Blood Lust

Akihiro and the others let out a sigh of relief upon seeing her, she was just right on time.

"You seemed to have enjoyed your journey here," Akihiro said as Eureka walked towards the front.

Every person she passes through would give way, seeing her appearance causes them to have shiver run down their spines.

"I didn't get a memo that I should arrive at an earlier time though, your highness," Eureka replied in a dead pan manner.

Akihiro thought as he shake his head.

"Just what kind of knight are you? How dare you insult the king?" one official berated after hearing her reply.

"Insult?" she then looked at the official with her emotionless eyes, and somehow this caused the official to take a step backward.

Kaoru thought looking at Eureka's eyes.

Feeling his eyes, Eureka faced him and shrugged.

understanding her action, Kaoru could only sigh.

"If it's me, I think the most insult that our king have received came from those who he had trusted back then," Eureka then coldly said.


"Causing queen Haruka's miscarriage, pushing the people to be impatient, causing queen Haruka's supposed death, I wonder who's more insulting right now? For you to target the person the king is cherishing, truly how insulting," her voice seemed to become even colder. The person she had interrupted felt like something cold run through his throat, he could no longer speak.

"Quite bold indeed, you truly are quite bold," the minister of the right walked forward and said.

"So you're stepping out now?" Eureka didn't back down and instead met his gaze.

"I am stepping out because of a knight that is acting all high and mighty just because she had accomplished so little," the minister replied not backing down either.

"Could you be talking about yourself? Coming out now, when everything's going awry?"

"I was listening and it was not yet as messed up as when you suddenly came in without even changing your clothes, parading that blood soaked clothes as if it's a trophy."

"It may not be a trophy but it is a warning, I already said I came back after exterminating some insects. I couldn't careless if I add more blood to it, for it seems like there are insects around here as well," Eureka's eyes wondered in the crowd.

"That's enough, there is a matter at hand that we have to point out right now," Akihiro decided to step in when the minister was about to rebuke.

"That's right, your highness. The matter is still the same, we can't accept queen Haruka to return. The evidence is clear," one official replied.

"Extortion from the farmers," Azusa stepped forward and said, walking towards Eureka's side.

"What?" the official was suddenly dumbfounded.

"Daijiro," she then said after standing beside her.

"Hisamoto, excessive use of power," Feena said afterwards walking towards Azusa and Eureka.

"Amane, abduction and kidnapping," Karen followed after.

"Wha- What's wrong with all of you?" Amane said after hearing her name.

Without answering, the guys did as what the girls do. Saying the name and what deeds they do which is against the law. All eight of them are then standing side by side in front.

"Your highness, what kind of blasphemy is this?" all those officials whose names are mentioned.

"Blasphemy? I have all of you investigated, and this is what I have found. You treacherous people, how dare you use our people in such a way," Akihiro said, he may not be shouting but his voice is full of power.

"Why did we suddenly come to this, your highness?" Banri, squad 8 general, couldn't help but ask.

"Come to what? Didn't I say that we have something else to point out right now?" Akihiro replied.

"Why are we talking about this right here, in a ball, your highness?" the minister from the right asked.

"I said in the letter that I shall be announcing something important didn't I?" Akihiro replied.

"But isn't it that you announcing your next queen is the important announcement?"

"I never said that."

"Please, your highness. You seemed to have the evidence about all their misdeeds, but shouldn't we be speaking about this in a more proper environment?" Takako said as well.

"Really Takako, are you really talking about proper here? Or are you afraid of what we could reveal about you?" Akihiro replied looking straight in his eyes.

"I must apologize your highness, but I don't understand what you are talking about."

"Then let me ask you, how sure are you that Haruka had died more than 20 years ago?"

"That is because..." he stopped midway.

"That's right, what was announced back then was the fact that she had disappeared. No one have said that she had died so I was wondering how you were able to tell that she had died," Akihiro pointed out, he started walking forward towards Takako.

"I must have been confused today your highness, that's why my words was that she had died," Takako replied.

"Today? I don't think you are just confused today," Akihiro once gain said.

"What do you mean by that, your highness?"

Everyone was quiet, they never expected all these turn of events.

"Back when Eureka had battled Osamu and Daiki, I seemed to remember that you are one of those who had implied that Haruka have died," with these words, not only Takako but some of them have their faces drained in color.

"We have investigated all of you, those who have uttered that word back then, and even those who stayed quiet, we have checked each one of you," Akihiro said eyeing all of those who took part in this stupid fiasco.

"You bitch," the minister of the right pulled his sword and pointed it at Eureka.

"Got you," Eureka simply said.

In all actuality, they are a bit unsure about this man. He was able to cover most of his tracks. Who would have thought that he'd expose himself this easily.

The minister's eyes grew wide, due to the pressure and the look the king had given him, even the way Eureka talked to him, all of it caused him to lose control of his emotions and actually exposed himself.


"Please, stop with the drama. You won't be able to talk your way out of this. You have given us the greatest evidence adding to the ones that we have gathered," Eureka interrupted him.

"BASTARD!!" that's what he said before attacking Eureka.

But as easy as hitting a fly, she was able to get behind him and threaten his throat with her sword.

"I say your highness, do you want to see another blood bath in here?" Eureka asked with a dead panned voice.

Sharp intakes were heard, her already bloody clothes and swords, her blank expression, her chilly voice and her eyes that shows you nothing, even Feena and the others were taken a back. They never saw her like this. It seems like she had encountered something before coming here to make her have such strong blood lust.

"Don't, we shall punish him appropriately," Akihiro commanded, even he was taken a back, she is emotionless but her blood lust is overflowing.

"Then," Eureka said.

And taking all those who are watching by surprise, she had fluidly moved in front of Takako, kicking his knee, taken by surprise Takako could only kneel down, Eureka then pointed her sword right in front of his eyes.

"Then can I take this man's eyes out, and cut his hideous hand, together with his member?" Eureka said just as the whole place became even quieter.

"What is it Eureka?" Akihiro, sensing something else from Eureka's words, asked.

"Why are you mad?" he then added.

"I'm not mad your highness. But that doesn't mean I can standby and watch him flaunt his ugly face around after what he had done," Eureka replied not even facing Akihiro.

She had said it, the same way as saying. Your highness I have no emotion, I don't know how to get mad, but I shall punish this hideous person on my own way.

Feena and the others was totally blown away, she had made a general, squad 7 general to be more precise, to kneel down in the shortest possible time they have ever seen.

"So she really can fight on par with the generals," Karen murmured as they all look at Eureka with admiration.

"Well she never said that she couldn't, she just didn't reply when we asked," Feena replied.

"Eureka," Yukimura came closer and held Eureka's shoulder.

"Put down your sword and tell us what you know," he then said.

"I won't put it down sir, but the one to explain it should be sir Jin himself don't you think?" Eureka replied, her tone still the same, as cold as ever.

Everyone then looked at Jin, who was also dumbfounded at the turn of events.

"Jin?" Yukimura asked.