
“Well, I never said anything about stopping you, have I? I’ll support your decision.” Lin Yi said with a pat on Xiaobo’s shoulder. “But remember that it’s not gonna be an easy relationship.”

“I’ll walk down that road if I love her!! I need to confirm my feelings!!” Xiaobo said with a fist. “Boss, I’m filled with confidence already. Thanks for supporting me!”

“Ah……” Lin Yi was about to give more words of encouragement when his phone rang- it was the Miss.

“What’s up?” Lin Yi made sure not to say Mengyao’s name out loud in front of Xiaobo.

“Lin Yi, where are you? Come home, quick! Shu’s in trouble!” Mengyao said, her tone urgent.

“Trouble? What happened? Calm down, I’ll go there right now!” Mengyao wasn’t being very clear in the call, but Lin Yi made sure to get there as fast as he could- Yushu being in trouble was a pretty big deal.

“You have something to do, boss?” Xiaobo didn’t hear Mengyao’s voice, but it looked like something had come up for Lin Yi.