Chapter.35. It messed up his mind.

Author note:

Be awere Yuri scane


"Do you understand this far? " "

The man asked the boy.

The boy just nodded.

"Then ... I'll continue reading my story to you ... "

"Listen ... read ... then understand ..."

The man re-read the story to the boy.


Xi had understood that he was not worthy to ask for something stupid like asking Li Yuan to cancel her engagement.

It messed his mind up.

So Xi can't understand anything.

Xi can't think of anything.

He was just worried that Li Yuan would leave him.

Xi doesn't know why he has anxiety at Li Yuan's engagement.

He only understands things.

Li Yuan's engagement made him uncomfortable. He wanted Li Yuan to stay beside him.


A human being can never be understood by others if they say nothing to others.

There is no tool to make people understand each other, there is only a way for humans to understand each other.

The thing that makes them understand each other is: Words and Honesty.

Those are words spoken by mouth and heard by the ear ...

So, each human being will understand each other and know the contents of other people's hearts ...

However, there is something that will make them never understand each other, namely: If they put a lot of lies in the word they have said.

Humans will not understand each other because lies will make a boundary and create a hard and thick wall among all humans.

So that every time someone speaks, other people will never see and hear something original from those words.

They can never understand each other.

So they will never realize their dream of seeing a beautiful flower garden.

Just as Cain killed Abel. Kain's jealousy of God's blessing on Abel made him kill his own brother because my persuasion and seduction had consumed him and he did not hear a small voice in his heart.

Meanwhile, Abel was killed because he did not understand the expressions and words of his brother.

In fact, humans who are related to their own blood can never understand each other's hearts.

Then what about you who wants to understand the hearts of others, kid?


Xi has returned at the Zhengzhou University dormitory.

He could only understand a few things, namely doubts in his heart.

Xi has failed to understand his own heart.

He had failed to understand that Li Yuan had collected small pieces in his heart. So, he would never realize that he had actually loved Li Yuan for a long time.

The pieces have been in their past. However, he had forgotten it.

I sometimes think. Are humans really so stupid? Or did they really have been so naive? I looked at them a few times. Why do they want to know the honesty of others while they themselves wear a mask of lies?

Don't you think that makes little sense?

Why do they want something from others if they cannot do it themselves?

They want to see the face behind a mask that other people wear. Meanwhile, they themselves are still wearing a mask over their faces ...

Xi just sighs as soon as he arrives at the dorm room.

He was sitting on the bed. Then lie down looking at the ceiling of his room.

He wanted Li Yuan to be next to him.

But, his tongue couldn't say anything to Li Yuan.

He could not say a strange feeling in his chest.

" If only I knew about this feeling ... about the tightness in my chest that was getting worse and more painful ... "

Xi mumbles to himself.


He remembered that he already had a [Restart] so Xi wanted to make sure whether Li Yuan would really go to Shanghai?

So, he wrote the name Li Yuan in the search section.

( Li Yuan's activities one day ahead)"""


( Li Yuan will arrive in Shanghai: 12 noon)

(Li Yuan Picked up by the Li family's Private driver, Li Muyong at the airport: 12 noon)

(Li Yuan Goes to buy a ring at Phan jewellery: 1pm)

( Li Yuan arrived at the Li family residence: 2 o'clock in the afternoon)

(Li Yuan rests: 3 o'clock in the afternoon)

(Li Yuan discusses the engagement: 5 pm)

(Li Yuan Dinner with family: 6pm)

( Li Yuan showered while humming the song "The cutest rabbit." : 7pm)

( Li Yuan was dressed in rabbit-patterned pajamas and underwear in rabbits: 8 o'clock at night)

( Li Yuan Doing research reports: 9 o'clock at night)

(Li Yuan is sleepy and falls asleep at the study table: At 10 p.m.)

( Li Yuan woke up and moved to bed while hugging a 2 meter rabbit "Cutest Rabbit in the world": 11 o'clock in the evening)

* Activity is only limited to the time in a range of hours.

* Further upgrades are needed at level.2 to find out activities.

* Do you want to upgrade the program?

[Yes |No]

Xi just tilts his head.

Xi didn't even think that [Restart] would upgrade.

- What really happened again here?

-Why does this application request an upgrade?

-Wait a minute...

-Isn't this application really getting even more strange?

However, Xi is a person who is confused and curious. Although Xi is increasingly suspicious of this application.

Xi thought at moment.

Then, finally…

Xi chose [Yes]


10 %""




50 %""


87 %""

90 % ""

100 % ""

Completed ""

Nama : Xi Yang

Sex : Male

Age : 21

Level. 2.








At Realtime will update information about romance and information with others. It can be used to know information on people who you like or dislike.

[Li Yuan]

Age: 28 years

Sex: Female

The Lecturer and professor. You feel that Li Yuan is a caring girl. You've slept with her. For some reason, you're curious about it. You feel anxious when you hear that Li Yuan will return to Shanghai.

Status[It takes points to find out]

[Chu Yana]

Age: 21 Years

Sex: Female

Xi Yang's ex-girlfriend and the affair of Yang Jie.

Status[It takes points to find out]

[Yang Jie]

Age: 21 Years

Sex: Male

Xi's best friend Yang. Song Nanhe's fiancé.

Status[It takes points to find out]

[Song Nanhe]

Age: 17 Years

Sex: Female

Yang Jie's fiancé. The heir of the Twins Corporation.

[Song Wujin]

Age: 26 Years

Sex: Female

Song Nanhe's trust girl and her bodyguard.


*1 [Interested]

*2 [Hate]

*2 [Neutral]

*Information will be updated if fulfilling specific requirements, in order

1. A relationship you have with people in general information changes.

2. A relationship occurred after having mutual trust.

*If one requirement is fulfilled, then there will be an update on [General Information]

* You are on Level.2 so that you can know the time and location accurately hours, seconds and minutes.

-Wait a minute isn't this too sudden?

-Why are there so many changes in the past few days?

- What exactly is this application?

Xi grew confused when he saw that the details of Li Yuan's activities had writings about Li Yuan wearing clothes and underwear in a rabbit picture .

- Humpsss ... How can you have an embarrassing collection that only children like that wear?

-Why you wear clothes for children? You who don't want to be called a Loli?

-How can you buy such a shameful thing ...?

Xi only giggled so knowing that. Li Yuan is indeed a childish little girl.

However, for a moment his mood became even more gloomy as he realized Li Yuan had bought a ring.

- Ah ... This must be a ring for her engagement, right?

Xi's mood is getting worse.

So, he just lay down before he finally fell into a deep sleep. He hoped what he had heard was just a dream ... So when he woke up it would disappear. Like as he used to do since childhood.

As well as when his father died, Xi did the same thing.

It is asleep to erase reality.

Hope, what he hears and feels is a delusion and Xi wants to wake up from all the delusions

Every human hope for that.

Humans hope that all bad things are only unrealistic delusions.

While pleasant things are real things and they hope that fun is eternal.

However, their thoughts were wrong.

No eternity apart from that I have in this world.

There is no eternity other than mine.

Happiness is only limited to human age.

Beauty is only limited to wrinkles on the skin of every woman.

It limits good looks to the appearance and muscles of men.

I am only eternity in this world.

Only I am a road to eternity.


Meanwhile, at Chu's residence.

Chu Yana, Lin Yi and Mai Mai are currently taking a bath in a hot spring located in Chu's residence.

The three people wore nothing on their bodies.

Mai Mai's body is the most beautiful and plump body among the three people there.

Mai Mai chest is G-cup size. Maybe if Xi saw those chests he would be rushed to the hospital to be treated for running out of blood.

While Lin Yi is the smaller the size of the smallest.

Chu Yana soaked in a pool of warm water. Her slender body seemed to have a light that covered his twin hills and certain regions. It was seen that some of the light blurred the scenery.

Her belly which had sin from her affair relationship made her a little uncomfortable. Chu Yana was afraid that other people would find out about her pregnancy.

Her belly which had sin because her affair relationship made her a little uncomfortable. Chu Yana was afraid that other people would find out about her pregnancy.

So Chu Yana just pondered in the bathtub.

However, Mai Mai was created as a sister who Sis-con came to hug Chu Yana. She fumbled on the twin hills it specifically reserved which for certain people.

"Yan'er ... Look at your hills ... don't they look fatter ...?"

Mai Mai teases Chu Yana while continuing to rub the object that is not specifically for underage children unless they are a baby.

Chu Yana's face turned red to her ears. Chu Yana was like water in a heated teapot, it evaporated and rang.

"Sister ... stopped doing that ... it made me amused ... "

Chu Yana said while her hands tried to let go of the grip of her pervert sister.

However, Mai Mai is not easy . She even made more intense movements on the hills.

So the hills sway to left and right.

Meanwhile in Mai Mai's mind is happiness


- these items are truly extraordinary

-I hope Yan'er becomes my wife ...Come here baby, come to mama

- Come here to play with this uncle, come to your uncle ...

Lin Yi sees Mai Mai's disgust that looks like a dirty uncle on the train.


Author :

I think that scene includes Yuri ...😑