
Lin Yi walked into the villa to see Mengyao and Yushu in the living room- the tv was off, and the two looked like they were waiting for him so they could give him a scolding.

“Be careful Shield Bro, Yao Yao’s jealous!” Yushu warned as she ate some mandarin orange.

“Shu!!” Mengyao turned to glare at her. “What’re you talking about?! Who’re you calling jealous??”

“Oh no, Yao Yao’s angry now, too. Shield Bro, good luck! I’ll shut up now.” With that, Yushu shut her mouth.

“Shu… You……” Yao Yao had put on her scolding face to teach Lin Yi a lesson already, but Yushu was ruining everything here! She wasn’t really in the mood to be scolding anyone anymore. “Shu, are you falling in love with Lin Yi ever since that confession? Why’re you always standing up for him?”

“Oh, are you hoping that I’d fall in love with him, Yao Yao?” Yushu chewed her orange casually. “You and me- we have to marry the same man anyway!”