
Mo Huaifeng's expression also turned cold. "Be more specific."

"Captain, this evening the official Weibo account blew up from too many reposts, the person in charge called me and asked if I could make NoHomo yield and publish a Weibo post to apologize. I thought that NoHomo didn't do anything wrong, and the livestream yesterday was done by both you and him, why should NoHomo have to apologize. So I got the person in charge to contact you directly, if you agree, then I'd have no comments on letting NoHomo apologize. Not sure if the club had said something but the Weibo post that the official account posted unilaterally today could've just pasted the two words "drama queen" onto NoHomo's face. The moment I saw it I knew that the person in charge hadn't contacted you, so I called him up to check and he actually said that this incident had nothing to do with you. I almost f*cking died from laughing, did they think that NoHomo was a pushover with no backing?"