A Decree

One by one the people started returning to their senses.

"*scoffs* How bold of you. Just because you're strong? What? We were all speaking the truth, if you can't accept it then it's none of our business. Adding to that, everything started because of that woman's father, we wouldn't have to leave our home if it is not because of him. Now we are being cramped in another kingdom-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Eureka stomped her foot and a block of ice suddenly appeared beneath the man's foot then a force threw him out of the shields protecting the kingdom. No one knows if he had survived the fall of that throw or if he will survive the outside but once again everyone was speechless.

"Who's next?" Eureka scanned those around her.

Some step backed upon seeing her display.

"I told you, I don't mind throwing you out. And hearing his words he wasn't even a people of our kingdom, how bold of him indeed."