
~~ _Last time it'll be unedited i swear_~~

“Elder Jiao, does the jade do anything else other than provide a training space?” Lin Yi asked, recalling the countless times the jade’s premonition warnings had saved his life. Jiao Yazi was the guy in the jade, and Lin Yi assumed that Yazi had to know something.

“Yes, it provides other functions.” Yazi nodded knowingly.

“What functions?” Lin Yi asked excitedly- So Yazi knew, after all!

“But I don’t know any details.” Yazi started shaking his head as he spoke. “This was modified by my master’s master himself, and I’ve never even put it on before- how am I supposed to know anything? There’s probably more info waiting for you after you get past the second gate.”


“Well I’ve never went through the doors before, so how would I know?” Yazi’s face told Lin Yi that he didn’t know anything, and that Lin Yi should stop throwing questions at him.