and see," this had been Akihiro's reply ro all thise who asked such similar question.

"I was just wondering, your highness. I haven't seen Lady Kara in a while now," Ichika asked.

"Oh don't worry she wi be arriving. I have invited her as well after all," Akihiro replied knowing what he is implying about.

Ichika and the other's had their brows furrowed. This is an exclusive ball, and yet he had invited an outsider?

"I just wish you won't disappoint us, your highness. Especially your kingdom," another official said after hearing his reply.

Akihiro knows what they mean, they don't want him to disappoint them by announcing Haruka as the furture queen.

He smiled at them and said, "Don't worry I have no intention of disappointing anyone."


"This is so exciting," Karen commented.

All five of them are at the sides watching the ball as it unfolds.

"Don't be excited now, you do know why we are here," Feena reprimanded.

"Of course I know. It's just I really wanna see all their reactions once she arrives. Those faces that they will make, that would be priceless," Karen giggled at the thought.

Azusa who thought about it giggles as well, Feena followed afterwards. Some of these officials are haughty in nature so seeing a different expression from them gives this girls some fun.

"It's just too bad that we are here as body guards, we can't wear any gowns. You two won't be able to falunt your beauty when in gown to those two," Karen pouted then pointed at the gus who are on the other side.

"Ouch," she yelped when Azusa and Feena hit her.

"Will you stop that? We are in a mission stop distracting us," Feena once again reprimanded.

"That's right, we have to focus," Azusa then added.

"You're saying that but both of you are completely red... Ouch," Karen rebuked that earned her another two hit.