
"Thank god nothing happened, if something really did it would've been too late. All of you professional players are most afraid of having some scandals and still wouldn't be more careful! Mo Huaifeng! Damn it you hung up on me again!"

Recuperating at the base for several days, Ji Zhiyao ate and slept when he should, and even played ranked games with Mo Huaifeng at a set time everyday. Some days they would even invite YiMao and play as three, those days were really pleasant.

These few days when he'd been going on Weibo, there wasn't even a single word about him in posts about the Weibo Celebrity Gathering. The Weibo account with username "NanNan-chan" had for some reason, gotten reported and could not be found anymore.

Ji Zhiyao knew that this was probably the doing of his Captain. Hence on that day itself, he even saluted Mo Huaifeng with his glances of utmost worship, leading to Mo Huaifeng almost dropping a slap on his face.