
Mo Huaifeng did not stand on ceremony with him at all, handing a glass to Ji Zhiyao, he sipped his juice while moving behind A.K.. "What are you playing?"

"Heroes is planning to launch another edition of an eSports game and invited retired players like me to test it out. It's not too bad, it'll probably be out winter of next year." A.K. pushed his spectacles higher on his nose and used his hand to block the screen. "I shouldn't be showing you this, stay away."

"I don't need to look and I can already guess what it will look like." Mo Huaifeng moved back and sat down beside Ji Zhiyao, asking with a lazy countenance, "We begin training tomorrow?"

A.K. slapped his own head. "Almost forgot the proper stuff, sending you the timetable, take a look."

Mo Huaifeng pulled out his phone, two seconds later, an image came from A.K..

Cramped rows of words and more words filled his eyes.