
Xiaobo wanted to figure things out, clear his head- was he really in love with Fen, or was it just a one-time impulse? He decided to consult Lin Yi.

“It’s pretty early to be thinking about that.” Lin Yi naturally understood his concerns. He gave his shoulder a pat. “It’s not about whether the two of you would go well together- it’s about whether if she’d even accept you in the first place!”

“!!” Xiaobo realized that instant that Fen might not even want to go out with him!

“You can try spending time with her, see how that works out over time- You should be able to figure things out by then if your feelings are real!” Lin Yi said. “But, whatever you decide to do… Remember what’s most important: you can’t hurt Fen. You’ll be fine, but she can’t go through all this again……”

“Don’t worry, boss! I understand! I’ll only speak to her about this after I’ve confirmed my feelings!” Xiaobo said, feeling much better after his talk with Lin Yi.