Not long after the sun started ascending, Leo and Dai heard rushed footsteps coming their way. Dai was not on guard for this place is still within the kingdom, if someone indeed would attack someone within, that one or two wouldn't be that strong.
Leo looked back in confusion when Akihiro and Yukimura even Feena and the other's fathers were running towards him. All of them looked worried, they only relaxed upon seeing that Leo was fine. Well except for the side of his face which had bruised already. Obviously it was due to Raven's punch.
"What are all of you doing here?" he asked as he looked at them, who are out of breath.
"Back at you. We did our best to finish all of our work upon learning that you have woken up. We just couldn't return earlier and then by the time we came, we only rested and yet the person we were visiting was not even in his room," Ryosuke rebuked. He was obviously agitated.
The others nodded in unison.