
Yet with the exception of Ji Zhiyao missing a marble or two and being kept in the dark, the others all secretly exchanged glances, clearly knowing why Mo Huaifeng was unhappy.

But none of them would say it.

Such matters between them, if they were to intervene at their own will, aren't they waiting for a beating?

Mo Huaifeng pulled a long face without speaking, Ji Zhiyao could not think of a reason and so simply decided to stop thinking, directly raising his hand to gesture while calling out, "Hyun Woo!"

Mo Huaifeng's face instantly became darker than the bottom of a pot.

Yet what made him even more dejected was that Hyun Woo heard Ji Zhiyao's shout very quickly and turned to look in their direction.

Catching sight of them, Hyun Woo appeared to be slightly surprised, he waved, then said something to his companions, then started to walk towards them.