Let's be honest! Should we be friends? (Part 1)


Hello girls!

Thanks for the comments and encouragement!


1. The chapter is short;

2. It does not have R18 [unfortunately =( ]

3. Very sweet chapter, so if you do not like a lot of romance, skip the chapter or wait for the next one.

4. Yes, the Tao Kang attitude is strange, but the well has history behind.

5. What story? Hahahaha if I say it's a spoiler! In this world, there is the companion of the two or partners of the tao, who are the cultivators who marry and spend eternity with that person.

6. Excuse me for grammatical errors, even though I have edited, there are things that go unnoticed.

*la la la*

Good reading!


Chu Jiayi doesn't know what attitude and response he should give Tao Kang, so he has a very funny expression on his face and his eyes were everywhere in the room, between the door, the window and the face of Tao Kang, as if he will want to escape the situation.

Tao Kang cannot help but laugh at Chu Jiayi's handsome face becoming comic, it's not as if Tao Kang expect that him to believe everything he just said. The young hero Tao only spoke this information because he wants to be honest with Chu Jiayi.

Why did he want to be honest with this unknown man?

This is an answer that Tao Kang himself does not have.

Chu Jiayi who is distracted by his possible death, if he gave the wrong answer, only awoke when he felt the strong arms of Tao Kang enveloping him.

"You don't have to answer me, I just wanted to tell you this" Tao Kang said, leaning his chin on Chi Jiayi's delicate shoulder, inhaling the sweet peach scent from his skin.

Tao Kang doesn't understand his feelings very well, but he thinks it is okay for Chu Jiayi to know more about him and the more he knew about himself (Tao Kang), the better Tao Kang felt. He doesn't care much if Chu Jiayi spread this information to people, it is not as if his enemies knew that they would be his enemies.

As long as he could get close to this cute, sweet Chu Jiayi, it didn't really matter to him to tell him (Chu Jiayi) everything about his life.

Chu Jiayi's heart rate increased and he felt a sweet emotion permeated his whole being. He couldn't help but feel a little touched by Tao Kang's attitude.

"I believe you," Chu Jiayi said softly, turning in the arms of Tao Kang and looking directly into those amber eyes.

After what Tao Kang said Chu Jiayi's doubts disappeared, after all the young hero Tao was putting himself at risk, there was nothing for Chu Jiayi to lose, because even if he said he did not believe, but if he spreads this kind of thing to other people, some Tao Kang foe could believe, could not it?

It was also at this point that Chu Jiayi realized that there was no right or wrong answer to this question. What Tao Kang wanted to see is whether he would be sincere or not in his response.

So when Tao Kang said he didn't need an answer, Chu Jiayi finally discovered the "right answer."

"Do not you think I'm delirious or something?" Tao Kang asked playfully, took hold of Chu Jiayi's soft hands, placing kisses beneath the delicate, pale skin, those hands that contrasted against his tanned hands.

"If that's what you believe in then why should I doubt you," said Chu Jiayi, feeling a little shy when he saw Tao Kang's affectionate attitude.

Yes, for Chu Jiayi who has a modern soul, having sex is normal, but showing affection and that kind of intimacy was very embarrassing, of course, leaving young master Chu embarrassed and with a sweet feeling in his chest.

Blame modernity for distorting values!

"So if I said I killed you before my rebirth, would you believe me?" Tao Kang said in a cold voice, still gripping Chu Jiayi's hands, his amber eyes shining with murderous intent.

To the astonishment of Tao Kang and Chu Jiayi himself, young Master Chu didn't feel fear, nor did he fear to see those dangerous amber eyes!

In fact, Chu Jiayi was very calm, as if he knew that any response he gave the Tao hero would not hurt him.

"I believe. How else would you be here? You came to kill me again .... But ... Cofh .... Cofh .... was attracted to my body? "asked Chu Jiayi, his face growing redder, mostly, to remember that this morning the two of them were rolling over the bed.

Tao Kang was surprised at the cute attitude of Chu Jiayi, who blushed when they said they had sex, and the young Master Chu was not afraid!

"I didn't come to kill you, I just came to check if my enemies had not been reborn just like I did. I didn't expect you to have changed so much, "Tao Kang said quietly, withdrawing that murderous look and returning to a calm look.

"And how was I before?" Asked Chu Jiayi with curiosity, after all, what he knew of the previous Chu Jiayi were memories filtered by Karla-03 and the novel, but there was a third honest opinion about the previous Chu Jiayi.

"Are not you going to ask me if I really did not come to kill you?" Tao Kang looked curiously at the cute Chu Jiayi with his beautiful face and shiny gray eyes. Tao Kang does want to pinch the delicate cheeks of young master Chu.

"Ouch! What do you think you're doing? "Said Chu Jiayi rubbing his face, the Tao hero really pinched his cheek!

Tao Kang began to laugh loudly, bringing Chu Jiayi to his chest and between his laughter lay soft kisses on the black hair of master Chu Jiayi.

Chu Jiayi could hear Tao Kang's raspy laughter and feel his body shaking with laughter, not knowing the reason, he felt very relaxed and snuggled even more against the strong breast of the Tao hero, releasing a soft sigh.

"Be Mine! Marry me! Be my cultivation partner! Let's be partners forever! " These thoughts crossed the mind of Tao Kang, leaving Tao Kang shocked, after all, he didn't know the current Chu Jiayi so well.

Tao Kang, who was startled by this sudden thought, stopped laughing and shook Chu Jiayi a little from his chest and stared at the magnificent face that would ruin kingdoms and empires.

"You still have not told me where my Yang energy went," Tao Kang said in a calm voice, averting his eyes from that magnificent face, for he would not resist kissing those bright red lips.

"I thought you knew, after all, we were enemies before your rebirth," said Chu Jiayi calmly watching Tao Kang who had looked away from his face.

"I hadn't had sex with you in my past life, so I don't know what's going on," said Tao Kang, looking straight into the eyes of Chu Jiayi, who had already reddened again with the words of the hero Tao.

"So what's going on with you?" Tao Kang said as he watched Chu Jiayi enter into a contemplative state, his callous fingers were stroking the black locks of young master Chu.

Tao Kang was very quiet, after all, what could Chu Jiayi say to him? Who he was reborn? Well, it would not be a big surprise, since he was reborn too! What could be more amazing than that?