
This solo match against a bot ended in 20 minutes. Results of the match flashed out, Xiao won by a small margin.

Ji Zhiyao asked, "Brother, how does your hand feel?"

"Still alright, now it hurts a little. I reckon the use of my hand cannot exceed this duration for the time being."

Although he was smiling, but there was obvious sadness deep in his eyes.

Seeing such a gaze, Ji Zhiyao's heart involuntarily tightened. He understood. As one of the high ranking junglers locally, now that it had become so hard for him to just play a game against bots, he must be very upset deep down.

The rest of the team not gathering to watch Xiao play the bot match, was also probably not to make him feel even worse.

Ji Zhiyao pretended to be unaffected, patting Xiao's shoulder and saying, "Come, Brother Xiao, we'll go let the physiotherapist take a look."