Chapter.51. Those are two secrets

"This is a story that happened in the real world ... So, I don't think you should think of this as a story from a novel ..."

Xi stops at his words then he takes a breath for a moment.

"This story is about a naive man who believes in friendship and love ... this story will start from it all ... Well, he really believes in all that ..."

"He has thought that everything called by people as love and friendship is genuine ... However, he will realize that it is all a fake ... Then, in the future he will regret everything ..."

Ya, all of them are falsehoods owned by humans. And I will tell you that there is nothing original in this world.

"So, one day the naive man planned to take his beloved lover to go to his hometown ..."

Xi paused for a moment at his words.

"Well, you know, those two lovers have been dating for more than four years ... However, that girl hasn't met the naive man's parents at all even though ..."

"But, I will tell you that the girl is quite familiar with the naive man's parents ... even though they only communicate through telephone conversations ... That sounds weird, right?" Xi asked, then he looked for a moment at Sung Ning.

"But, when the man said his wish to the girl. The girl said that she had promises and other matters ..."

"Well ... you will know that promises are promises ... and business is business ..."

"The man can only put a disappointed expression on his face ... But, he has thought, if his lover has other business, he thinks he won't be able to force his desire to bring her to meet his parents, right? ..."

"Isn't imposing one's own will on others the wrong thing to do? So, he does not force the girl who is his lover all his will ... "

"But ... Reality is a shocking thing than the thing that the naive man had been thinking about ..."

"The naive man is a man from an ordinary family. So, he will have some part-time work in a hotel ... He works to ease the financial burden on his family ... Everyone thinks that is normal for a son helping his family's economy ... "

"One day ... the naive man's boss asked him to take care of a problem outside the province ... Well, he thought it was his duty as an ordinary worker ... So he nodded and said" Yes ", it would take him to reality and truth about the person he has trusted so far. "

He recalled the incident. An event that will never be forgotten by him.

"The day where his eyes will open. That there is no loyalty in a relationship that belongs to humans ..."




"But, when he arrived at that place ..."

Xi held his breath for a moment.

He really didn't want to remember that incident. What he knew was that he would always feel very hurt if he recalled the betrayal of the two people.


But, Xi has thought that hurting himself to save others is a good thing.

So, he chose to hurt himself to save this poor girl.

He will tell Sung Ning about the naive man. He will tell about himself.

"But ... But ... He ... He ... He had accidentally ... He found his best friend and lover making love in one of the rooms where he worked ..." Xi said in a disjointed voice while his eyes began to turn red.

There was anger in Xi's words that he had buried long enough.

"You know ..." he said disjointedly.

"You know ... When he saw the two people making love like two animals on the bed of a resort where he worked ... He thought that it was all just delusion ..."

Xi remembers how Yang Jie is like a horny beast and Chu Yana sighs like a prostitute.

"Everything he had in mind was that it was all a delusion and nightmare for him. However, he repeatedly told himself that it was delusional ..."

"Ya ... That is delusional ..."

"Yeah, he hopes it's just delusional ..."


"But, what he had witnessed by his eyes was real ... It wasn't delusional as he expected ..."

"What he has witnessed is truly real ... It really hurt him to witness the two people he was most trusted in making love behind his back ..."

"He wanted to shout at the two people because of the disappointment he had ... But, you know ..."

"He can't shout ... His mouth is locked by a padlock ..."

"He can only stand frozen like a fool there ... Yes, that's true ... He stands like a fool for believing in those two people ..."

"Even the legs themselves also freeze ... Haha ..." He chuckled, laughing was a mocking laugh to himself.

"He can only do one thing after betrayal by the two people ..."

"What a naive man can do is just run ... He can only run ... Yeah... all he can do is run ..." Xi bit his lip while continuing to tell.

"He just ran from that place ... That's right ... he just ran from reality ... Running and running from the fact that he had been betrayed by those two ..."

Xi only looks towards the full moon.

He hopes that the real thing is like moonlight and the light from street lights that give bright light in the dark. So he pointed his palm towards the moon as if he wanted to take the moonlight with his own hands. He wants to have something original and so bright.

But how many times he tried. He finally realized that the bright light was pseudo so that his palm would not be able to reach and take all of it.

His palm will not be able to grasp what he wants.

He glanced for a moment at Ning'er then looked deeply at Ning'er's eyes.

"Hey, have you ever heard the words of people who say that the eyes can never lie like a mouth? "Xi said with a small smile on his lips.

Ning'er was just silent. Seeing Ning'er silent, Xi just turned to stare at the full moon and nodded his head slowly.

"I think I've trusted that now ..." Xi muttered.

Xi nodded again. Then, he looked back at the corners of the city in front of him.

He recalled everything he had passed.

"So ... He can only stand frozen like an idiot man ... He doesn't believe that his lover and friend betrayed all the trust the naive man gave them ..."

"So, he only ... He can only run and endure all the disappointments his heart has felt ..."

"He ... He can only run because all the trust that has been given to the two peoples who are important to him has been betrayed by the same people ..."

"He hated to admit that what he experienced was reality ... He also pretended that he didn't feel anything ... He pretended not to know the sin that the two people had committed ..."

"He ... He ... He did it all ..."

Yes, it is true. Everyone basically pretends. They will always pretend. Again and again. Just like your mother who always pretends, just like Xi who always pretends to be.

Because by pretending to make them able to stay sane and endure the pain they have.

I will tell you for the umpteenth time. That all humans are actors in their lives.

"Well ... I think that's the way to stand up to now ..."

Xi looks at Sung Ning then he stops talking for a moment then speaks softly.

"Just like you do now ..."

"Just like you who are now pretending to be a crazy girl because of the impurity you have ..."

"But, the man is different ... He pretends because he wants to avenge the betrayal that the two men have done to him ..."

Xi said then turned away from Ning'er then his eyes stared towards the line of skyscraper buildings that adorned the city of Shanghai.


"But, the man's misfortune doesn't stop there ... You know ... Another bad thing is waiting for him on the other side of a different road ..."




"One day the man got another misfortune ... Yeah, that was the other worst misfortune ... it was a misfortune that had taken the most important person to him ..."

Xi recalled the incident about his father's death.

"He ... got the news that made a hole in his heart again ..."

"The hole that had been created by betrayal from friends and lovers, it grew wider and more painful after a phone call from his mother ..."

He paused for a moment. He actually really did not want to recall the death of his father. But he must do that, to prove that there is more misfortune that people out there have experienced.

"You know ... Sometimes people think that there are too many things that they really never wanted at all ... However, those things fell on them ..."

"It's like the world forced them to be hurt and hurt by others ..."

"Don't you also think this world is quite cruel, right?"

"I thought the naive man was thinking quite the same as you ..."

Xi just nodded and believed that everything was true. He believes that the world is not fair to him. The world has taken his father.

However, for some reason he felt that it was a part of the lie that had been said to his father.

So, he knew that his answer was also what made his father die.

His answer and his pretense was the reason for his father's death, about his lying saying that he loved Chu Yana the other part that made his father die. All of that is also because of him so that his father has a lot of struggle in his heart and head.

"Ya ... That call has changed everything ... Because the phone call will give him the news that he never expected ..."

Xi takes a breath and then looks at the moon and thinks more about what his own eyes can see.

what he saw was a memory of the death of his beloved father.

From the start he shouldn't have told the father about the lie.

If only he didn't say that ... If only he didn't pretend.

"The call is news about his father just passed away ..."

Xi remembers it all. As if it was yesterday's event in his life. Yesterday's events that changed everything. Making him eaten by revenge, makes him eaten by hatred and that is the real thing.

"You know that everyone has their own secrets, right?"

"Likewise his father ... The old man also has another secret ... Yeah, the old man also has another secret ..."

"The naive man's father also has a big secret covered by the people he loves the most ..."

But, Xi thinks for a moment then shakes his head again.

"It's not a secret ... Ya, it's not one ... Those are two secrets ..."