The boy has bowed her head listlessly.
"Hey Lucifer, you have mentioned Sis-con in your story twice."
"Try to explain that. What is the meaning of the Sis-con word? I can't understand it at all ... Is that some kind of adjective in a grammar?"
The boy asked and complained.
-How will I be able to explain it to you? You are a Sis-con, and that is something that deviates from general human norms.
-After all, you are I and I am you.
-How can I say I am a pervert?
-How can I say that?
"Okay, kid ... What are the things you know about love?"
The boy shook his head.
"I don't know ... I don't know at all."
The man smiled tenderly.
"They divide human love into many types, two of which are Storage and Eros. Storage is a human love for their family and siblings. While, Eros is love and lust for someone they have loved ... "
" Sometimes people have difficulty dividing it ..."
It confused the boy.
"Why do they have to separate each of their love into two types? Isn't that basically the same?"
The man shook his head.
"Storage and Eros are not the same ..."
"Storage is love like you have for your mother, father, and younger sister."
"Eros is the love you give to your wife or woman later. Only adults have this love. Because, this love is doing these things and that things, usually done by adults."
The boy shook his head instead.
"I'm even more clueless ..."
"If so, that means ... when my sister and I mature, our love will become Eros, right?"
The man almost fell down.
The man smiled wryly.
"Heh ... How do can you think like that?"
The boy nodded.
"Isn't that the love of an adult? My mother said that I would one day grow up. Wouldn't I do things that adults do later?"
"If so, I am impatient to grow up, I think my sister is thinking the same as me. She says she wants to grow up quickly. So, she won't always cry when mom and dad bicker..."
The boy muttered slowly.
The man just sighed.
-It embarrassed me to admit that I had become a Sis-con.
-And what's with your sad explanation? Do you want people to sympathize with you and let you grow up to be a pervert?
-Most importantly
- Why would you have ideas for doing adult things to do with your younger sister?
The boy only stared innocently like a kitten abandoned on the side of the road
"Oh Ya ... How about the continuation of the man's story? What will he do? Will, he let his teacher get engaged?"
The boy looked curiously.
His gaze turned bright.
"Have you thought that man would cancel the girl's engagement? "
"Yep ... I have thought in some stories they will always have an end, the prince saves the princess."
"Wouldn't it always be like that, Lucifer?"
The man shook his head.
"No ... He won't be able to do that ... Never ..."
"No ... He won't be able to do that ... Never ..."
It confused the boy.
"Why can't he do that?"
The man just smiled.
"Didn't I tell you ... that adults have various things, various secrets, and they rarely understand such a small thing ..."
" They do not hear ... "
"Doing not understand it ... "
"They cannot read ..."
"They cannot ... You too ... you also have something you don't understand ... And you do not understand it. "
The man stopped his words.
"Do you still want to hear it?"
The boy nodded slowly.
The man looked deep into the boy's eyes.
"All right. But, after I told you about what the man did. You might wake up ..."
The boy nodded.
"Yeah ... You are right. Soon it seems like it will be early in the morning."
The boy said.
"Don't you mind ...?"
"Yeah ... I have thought. When people are immersed in a story, they will be the same as me. It might disappoint me to wake up."
The man tilts his head.
It confused the man.
"You are the person who read the story. Don't you need to rest after you tell the story so far?"
The boy smiled.
"Is it true…?"
The boy nodded.
"I am so grateful if you pay too much attention."
"All right. This is what the man will do ..."
The man smiled.
"Beloved student! Beloved student!"
Li Yuan had waved her hand at Xi. Xi was pensive for a moment to hear Li Yuan say about her engagement.
Xi did not understand that Li Yuan would be engaged. What really happened? He doesn't understand. He can't understand that at all. For now, he only wants Li Yuan to be there next to him.
He doesn't know the reason.
Maybe is started when he knows the falsehood of human relations.
A flasehood at Chu Yana face.
He also already knew after his friendship with Yang Jie was broken.
The falsehood of all expressions comes from a smile and sincerity. That made him have to leave their friendship.
But, for a reason, he did not know. He was sure and believed Li Yuan was different.
He was sure of all that.
Even though Li Yuan is a fussy girl. A selfish girl. A stingy girl. But, Xi believes that Li Yuan is different.
Li Yuan is different.
Xi has found out. When Xi saw Li Yuan crying for the first time.
When Xi saw Li Yuan cursing herself.
When Xi sees Li Yuan hates herself.
He has seen that.
Xi has believed something original exists. There it is. Although, Xi has seen nothing genuine from Yang Xi's proof.
However, he had seen that on Li Yuan.
Li Yuan is something original itself.
Something different from other people he has ever met.
He trusts, and the most believe that.
Since,Xi had seen that when he saw Li Yuan.
Li Yuan is something original itself.
Something different from other people he has ever met.
He believes and believes that, about
Li Yuan's cry was real.
The emotions are real emotions.
There is no falsehood there.
There is also no pretense.
The tears were genuine ...
The suffering Li Yuan had experienced was genuine ...
Although, if someday Li Yuan is not like Xi had thought. Although, Li Yuan betrayed him like one of those two people. Xi will still believe Li Yuan is different. He will remain by her side. He will remain and always trust Li Yuan.
Although, he did not know the reason behind it all.
Because the girl named Li Yuan is original.
She is something original.
So, he will put all his trust in Li Yuan. That is his selfishness. Selfishness belongs to a man named Xi.
He wants it all.
He did not want Li Yuan's engagement to occur.
He wanted Li Yuan to stay beside her.
But this world is not the same. There is no eternal smile.
There is no happiness if they are still covering each other with everything they feel, everything they have thought about and not expressing everything they want.
There is no honesty in humans, even they don't want to be honest with themselves.
Didn't I tell you that all those humans were fake? It made me believe all stories of happiness, suffering, love, and betrayal were things that would always make me thrilled.
I live from it all. I also live for that. In a long eternity, I always witness the same thing. Again and again. All of these things keep repeating.
I live and reign from my throne, long before that person created you. I have seen it all. That humans have failed to understand what is they felt by their own hearts.
Xi realized.
"Why are you daydreaming, beloved student ...?"
Li Yuan tilted her head while staring with many questions there.
-Why do you daydream and change your expression?
Xi just shook his head.
"No ... that's because maybe I only thought of something ..."
"Have you thought of something ...? What exactly have you been thinking about?"
"No ... Maybe it's ... it's just something ... I don't know for sure ... Not so clear ..."
Li Yuan just sighed.
"How do you not even know why you are pensive? Don't you always say that you are a genius? How do you not know how embarrassed you are to say it all this time? If you don't even know why you are pensive.
She looked at Xi with curious eyes.
"I have no idea..."
Xi mumbles.
"How are you willing?"
Xi tilts his head.
"Willing about what?"
"About my request, so you stay for a few days here, can you do that? ..."
"I don't know ... I am. I'll think about it later ..."
Li Yuan just tilted her head.
She did not know the meaning of Xi's words at all. One of the two people in the room had failed to understand. They have failed to understand everything.
-I do not know why.
-I also don't know when I think of things like this, but for a reason, I can't know, I really wish you don't return to your hometown.
-I wish you stay here.
-I ... Don't know why ... But...
-Please don't go back to your hometown ... Please don't leave me ...
-I don't know ...why I got scared?
-I don't know for sure ... why I'm nervous?
-I don't know why my chest felt tight heard you will get engaged ...
-I …
-I felt disappointed if you do that ...
But, those words cannot come out of his mouth.
Sometimes people will always think and compare everything.
All of this made them confused.
They don't understand all the meaning behind it all.
They chose not to speak. Xi is a human after all ...
Xi swallowed hard.
He stared with eyes filled with worries, fear, and anxiety.
"Sensei, do you really have to go back to your hometown?"
Xi can't say anything. Unable to express all the words in his mind. He's stupid ... so stupid.
Li Yuan shook her head slowly.
Then she looked spoiled at Xi Yang.
"* Fufu ... Are you going to miss me? * Geez You are so dishonest to yourself ... really you are really spoiled."
For some reason, Xi was a little upset.
He does not know. Why was he upset at Li Yuan's words? So he only answered with his mouth.
Not with the words that his heart wants.
"What do you say…?"
-Why am I saying that?
"Who will miss you?"
-Why can't I say what I really want?
-Why can't I say, don't go!
But, his mouth always said things he didn't want.
"You're just a flat-breasted girl!"
-Why did I say that instead?
"What do I miss you for? Where did your confidence come from?"
"How can you think like that? You are a stingy girl, a fussy girl, a selfish girl. Always feel like a princess ... You ... You ..."
-Please don't talk again.
"You're only a Loli ..."
-Shit, why am I saying that ... What's wrong with me?
Once Li Yuan had listened to Xi. Li Yuan was really upset. Li Yuan said that to tempt Xi Yang. She didn't mean to make fun of Xi. Li Yuan did not accept that at all.
Li Yuan hated being said to be a flat-breasted girl. She hates people calling her as loli.
Li Yuan didn't want Xi to call her like that either. She did not want the words to come out of Xi's mouth at all.
"All right! I won't ask you again! You can forget my request!"
Li Yuan said irritably.
Li Yuan got up from her chair and left Xi Yang.
Even the man could not understand what he was feeling.
So he can't say anything.
Author Note:
Here is the author of this novel.
OK. I might have said that one volume will be 50 chapters or 60 chapters. I had thought about it before. I think the route about Xi and Li Yuan's love story will be the end of this volume section. I think it's better so that part one of the book will be interesting. I previously said that I wrote this using a machine. The machine is me and I am a machine (I think this is a bit strange) That might be part of Li Yuan's story to spend a few more chapters. What's more, I need a rest and certainly prepare my research at the university. You can support me by voting or giving comments such as Thank for the chapter, Working well, Excitement, or anything else that can make me continue to be passionate about working on and translating this novel.
P.S. Is better Original or Genuine so you can enjoy to read it? Translation always makes it an "original" and sometime "Genuine" word.
See You Next Chapter. 😊