Sheng Ling and Chu Fang (Part 2)


Chu Fang's thick finger slid easily through Sheng Ling's damp hole, making him shiver with pleasure, he didn't know he was all sensitive there too! At first, Chu Fang's finger movements were clumsy, after all this damp hole was not similar to the feminine flowers he used to touch.

However, with a few seconds and with the help of Sheng Ling's few restrained moans, Chu Fang finally picked up the pace, which made Sheng Ling's mind chaos, his moans louder and he felt a strange emptiness, like if he needed something to fill this void.

So Chu Fang took a little more risk by inserting his second finger into the damp hole, of course, he was on the edge himself, as it was as hard as a rock and his big stick throbbed, even getting a little painful, but At the same time, he was entertained by Sheng Ling's behavior as he played with this man's chrysanthemum.

Sheng Ling felt that his mind would split in half, the sensations were too strong, and the emptiness grew larger, giving way between pleasure and dissatisfaction, which added more chaos to confusion. Since he knew this emptiness was him wishing for Chu Fang's big rod inside him. Ah! This is so embarrassing!

Chu Fang was enjoying Sheng Ling's moans and watery eyes, so he put his third finger in there, the pace was neither fast nor slow, but Sheng Ling's hips kept up with the slender hands covering his swollen lips to stifle the moans that were getting embarrassing.

"Big Brother Fang! Don't torture me anymore… Please! "Sheng Ling said urgently in his hoarse voice from the moans. That third finger was torture! Three fingers doing it inside him, making the emptiness more obvious and torturing him until he rolled his eyes ?! He couldn't take it anymore! So Sheng Ling put caution and pride aside and begged for the torture to end and Chu Fang to go further than that.

Chu Fang felt his heart soften as he saw Sheng Ling's emerald eyes begging him, of course, he followed Sheng Ling's request, though he wanted to keep teasing that person a little more.

Finally, Chu Fang took off all his clothes, revealing a well-trained body full of firm muscles, none of the noble stereotype, which is thin and refined, his complexion was the color of bronze even more accentuated by the time when he trained on hot summer days.

Sheng Ling looked at Chu Fang's figure, he didn't quite understand why his heart was full of anticipation as he saw Chu Fang and Chu Jiayi naked when they went to the changing rooms on their travels. He knew Chu Fang was handsome and even envied him secretly. Chu Jiayi and Sheng Ling had a similar body, beautiful, delicate and flexible, that the standard norm for nobles, even those who cultivate martial arts.

However, Sheng Ling could not deny that Chu Fang's body exuded enviable virility, whether in the strong lines of his chin to the lines near the groin! Sheng Ling formerly lamented the fact that this great brother Fang did not like to go out with him to have fun in brothels since he would be a lady killer.

Only this time, looking at Chu Fang as he came into the world, Sheng Ling felt it was different and just to calm his heart, he took the initiative to slide his slender hand from Chu Fang's strong shoulder to the six-packs, his long, soft fingers lingered a little on the pink scars and nipples, rubbing here and there, pinching that place and another, watching the muscles contract in his hand.

Chu Fang can only let Sheng Ling have fun, too, while his thick, big stick throbbed with pain and pleasure, but he knew it was important for Sheng Ling to be comfortable with all of this, now it was his turn to be tortured by him with slow caresses.

After a few minutes, when Sheng Ling was slowly sucking Chu Fang's nipple as if he was more curious than to tease this great man. Chu Fang couldn't take it anymore and kissed Sheng Ling fiercely as he spread Sheng Ling's legs and laid him on the bed correctly.

Sheng Ling's damp hole was more than ready and seemed to pulse waiting in anticipation, fortunately, Chu Fang was quick and penetrated deep and at once into that spot.

Chu Fang's moan was very primal as if already relieved to fit Sheng Ling, the other man shuddered and came as Chu Fang's big stick penetrated him.

Ah! That was very embarrassing!

The sticky white liquid came out so hard that it wet Sheng Ling himself and also Chu Fang, of course, quickly the white liquid disappeared from Chu Fang's body, but the two were so entertained in other things that they realized nothing.

Chu Fang's thick, warm stick caused torturous waves inside Sheng Ling, which was much larger than the fingers that had previously played on his chrysanthemum, and the feeling of fulfillment was of divine level, leaving Sheng Ling all warm and satisfied.

Chu Fang began to move his hip at a slow pace since he didn't know if Sheng Ling would be comfortable with it at first, even though Sheng Ling's damp hole facilitated movement, he knew that Sheng Ling was a virgin in that place. For Chu Fang, the feeling was different, too, as Sheng Ling's cavity was narrower than the feminine flowers that Chu Fang has explored in the past.

"So tight…" Chu Fang's thought was a little worried and a little perverted. It was his first time with a man, but Sheng Ling's hollow pinched his thick rod so that every nerve in that place throbbed harder, creating an indescribable sense of pleasure. Which tested Chu Fang's self-control at keeping up a slow pace, when in fact he just wanted to lose control and sink into Sheng Ling without a shred of cautious thought.

One of Sheng Ling's hands gripped Chu Fang's strong shoulder to steady himself for, despite Chu Fang's slow pace, the other still slammed in, making Sheng Ling feel that he was falling too far. On the other hand, he used to cover his mouth, containing his moans, his rosy rod returned to greet the world again, to his shame!

Chu Fang's pan ace increased and his strength did not decrease, causing Sheng Ling to curl his legs into Chu Fang's hip and cling to him more tightly. Forget holding back the moans, Sheng Ling could barely keep up with this fast pace!

Chu Fang hugged Sheng Ling's body, their sweat mingling and their moans growing louder, the sense of completeness was new to both of them as well.

"Damn you, Chu Fang!" Sheng Ling cursed Chu Fang for hitting so many times at a certain point of pleasure that he made him moan outrageously, even the brothel courtesans would be embarrassed by Sheng Ling's moans!

They are men experienced in the art of sex for some time, one man with more experience than the other, but even so, they felt it was different, not just for pleasure, but as if their bodies were made to be in their arms from each other.

Of course, as neither of them knew of the female dragon lineage, if they knew about it, they would learn that this is the way of bonding between Dao partners. If Chu Fang could see his dantin now, he would see there that there was a little dragon strolling there pouring yang energy everywhere.

The sound of sticky, warm, harmonious sex continued for a while, making the shadow guards who watched the young master Chu Jiayi's courtyard look with consternation into the young master's courtyard.

"It's the young master Chu Fang who is fine ... doing this and that, with the young master of the Sheng Family ..." said one of the shadow guards, causing the relief to the others. After all, it would be very bad if it were young master Chu Fang doing this with young master Chu Jiayi.

Sex lasted until dawn, with a few pauses here and there, but back again, since sex didn't make either of them tired, it would actually be the opposite, both seemed to get stronger and more energized, feeling that the cultivation of both rose faster.

Of course, the pleasure was too much, that Sheng Ling could only cry and lament that Chu Fang would give him a rest for his poor nerves! Not just the nerves to rest, but also the sense of shame, as they were innovating in positions, what was it about smashing him against the wall like a prisoner? And spreading the legs from this angle?

Sheng Ling felt that he was very innocent at those times!

Chu Fang could only obey his partner and rest, as once everyone woke up the day was going to be troublesome.

Shadow Guards: (...)

Ah! We hear this sticky love all night long! Young master Chu Fang is so mean! We are all single! Ah! Have mercy on singles!