Chapter.13.He refused to hear.

Li Yuan still felt a little guilty about her slap to Xi Yang.

But, somehow she is felt that it slightly raised the little obstacle in her heart.

She doesn't know how she described it.

It was a secret that Xi Yang should not know; it was a relationship that only belonged to them.

Yang Xi and Li Yuan.

A sad story in the memory of the little devil girl.

Xi sighed. He knows some things don't have to be said and asked.

Some things also have things you want to listen to and don't want to be listened to at all.

Well ... that's human emotions.

The emotion keeps them on their own. Save all problems or spill them from his mouth whether it's a happy thing or an explicit thing.

But Xi Yang can fully feel that Li Yuan is saddened by those memories.

He doesn't like it.


After the two people finished their meal, they walked together as if each other had guilt.

Guilt, in which one person chooses not to hear her bitter memories, and the other chooses not to share the bitter experiences of memories and stories of love.

Maybe people in this world will remember it as silence, between the painful reality and the bitter thing in her heart.


"Teacher, I actually that is also part of that ... so I should also apologize ..."

Xi is silent for a moment.

He lowered his head to Li Yuan.

"I really apologize !! I know nothing about that."

Well ... he said it. Even though he refused to know about Li Yuan and the grave. A lover who loves him so much.

Because his chest will be tight if he hears it.

He doesn't want that thing ...

All humans say jealousy of the girl's eternal love in a grave.

"Don't say it like that ... didn't you apologize yesterday? Actually, you are BAKA ..."

Li Yuan smiled like a so happy little devil.


Love is immortality ... painful eternity, even though he is dead she still loves him.

A poem from memories, FAITHFULL LOVERS.