Bonus Chapters: As I was before you met me (Chu Jiayi - Part: 03)

Chapter 1 of 3.


It's not R18 if you do not consider the death of course.


Chu Jiayi took a deep breath and calmed down, holding firmly to his little brother, who slept carelessly in his embrace.

"I have a chance to win?" Asked Chu Jiayi analyzing the possibilities, he had a transfer talisman, but Chu Wang was only in the Qi Cultivation Stage, so if Chu Jiayi used the amulet the power of time will harm the "fragile body "Of his younger brother.

So using the transfer talisman is not an option. Runaway now? Where? And if they got lost and got into some magical beast's nest, would not it be as tragic as facing their enemies?

"Analyzing the available data... Performing probability methods... The Host has a 25% chance to defeat the enemies, "said Karla-03 sending the data to the mind of Chu Jiayi.

"Is there any way to improve my chances of winning?" Chu Jiayi asked shaking his hand angrily at being so weak.

"If the Host uses the Yin energy of his body, then the chances will be increased by 50%, but the damage to his body will be very severe, the Host may lose some member of his body," said Karla-03 with his typical female tone and mechanic, showing how Chu Jiayi should use the Yin energy of his body to beat the enemies.

Then Chu Jiayi takes a deep breath and decides to use his disturbing Yin energy.

"Karla-03 set up the electromagnetic barrier in Chu Wang!" Chu Jiayi ordered in his icy voice, the aura around him, usually gentle, is turning and becoming colder, you could see the icy air around him. He placed Chu Wang in one of the large trees, around his body there was a translucent barrier.

Chu Jiayi looked in a certain direction and smiled, taking a sword with a double blade in one hand and the other a dagger with a red stone embedded. Quickly Chu Jiayi throws the red dagger in the direction he was smiling, the dagger emitted a strange glow and then exploded, causing a great noise and spreading hot air and black smoke everywhere.

"Looks like we've been spotted," said a male voice with a mocking tone out of the black smoke.

Soon two male masked figures appeared before Chu Jiayi, who had his eyes shining with a strange blue light.

"Host, now!" Said Karla-03 projecting the right angles in which Chu Jiayi should use his double-bladed sword.

So to the surprise of the double masquerade, they could not move as if the air were frozen and stagnated all their movements!

The sword first hit the man in the white mask with a crosscut directly across the chest, cutting from shoulder to hip, Yin energy penetrated the cut, freezing all the man's internal organs.

In a few seconds, the heart froze and finally, his body was frozen, falling to the ground and splitting in thousands of ice crystals.

Already the second blow of the sword was not so effective, the man in black mask deviated enough, only reaching the shoulder, the cut froze the man's right arm, which soon countered with a sword attack that contained dark energy.

Chu Jiayi raises his sword and blocks the attack, but was eventually thrown away, after all, the young master Chu is only a cultivator of the beginner Aurorus Core stage, the black-shrouded man was already in the stage Spring Nascent, level Post-Elementary cultivation, the difference of power was very great!

Chu Jiayi's body crashed into one of the thick trunks of these ancient trees as it hit the trunk. Chu Jiayi spat blood and air escaped from his lungs, momentarily his vision went dark, but he managed to remain conscious and landed gently on the floor, wiping the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand.

"I knew you were the dangerous guy, you're a threat to the second prince!" The black-clad man said furiously as he ran toward the "weak" Chu Jiayi.

Chu Jiayi could feel that his leg was entering the process of freezing, but he ignored the pain of having his bones being hit by ice crystals, concentrating solely on gathering enough energy in his sword.

Chu Jiayi took the escape talisman and asked the system to activate it and change the location of the original route, seconds later he used the talisman and disappeared shortly before the sword of the masked man touched his clothes.

Seconds later Chu Jiayi reappeared in the back of the masked man, who was still focusing on the post-picture left by Chu Jiayi. The double blade sword penetrated directly into the man's masked heart and Chu Jiayi unleashed the Yin energy inside the wound.

A few seconds later the lifeless and frozen body of the masked man goes against the ground, turning into small ice crystals.

Chu Jiayi did not even have time to feel relieved when he felt his leg lose his movements, the rebound of Yin energy was rising rapidly through his body, the pain was of a level that even an immortal would want to commit suicide!

"I need to give the talisman to Wang'er ..." Chu Jiayi said between his teeth, he had to lock his mouth to keep from screaming in pain, dragging his dying body close to little Chu Wang.

Chu Jiayi had to hand over the talisman to Chu Wang so he could activate the locator, so the Chu Family could come here.

Chu Jiayi felt that he did not have much time before his body became a statue of ice, besides, he had no mana in his body, none that he could control, otherwise he would have activated the talisman himself.

"I did not expect you to be so fierce!" A female voice whispered into Chu Jiayi's ear, who raised his sword to strike, but was easily blocked by delicate, feminine naked hands.

"What do you want?" Chu Jiayi asked, breathing heavily, but in his gaze, there was no fear, only a faint regret, and a fierce ferocity.

"You do not have to look at me with those fierce eyes, though it does not scare me and make you look cute! I'm not here to hurt you, for now. "The female voice said in a soft tone, then she struck Chu Jiayi two times and fell unconscious.

"How can I hurt a sweet Yin energy producer?" Said the woman with a wicked smile on her face.

Her lips touched Chu Jiayi's neck, which was cold, she gave a soft kiss on the delicate and pale skin of the young master Chu, causing a strange phenomenon because all Yin energy began to gather at that point in the neck!

In a few minutes, the destructive Yin energy had already been completely absorbed, leaving only a small amount that went back into Chu Jiayi's body. The woman left a slight hickey mark on the slender, soft neck of the young master Chu.

"Ohhh, it's been a long time since I've had a good meal! I hope the queen does not mind for having served me first, "said the woman with a sensual smile, walking up to the very conscious Chu Wang, who was too shocked to say a single word.

"Little boy, since he's awake, be a good boy and come with me, if not your big brother will suffer," the woman said very kindly, but she released the pressure of her power, causing Chu Wang to tremble, but strangely the little boy kept looking at her, not losing consciousness, there were only a couple of fierce brown eyes.

"Does every Chu family have fierce eyes and beautiful faces?" Thought the woman, broadening her seductive smile and applying fine strokes on little Chu Wang, but an invisible barrier prevented her from reaching the small child.

The woman was surprised and curious about the source of this powerful barrier around the boy, in this moment of distraction she did not notice the dagger with a red stone in the fist.


Chu Jiayi's body landed fiercely on the ground, very close to Chu Wang, who ran to his elder brother's side. The barrier surrounding Chu Wang's body expanded and surrounded Chu Jiayi as well.

"Older brother!" Chu Wang called the bruised Chu Jiayi with his voice full of anxiety and fear.

"I'm fine, just a little bruised," said Chu Jiayi trying to lift himself, his body seemed to have been hit by a car, but it was way better than the pain of being frozen inside!

"Karla-03 thank you!" Said Chu Jiayi in his mind while being supported by Chu Wang.

"Host, I just did what I was programmed to do. So Host is only self-appreciating, "said Karla-03 in his mechanical voice.

By the time Chu Wang's barrier had been hit with the woman's powerful blows, Karla-03 used the energy of the blows to send that energy into Chu Jiayi's weak body.

Then Chu Jiayi was awakened and he took the special dagger from his space ring and dug into the woman's shoulder, which was studying the translucent barrier of Chu Wang.

Chu Jiayi would have laughed at this unintentionally venomous response if his body was not in much pain.

"Hahaha, so much fun! I never expected human children to be so amusing! "The female voice came out of the black smoke, then incredible pressure spread in this small area of the forest, one could see the cracking earth and the thick branches of the trees trembling!

Chu Jiayi and Chu Wang did not experience the powerful pressure, because of the strong barrier of Karla-03.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?" Chu Jiayi asked with an indifferent tone, he had already asked Karla-03 about the possibilities of escape.

"You can call me Kan'er or Immortal Warrior of Destruction!" Said the sensual woman with a malicious laugh, her beautiful violet eyes had an amused glow, and her little pink tongue passed her sensual lips.