
[IndefiniteFutureV: Here's wishing everyone a Happy New Year. In the coming year, may everyone and Mix battleteam be ever flourishing and prosperous! I will continue to work even harder in the future and not disappoint everyone.]

When his status was updated, it was already two minutes later.

Ji Zhiyao scrolled Weibo for a while, before preparing to return to the WeChat group chat to see what everyone was chatting about. He did not think that he had only left for a few minutes and the group chat had already exploded.

[ManagerYuanWei: @DB.MHF Captain you get out here!]

[DB.MHF: ? ]

[ManagerYuanWei: What the f*ck! I told you to go post a Weibo status, not repost a status! You actually directly reposted NoHomo's status? Are you finding the hate NoHomo has been getting too little? If you're so close shall I wire your salary together onto NoHomo's card! Huh?]

[DB.MHF: Sure, I have no objections.]