First Meeting

There were eleven new senior executives to take the role of guiding Celestial Trade. Including the former King Margold, who will keep his royal title which will be passed down tow his descendants should they choose, makes a total of twelve senior executives.

All decisions would be voted upon, and Ivan would not only serve as the head of these individuals, but also as the tie breaking vote when required. Although he would also weigh in in large company decisions.

"First on the agenda is to for everyone to introduce themselves to me," Ivan spoke solemnly from the head of the conference table as he looked down on a printed bundle of paper.

The senior executives were uncomfortable by the question. They all had extensive experience running a company before on the Vulpes home world, yet they were being asked to take turns introducing oneselves like grade schoolers. There was no way they wouldn't be feeling uncomfortable, but this is exactly where Ivan wanted them.

As the senior executives hardened their resolve and gave brief introductions to themselves along with their portfolio of experience, Ivan cut them off once again.

"I hope you all understand, this isn't just a company that you will be in charge of, but an entire country. One which will grow greater than you have ever seen in the past."

"With the initial sales of SubNet Tablets coming in, we have a large depoit of credits piling up in the account. I plan to first send you all to attend a correspondence class in management and leadership."

"President! We are more than qualified for this position!" One of the Celestials stood up an objected vigorously.

Ivan's chilly gaze immediately landed on the man, causing him to choke on any further words and sit back down nervously regretting his outburst.

"Letting power go to your head already? If you were qualified, you would not hesitate to attend a few classes which could only increase your repertoire of management methods and skills. Tell me, are you qualified for this position?"

"Yes, President," The senior executive calmed down immediately and apologized through a cold sweat.

"Good. I have here an agenda for the meeting you all have provided, the first planned topic is the transformation rate of Vulpes into Celestials. We are currently lacking in manpower as countless sectors are in need of more personnel."

The middle-aged Celestial with two gold earrings on one of his ears shuffled his papers in front of him.

"Indeed, the current transformation speed can't keep up with our growing need for more workers. Everyone is demanding more personnel and it is a bidding contest for uncontracted employees. The value of labor is rapidly rising, and the company's funds simply can't support it. Soon we will have workers earning massive amounts of money for less labor than it is worth."

"Exactly," Another senior executive spoke up, "I predict it will lead to the devaluation of our already shaky economy. Soon enough these exorbitant wages will become what is expected, and to counterbalance that, the price of items and services will rise."

"What is the middle management doing about this situation?" Ivan asked while brooding before turning his head to his secretary sitting at the head of the table beside him. "Iris, make sure you write all this down in the minutes, all important discussions, decisions, conclusions and matters outstanding. I will check the minutes afterward and evaluate any errors."

Iris knew when to joke or not, and this was a situation where she had to be serious. The decisions made in this meeting would affect the entirety of Celestial Trade and every Celestial under its umbrella. She had her nose in a small computer as she rapidly typed out all the information passed between the senior executives and their resolutions.

"President, the middle management are in favor of this because they are doing everything they can to acquire the necessary workers."

Ivan thumbed the agenda in front of him as he stipulated, "You understand why the transformation process isn't increased in speed, correct? The fertility of four-dimensional beings is much lower than three-dimensional beings. Out of currently 300,000 Celestials, I have reports of only ten pregnancies, six of which have given birth over the past two years."

"The Folkien Empire currently only has a population of 5 million, a dismal number after the eternal war that had been waged. This number is slightly above the growth in population and will slowly transform them into Celestials while taking advantage of the current fertility. Birth rates have been increased due to the war to about two percent, but it is still a losing battle. At the current rate, the entirety of the Folkien Empire will be completely in another 159 years, turning into a total of 15.9 million Celestials. If we increase that speed, the process will be faster but will cause even less Celestials to add to our number."

The senior executives sighed before one stated, "It is not good for us in the long run, but we need to seek remedies for the current situation before it runs out of control. My proposal is to increase the transformation rate of Vulpes into Celestials at a rate of 150,000 people per year. This is the minimum increase in personnel to balance out the growing need for labor."

Ivan frowned and said, "That would exhaust the Folkien empire in 54 years, for a total of 8.1 million new Celestials, that is a significant reduction."

"King Margold can adapt strategies to incorporate some foreign empire citizens into the population to keep it revitalized in that time. The current Celestials would not allow those people to become a part of our society and would firmly reject it, but they can provide services to give birth and offset the Folkien Empire dropping population."

"That is a good proposal. They receive full shelter from the Empire and Celestials, and in term work as population. Going from being refugees to having calm and safe lives, they will without a doubt be ecstatic. Several generation and their children will all recognize themselves as members of the Folkien Empire as well, even if it is different from the original one."

"All who vote in favour of increasing the Celestial transformation quantity by a value of 50,000 units, raise your right hand."

At Ivan's words, all eleven senior executives and Ivan raised their hands.

12 votes for – 0 votes against – 0 uncast votes.

Ivan glanced at Iris before stating, "Make it be noted, under the vote to increase the Celestial transformation quantity by a value of 50,000 units, twelve members voted for the action, one member was absent."

"Second on the planned agenda is the rising security concerns on the Vulpes home world."

"President, this issue had been ongoing for some time, but several spies have been appearing on the Vulpes home world tracking information on the Celestials and trying to infiltrate the facilities that prepare the nanobots for the transformation process. The four-dimensional material is handled solely by the Celestials stationed on the planet so they have no means of accessing that, but the rest of the data has already been targeted. Whilst we have been eliminating any found spies, If they were to make a sudden raid in force, it is unknown whether we will be able to protect our data"

Ivan raised up a hand and stated calmly, "It doesn't matter. The most valuable product is the four-dimensional biomatter that is used in the transformation process. Mazur Ral Vendick may be said to be unmatched in intelligence, but that is only in the field of energy and quantum mechanics. There are innumerable scientists within the Federation who could design and create a successful experiment for the evolution of a three-dimensional being into a four-dimensional one."

"Never underestimate their intelligence, that is why we can't allow them to have the biomatter. Everything else is insubstantial in the grand scheme of things as they can't make an omelette if the can't get the eggs in the first place."

"Passing the vote for increasing security on our Celestial related facilities in Folkien Empire, all in favour raise your right hand."

4 votes for – 7 votes against – 1 vote uncast.

"The current proposal has been rejected. Make the vote and resolution be recorded in the minutes."

Ivan was scanning through the agenda while jotting down some notes when he proposed.

"The security question is still to be addressed in this meeting, but in a different scale. Add this topic to unplanned items and we will come back to it at the end of the meeting."

Ivan and the other executives discussed items on the agenda from temporarily capping excessive pay on labor to thirty percent, to real estate pricing, subdivisions brought to attention, and planning of the Celestial's homeland expansion with new residences and facilities.

Some proposals were accepted, others denied, while a few were postponed to a later date due to uncast votes capable of swaying the outcome. Once all the items in the agenda were ticked off, Ivan moved to the unplanned items, starting with the one he proposed at the start of the meeting.

"There have been reports of Scalian attacks on planets in the Delta Quadrant, far away from where they are usually combatting the Galactic Fleet. I suspect the Scalian are trying to conquer the rest of the galaxy and close the Federation in a trap, one which completely encircles them."

Several senior executives furrowed their brow as one of them asked, "But, president, what does that have to do with us?"

"Nothing, the Federation can rot for all I care, but this attack also is threatening to the interest of Celestial Trade. Add it into unplanned items to include the construction and patrol of a subspace ship fleet to act as hidden guardians for several key planets in which our interests are invested, as well as to remove any incursions into our sphere of influence."

"What about our bank of Galactic Credits? Do we also need to separate our forces and protect its major branches?"

"No, a galactic bank isn't about to collapse over the loss of a planet or two. The Federation can clean up their own mess. Or so I would like to think but the politicians are at each other's throats since President Mortimus vanished. Most of the galaxy doesn't even know they are at war."

"Anyway, you now have all the information on the security risk to our interests and current method to safeguard our interests. All who vote in favour of the security protocol for our interests, raise your right hand."

5 votes for – 4 votes against – 3 uncast votes.

"Let the results be recorded. An undefined vote has been made and the topic will be readdressed in the scheduled agenda of the next meeting."

"Next on the agenda for unplanned items…"


Ivan and the other senior executives continued to discuss various topics while Iris was exhausted and felt she would pass out if she was forced to continue this for much longer, but she was determined to do her job and forced herself to continue writing rapidly.

Iris still had a smile on her face the whole time, but it visibly loosened up when Ivan said the key words.

"This meeting is adjourned."