Embarrassing incident of the past! (Part 2)

As Sheng Ling and Chu Fang begin to explore the body between them, Karla-03 realizes the danger that Chu Jiayi's body is going through and she as a good system scorned the scene between the two men!

"Young Master Chu is dying here!" Karla-03 looked furious. But as a system your emotions… Hey, there were no emotions!

Chu Jiayi fell into a coma because of the heavy Yin energy environment clashing with his own Yin energy, so Karla-03 ran the 089 body control program to save the owner's life.

"Hey, you two have no love for your life?" Chu Jiayi's voice sounded in the room, he was using his Heavenly Qi, so the voice had an attacking power and could awaken even the dead. It should be remembered that although Chu Jiayi formerly was a rich dandy, he was still a talented cultivator and at the time was at the height of the Realms Foundation!

Soon Chu Fang awoke from his lust mentality, but Sheng Ling who had the dragon lineage, despite his beautiful and flexible appearance, his Yang energy was very strong. The peach scent practically clouded Sheng Ling's whole reason, so he sweetly protested against Chu Fang when this cousin Chu stopped the onslaught on his needy body.

"Cousin Fang! Wake up! I need to get you out of here! "Chu Jiayi's voice now had a normal tone, as Chu Fang had already regained his reason.

Chu Fang who finally managed to turn his attention to Chu Jiayi, finally realized that there was a noise in the hallway and many male voices seemed to be laughing and talking near his room, which was quite strange.

Chu Jiayi's scent was beyond tempting, breaking the reason of the weak-minded men with ease, so caution would be thrown into the wind, and those men who had previously been afraid to enter would act like bloodthirsty wolves.

"Get Sheng Ling and let's get out of here," Chu Jiayi said taking his coat and going to the window.

Chu Fang doesn't think much and follows Chu Jiayi, Sheng Ling looked like a snake curling up on Chu Fang shamefully, so Chu Fang took his coat and covered the shameless heir of the Sheng Family.

Karla-03 has little time to control Chu Jiayi's body, besides, he needed to get Yang energy otherwise the Host's body would start to freeze!

Chu Jiayi seemed to soar in the sky like a swallow followed by Chu Fang who looked like a small, heavy monkey, but it was not his fault that Sheng Ling was still peach-scented, looking like an eight-armed octopus.

"Hey, young master Chu, why are you running?" A man's voice sounded in one of the deserted streets the trio of guys was passing. A group of cultivators appeared before Chu Jiayi and the other two.

All the cultivators wore clothes with the colors of their sects, there were 4 cultivators with gold-black clothes belonging to the Heavenly Thunder Sect, there were 5 cultivators with the white and red clothes of the Eternal Fire Sect, there were 3 martial cultivators with the Celestial Ax Sect blue and yellow outfits and there were 4 people wearing black and red Pure Yang Sect outfits.

These sects are part of the 10 powerful sects of the Main Continent, below the 10 sects there are 30 first-line sects and 40 second-line sects, the other sects are not considered large enough to be mentioned.

Being the Celestial Thunder Sect first followed by the Pure Yang Sect and the Pure Yin Sect. Above the 10 powerful sects were the five great clans and the three great ancient families. The empires had the support of either the 5 great clans or the 10 great sects, so they were not considered forces among the elites. Even princes had to belong to one of these two groups if they wanted to run to be emperor.

The Chu Family was formed by the Chu Patriarch who came from the branch of one of the 3 Great Families, because of family quarrels and internal quarrels Patriarch Chu eventually split from the Great Chu Family in his youth. Because he was powerful and had the hot blood of the young, he quickly befriended the former Emperor Shouka, so they both ran around and conquered lands founding an empire! Of course, such a beautiful friendship ended the death of the former emperor, who was unfortunately poisoned by his own son, who was already undergoing a powerful sect at the time.

The patriarch who, even with his living emperor friend, was still warm-blooded, had already retired early to explore the continent, then settled in the city of Nan Kan and the whole region fell under his control.

However, thanks to the birth of Chu Jiayi and Chu Lifen who had the strongest lineage of the Great Chu Family, both sides reconciled, so Chu Jiayi's safety was so important. Moreover, because of the Great Chu Family, the Empire can only look with prosperity on envy without daring to ask the 10 Great Sects for any help, even the 10 Great Sects have to bow in respect to the Chu Family.

"Dong Fai, what does that mean?" Chu Fang's voice was quite aggressive, he felt his body burn and what he wanted most was to take a cold shower, although it was snowing it was like his blood was boiling! If it wasn't for Sheng Ling, he would have already rolled in the white snow off the ground.

"What does that mean? It is not obvious? You put such a strong incense to lure men into your family room and then run ?! Isn't that very unfair to us brothers who are victims? Don't we deserve compensation? "Dong Fai's voice was quite loud as if he wasn't afraid that more people would hear, his phrases caused several malicious laughs from his colleagues.

Chu Fang was stunned by Dong Fai's malicious words, he did not expect the disciples of one of the great sects to behave like a street thug! Dong Fai had a fairly high crop since he was in the Aurore Core Realms in the middle stage.

Poor Chu Fang just like Chu Jiayi, he was at the Realms Foundation, clearly, Chu Fang was not an opponent for Dong Fai, let alone the other men behind this malicious man.

"Oh, oh, did young master Chu Fang become speechless? You should not pay us anything for trying to lead us astray from the right and moral path... "Dong Fai, seeing Chu Fang surprised and speechless, took advantage of this to continue his malicious words. The truth was that their minds were a little clouded from the peach fragrance, but as they were outside in the snow, their minds were already a little clearer, so that was no effect of them going crazy for "sex," but yes its true colors.