
“What’re you talking about?” Lin Yi eyed Lingshan, a bit pissed off- what was her problem, did she love to ruin romantic scenes? “Can it wait? I’m in the middle of something important, okay?”

_Something important?_ So this was the important thing, not the murderer in the other room? Lingshan couldn’t believe this!! Yet Lin Yi wasn’t part of the police force, and she really didn’t have any control over what he wanted to ddo.

But she couldn’t help herself. “Lin Yi, can you at least be able to take things seriously? Did you seriously just get him his food? Couldn’t you have looked for a chance to take Huang Guanya down?”

“I did! Jeez, what’s wrong with you? Will you leave me alone??” Lin Yi was getting pissed- what the hell was her problem? Guan Xin was still in there, so was she really so brainless that she’d think that Lin Yi would ignore the girl like that?

“You did?” Lingshan didn’t quite understand what Lin Yi meant.