They both walked towards an old house. The house has a brown roof. There are at least two floors there. In the yard there is a large garden, a cupid statue looks covered with moss, leaves cover the yard.
"We finally arrived ... "
Li Yuan muttered softly.
She looked around the house and seemed to feel nostalgic and feel sad in her eyes.
Xi Yang understands that this woman and the house have something special.
Before they stepped into the wide courtyard, they saw that a ninety-year-old woman hurriedly welcomed them.
"Sorry young lady makes this place like this ... I can't go back regularly." Said the woman regretfully.
Li Yuan just shook her head softly.
She knew to take care of such a house the old woman in front of her was not enough.
"Don't think too much, Grandma Yang... after all this is the house of your own relatives ... Rather than it, isn't your health deteriorating these years..?"
Grandmother Yang could not deny it, in the past few days she had dialysis at a hospital in Beijing. She cannot be said in good health lately.
Li Yuan knew the thing.
Before the grandma brought Li Yuan to enter the yard, She realized that a young man stood beside the girl.
As she was shocked, her hands trembling.
They took, they embed to the backyard, near to there right under a tree. It faces the rising sun.
Grandmother Yang brought a small water, flowers, incense and a small box of red bean cake food.
Li Yuan squatted in front of the grave while her hand cleaned parts of the grass around the grave.
"Can we start prayer young lady?"
Li Yuan nodded. She folded his hands and prayed over the grave. Likewise grandmother Yang.
Xi Yang doesn't know what to do, so he follows without saying a prayer in his heart.
-How do I pray, if I don't know who's this grave owned?
-There is a red bean cake? can I take it home later?
-I really like it.
- I should have invited Li Yuan to treat me to the place they bought this instead of going to a place full of fat just now.
Li Yuan opened her eyes, she looked at Xi Yang who was nervous and surprised because she opened her eyes suddenly.
"There is a story that a princess will leave to take the saddle ..."
"Two horses will approach her, one red horse-one white horse. "
"The red horse belongs to a murderer, he has killed many people for it considers the important thing to him"
"While the white horse belongs to a knight who protects all citizens and sacrifices, it considers things important to him ..."
"If you become a princess, what horse will you ride? "
Xi Yang doesn't know what to answer.
He got confused
-If she is a princess when she is a role model of all citizens. So, she must attach importance to the safety of others above her own and those she loves.
- That is the right thing...
-The right choice...
-But, it's all fake...
-Only A Fool do that, throws important things for her and saves many people?
-Don't make the joke at me...
-No glorious salvation that leads to sadness and lamentation alone.
-No one hero like that, it's delusional ...
"Redhorse. "
He answered.
Li Yuan confused for a moment before her expression changed.
"The reason?"
Xi Yang holds his breath.
He looking at Li Yuan is deeper and has some strange there.
"For what does someone throw away everything for someone else? For many people ...? if she cannot save things important to herself ...? That's stupid ..."
That is his answer.
Li Yuan smiled freakishly,
She doesn't think it will hear this answer.
"As expected of a genius."
They walked home. Li Yuan was still a little in a quiet mood. However, she still smiled at Xi Yang.
"Who's the grave teacher?"
Li Yuan only answered in a low voice and her face forced her to pretend to smile.
"Yang Xi, the most important person for me..."
It stuns Xi Yang he feels uncomfortable in his chest.