I Have To Go Now

"Yes, that's how naive you all are. You think that everything is in good condition just because it is what is presented in front of you. But that girl, she surely have anticipated this, otherwise she wouldn't have suggested that man, that if a chance would arise. Kaoru is a good choice."

He played with the branch in his hand, twirling it as the leaf on it flutters. A playful smile appeared on his lips. He was standing on a tree looking to the horizon as if he can see what was happening in a far away place.

"Maybe staying abit more isn't that bad. I can see how those people she left behind would develop. Instead..."

He looked up in the sky, as if looking farther than what was in front of him. Even farther from the skies up above him.

"Will you really be able to return before the promised time?"


A knock on his table reined in Kaoru's scattered thoughts, he looked up and was greeted by Akira's smiling face.