
Xie Guangbo was the third-largest Pengzhan Industries shareholder- in other words, the strongest power within the company other than Chu Pengzhan and Jin Maosheng. Pengzhan’s suggestion of handing over the entertainment industry to Guangbo’s management should most likely be accepted by other members of the board.

Raising your hand and rejecting Pengzhan’s suggestion would naturally win the favor of Gubang, yet with the cost of crossing both Pengzhan and Guangbo- tyrants at the board. No one would go for something with an opportunity cost like that.

This was Pengzhan’s move on the chessboard- a move the other shareholders wouldn’t go against, since the target benefactor he was moving the authority to was one of the biggest shareholders.

Yet even that excellent move was a misstep.

Gubang froze upon hearing Pengzhan’s suggestion, followed with pure joy! _Oh, Chu Pengzhan, you old fox! You were thinking of cutting my authority, but……_