Chapter 29. Will the girl leave the man?

Xi has awake from his sleep on the couch. He sat before he finally evaporated a long breath.

Li Yuan's apartment room is extensive. In the living room, there are at least two long couch, glass table, LED television, and some other furniture.

A fence made of clear glass limits between the living room and the kitchen. The glass fence made of clear glass has a height of about one meter.

From the living room, Xi can see the dining room and kitchen.

Xi found Li Yuan cooking in the kitchen.

Xi saw the girl holding a cooking spoon and stirred up a pot on a stove. Another thing makes Xi almost laughed is Li Yuan uses a bench to stand in line same to the stove. The kitchen table is at least two meters from the floor.

Besides using a bench as a foothold, another thing that makes Xi almost more bursting laughed is the girl humming happily.

She sang a kids song.

"Rabbit, Rabbit is the cutest animal in the world."

"Even though the color is white and black."

"Other rabbits mock him."

"Why do the colors of your feathers look like zebras?"

"The rabbit is only humming happily."

"Even though my color is striped, I still become the cutest rabbit in the world."

In fact, Li Yuan shook her small hip.

This cheerful Li Yuan made Xi feel relieved in his heart.

Although, Xi considers kids' songs sung by Li Yuan only suitable for children five to ten years old.

-Look at yourself! Do you really want to look mature and eliminate the Loli title you have?

-Then why are you still singing kid's songs like that?

Xi only shook his head.

When Li Yuan turned around and found Xi already awake. The expression on the girl's face was instantly red. She lowered her head suddenly. Then, for something like a puff of smoke came out of her head.

-Look at yourself! Immediately feeling very embarrassed when people find you have sung children's songs like that.

Li Yuan tried to force herself to be calm. It was as if no one had witnessed a kids song that had just been sung by the 28-year-old girl.

"Ara ... Yang'er, are you awake?"

Li Yuan smiled oddly while covering up the shame on her face.

Xi looked at Li Yuan with a smile that made fun of Li Yuan.

"Rabbit, Rabbit is the cutest animal in the world."

"Even though the color is white and black."

"Other rabbits mock him."

"Why do the colors of your feathers look like zebras?"

Li Yuan's face turned red like a ripe apple.

"Fufu ... it turns out Sensei likes the song" The cutest rabbit "too ..."

" I remember a five-year-old little girl singing the same thing ..."

Xi said teasing Li Yuan.

Li Yuan just stood there while smiling forced.

"Hehe ... My beloved student really likes to joke and fantasize ... I hope my beloved student no needed to discuss that imagination ... Isn't it better to erase your imagination?"

A kitchen knife suddenly appeared in Li Yuan's hand. The girl smiled kindly with her hand holding a sharp kitchen knife.


-Why did you say I fantasized?

-Is that really the most embarrassing thing for you?

-Do you want me to pretend I saw nothing?

-Don't smile kindly with that kitchen knife in your hand.

"How are you can fantasizing too much, beloved student?"

Li Yuan's gaze was like the look of a cruel stepmother in Cinderella's story.

So, Xi can only nod and swallow hard.

"Hehe ... I think so too ... my fantasy is extraordinary ...hehe"


After thirty minutes, Li Yuan has served foods at the dinner table cooked by herself.

Xi sat a while seeing food on the dinner table, it's one pot of Curry.

Xi not to mind for eating any foods. As long as the food goes through the process cooked, he doesn't mind eating it.

Xi remembers when he and Chu Yana went to a Sashimi Restaurant, he ended up vomiting all the food in his stomach. The taste of raw food is intolerable for Xi.

"Curry? "

Xi asked.

Li Yuan nodded.

"Do you not like curry?"

Xi shook his head.

"No, I don't mind for curry. But, is this not too much as a breakfast menu?"

Curry is a fat-rich dish. So, food like this is not suitable as a healthy menu for breakfast. At least a glass of milk, a bowl of rice and fried eggs are decent as a breakfast menu.

"Ah ... I also think like you ..."

-If you think the same, why are you still cooking this curry?

"Actually ... when I opened the fridge, I found a packet of smoked meat that had been stored for a long time. Then, I checked the expiration date, it turns out it's still worth cooking."

"So, I think it's better to use the meat menu. It makes me save more money and doesn't waste food."

-You are stingy.

"When will this meat material expire?"

Xi asks curiously.

"At ten o'clock ..."


-Ten o'clock?

- Isn't the one on the package usually show dated of expired?

-Why can you have expiration hours here?

- Did I hear something wrong?

Xi's face turned hesitant to eat the curry.

The curry has a pleasant smell and invites the stomach to eat it.

"Don't worry ... it's safe ..."

Li Yuan said while staring convincingly at Xi.

-That is safe?

-When you say it is safe, I am increasingly hesitant to eat it.


* Growooll

They heard an embarrassing voice.

Li Yuan smiled when she heard Xi's stomach rumbling.

While Xi becomes very embarrassed.

Xi's face turned red.

Xi's stomach can no longer compromise. Since yesterday Xi did only eat once. Even then, he must share with Lan Lan. So, if he is starving now it's natural.

-I hope I will not die of food poisoning.

-Enjoy the Food.

Xi finally gave up and ate the food.


The food cooked by Li Yuan is so delicious. Xi has completely forgotten about the expired meat ingredients. His mouth continued to chew while there was no one left rice on his plate.

"How delicious, isn't it?"

Xi nodded.

"It's so delicious, I think I'll come here often to eat your homemade dishes, Sensei."

LI Yuan smiled happily.

"Praise your this teacher! besides I'm a genius woman, I'm also good at cooking!"

Li Yuan said with pride on her face.

-If you're not too stingy, I won't mind complimenting you like as a girl and a reliable chef.

"Have you studied cooking for a long time, Sensei?"

Li Yuan nodded.

SHe pressed her index finger against her forehead. It was long enough until Li Yuan had forgotten about it.

"Well ... I think it's long enough since Yang Xi taught me how to cook ..."

-Yang Xi.

-Why always that guy?

-I am actually curious about their romance and past.


"Did he teach you to cook?"


Li Yuan nodded.

"He is a reliable chef ... He can cook all kinds of dishes, western-style cuisine, Chinese cuisine, Japanese cuisine and more."


"Is Yang Xi a chef?"

Xi was curious about the guy.

Li Yuan shook her head.

"No… He is not…"

"He is a bodyguard. However, he can also be a chef, a driver and a butler for me. Hehehe…"

Li Yuan looked happy when discussing a guy from her past.

"Hmm ... Is that so ..."

Xi feels he has lost. If Xi compares Yang Xi with him, the distance between them is too far away.

"Let me guess, that guy must be more ugly than me, right?"

Xi said he intends to tease Li Yuan.

Li Yuan only smiled tenderly.


"The looks of both of you are equal ... equal."

Li Yuan saw at Xi like there was an old memory in the girl's mind.

-I found no one with good looks comparable to mine.

-I think ... if Yang Xi is still alive now, he will be a so perfect guy.

-For a reason, I felt defeated.

-I do not understand.

"I don't think out there, there is someone with good looks comparable to mine."

Li Yuan giggled at Xi's words.

"* Shishishi ... I think so too."

"Are you always narcissistic like this? I only witnessed acute narcissism twice like you."

- I am?

- Why do you think my confidence sounds like a disease?

"I've read in a study that says, a narcissist is easier to die of a heart attack."

Li Yuan's words heard like a successive arrow pierced in Xi's head.

-Hey, it can't a benchmark, right?

- Everyone can get a heart attack if they have an unhealthy lifestyle.

-It attacks not only narcissistic people like me.

-You almost made me think of going to a health clinic immediately to check my current health condition.

-Do you expect me would die from a heart attack?

Xi sighs for a moment.

Xi notices that Li Yuan is still wearing the same clothes. A short pink skirt and white shirt. She is wearing an apron too.

- Isn't this is the time for working hours?

"Sensei, don't you have a teaching schedule?"

An educator will go to work at this hour. Li Yuan is also one of the many educators in Tianxia.

-So why doesn't this girl go to work? Isn't that strange?

Li Yuan's expression became limp. She rubbed her forehead. She looks like Cinderella who works hard because of being forced by her stepmother.

"Ah ... I forgot told you ... I have asked for a week off."

"Week off?"

Li Yuan nodded.


"My family will hold an engagement."

"So, I have to go back to Shanghai."

"I want to ask you for a few days to stay in my apartment. Well, at least to keep it clean."

Xi's time has stopped.

-An engagement?

- Family?

-Go back home?

-What really happened?

-Why do I feel tight on my chest?

Xi can feel something is pressing on his chest.

He does not know. However, all of Li Yuan's words just made him fall into a deep valley.

That is a dark valley.

He felt of emptiness in his heart as himself fell into the valley.


I remember the memory in my head.

That memory is about the time I was still his angel.

I often sing the most beautiful songs.

And to play the most beautiful music.

When I was finished singing and playing all that.

That person will always praise my beautiful songs and music.

But, when I was get banished to the world.

Everything vanished.

I can only create and give the most beautiful songs and music for a lot of garbage.

Starting from the classical music of Tartini and Paganini.

Until today's electronic music and songs.

All of that is not free.

They must sell their souls.

With making a blood covenant.

Then, someday.

I will come and take those souls.

Then, erased their souls.

Extinguishing souls is like a small candle.

So, I will eliminate all those souls.

But, throughout the eternity I have.

Only one soul in this world is very pure and white.

So, I kept making the soul reborn.

Again and again.

Dead and alive.

I would always see the man's pure and white soul.

The most beautiful soul I've ever met.

The soul is more beautiful than the song I've ever created.

(Hellel, Poem Song for the Little Girl)