Chapter.39. Because falling in love is falling in love.

Lan Lan is currently cooking in the kitchen.

While Xi doesn't know what to do. So, he just watched the antiques inside Grandma Lan's house.

Xi discovers that grandma Lan called him.

Grandma Lan was currently sitting in a lounge chair facing the painting of the woman that Grandma Lan had seen earlier.

Xi was also interested in watching the painting.

The painting is indeed nice and interesting for the eyes to see.

"Are you interested in the painting, young man?" Asked Grandma Lan.

Xi realized. He just nodded.

"I think I'm a little interested in this painting ..." Xi replied.

The painting is beautiful and well-made. Although, Xi is not a painter he admires the skill of the painter who painted it. Xi may be a layman in valuing paintings but he likes this painting.

"Oh ... What attracted you to this painting?"

Grandma Lan still looks at the painting without turning to Xi.

"They made The painting well ..."

"Well made? What causes you to think like that?"

Xi paused before he sighed and spoke.

"Even though I'm not a painter, I know that the painter made this painting very well ... this painting has a vibrant color and it makes it look as if this painting is a living painting ... "Xi explained

Grandma Lan just nodded.

"Your answer is true that the painting really looks alive ... But you are wrong about something that says they made the painting well ..."

Xi tilts his head. He turned to Grandma Lan.

"Wrong? What do you mean , grandma?" Xi asked.

Grandma Lan just smiled.

"There are other things more than extraordinary things in making this painting ..."

"The painting is not just made of ability ... Did you know that the painting was painted by an amateur?"

Xi is stunned. He does not believe. He further believed professionals painted this painting.

-An amateur? Do you expect me to believe that? I would rather believe that a professional painted the painting ...

"I don't believe ..." Xi said.

Grandma turned to Xi while looking at Xi.

"The woman in the painting was me at 17 years. It was around 73 years ago," said Grandma Lan.

-That woman is you?

"Whereas the painting painter is my husband ..."

Grandma Lan paused for a moment.

"The painting was made at a time when my husband was still an opponent of Japanese occupation. At that time he was still a front-line fighter against Japan ..."

"It was our first meeting since we were engaged at seven by our parents ..."

"I have never seen my future husband at all and he has never seen me at all ... But for some reason, I feel very comfortable for the first time I looking at him ... I don't know, I think people say that as falling in love at first sight. ... "

"When I see my future husband for the first time a strange feeling is in my chest ... That is excitement ... No ... That is happiness ..."

"In fact, when my future husband asked me to become the object of his painting that was still a beginner I didn't mind at all. That makes me even happier... "

"At that time I did not know what I felt and did not know what people meant about falling in love. So, I'm just silent because I don't know what I feel in my heart ... "

"But, one day my future husband told me about a woman he had rescued ... I heard a story about the women until the story was over ... When I saw my future husband smile about his experience a reason made my chest tight ..."

"In fact, one day the woman told in the story by my future husband made a confession of love to him. I who overheard it just ran away from him and cried ... I didn't know and didn't understand what I was feeling at the time ... "

"when my future husband saw me running and crying, it made my future husband worry. So, he refused the woman's love confession and left the woman ... then he ran after me ... "

"He shouted to call me ... but I did not turn around and stop ... I kept running and crying ..."

"He later found me crying in the bedroom ..."

"He asked me, what made me cry and run away from him?"

"I only shook my head and replied that seeing him telling stories about other women and talking to other women made me uncomfortable ... However, I didn't understand what really happened to me ..."

"My future husband just smiled and told me that I was jealous of other women ... Because I had fallen in love with him... "

"I did not understand that I had fallen in love with him ... He was just a boring person, always crazy for the country, not romantic, not caring, and never praising or teasing me even once time ... But, I know only that I have said about what I felt ... I realized that I had fallen in love with him ... Even though ,I could not understand the weirdness in myself ... The person I love who answers about feelings and weirdness in myself ... "

"I am happy he told me that ... "Grandma Lan shed tears about her memories.

Grandma Lan remembers the husband in her memory. The memories were truly beautiful and made her cry remembering her husband again.

Grandma Lan smiles at Xi.

Grandma Lan smiled at Xi while wiping away her tears.

"Did you know that my future husband also feels the same way to me ... He feels jealous if I talk about another man and he will be jealous to see me talking to another man ... However, he differs from me, he knows that he has fallen in love with me when we first met ... "

"This painting is a painting made when my future husband fell in love with me ... "

"This painting is made with love ..."

Lan's grandmother remembers her husband.

Xi realized that what Lan's grandmother and grandfather had felt was the same as he had felt for Li Yuan.

Xi will feel uncomfortable if Li Yuan tells about a man named, Yang Xi.

Xi will also feel a tightness in his chest when he hears Li Yuan will return to her hometown, Shanghai.

But, Xi will also feel happy if he can be with Li Yuan.



-Why can I fall in love with Li Yuan right now?

-How can it be? ... Why did I fall in love with the only woman I trust?

-Why am I falling in love with that girl?


Xi bit his lip because he had just realized all that.

However, that is the real humans. They do not understand and will always look for reasons, why do they fall in love?

They will not find the answer. Because love is part of the human heart ... They will not find the answer they want.

Because falling in love is falling in love.

There is no reason to answer why they fell in love.

Love is the selfishness created by the hearts of every human being.

There is no reason behind that feeling.

It's the same as the reason I'm here now ...

My jealousy towards humans has thrown me into this world.

That is the love we have, a love can make others crazy.

Did you know that just as your mother's love for your father is the reason, why she will always cry when your father comes home late at night?

That's what humans call love.

That is happiness, and that is also torture for them.

They will feel tightness in their chest because of jealousy. They will be happy if they are with their loved ones.

They also want to continue to be near their loved ones like Xi who wants to continue to be beside the woman from his past.

"Has something bothered you, young man?" Asked Grandma Lan.

Xi has realized that everything he experienced was proof that he had fallen in love with Li Yuan.

"I ..." Xi said.

One reason made him feel stupid because he had just now realized about the feeling of love falling in love with Li Yuan.

"Grandma, I will say goodbye ..."

Grandma Lan tilted her head.

"Excuse me grandma Lan ... I have to go home soon ..."

Xi hurried to the exit, then ran as fast as he could towards Li Yuan's apartment.

"Xi gege?"

Lan Lan, who just finished cooking in the kitchen, just felt confused because Xi came home without saying goodbye to him.

"Grandma ... What really happened to Xi Gege?" Lan Lan asked.

Grandma Lan just shook her head.

"I don't know ..." answered Grandma Lan.


Meanwhile, at the Li Residence in Shanghai.

Li Yuan is sitting at the dinner table.

She sat while having dinner with the Li family.

A blond-haired man walked over to her then closed her eyes.

"Guess who I am ...?"

Li Yuan just pinched the man's hand.

The man just smiled then lowered his hand from before Li Yuan's eyes.

"Yuan'er ... I haven't seen you for a long time ... You really got pretty after a few years I didn't see you ..."

"What's with your compliment ... And again don't disturb someone when they eat ..." Li Yuan muttered irritably.

"I miss you ..." said the man and he kissing Li Yuan's head.

"I miss you too ..." Li Yuan said with a smile.