
[Wen Heng: Probably because he's handsome.]

Ji Zhiyao lifted a corner of his lips.

Did he think that he would be happy after they complimented him like this?

He couldn't bring himself to be happy at all!

He put his phone aside and hugged himself tight miserably.

Mo Huaifeng questioned, "What's wrong?"

"My tutor has taken note of me, I'm scared."

Ji Zhiyao looked at the table, in the time where he was texting, several cold dishes and plates of meat had been served. He picked up a peanut to eat, saying gloomily as he chewed, "Our teacher told me to go meet him once I'm back in school, even the thought of it is scary. Would he really expel me?"

Heng commented, "Would he still ask to meet you for a talk if he was planning to expel you? Don't be so silly my boy."