
Lin Yi nodded his head, satisfied. He tossed the door to the side. “Hold on for now with the whole Jin Gubang thing- I’ll get your son back within one week. Don’t try anything, I’d rather not do anything to you and your son……”

Lin Yi stopped there.

“Don’t worry- as long as my son’s fine, I’ll cooperate!”” Guangbo had thought things through- it’d be best if Lin Yi could bring his son back. He would have neither money or shares, but he’d be able to live a peaceful life with his son… Without gambling or drugs, his son might actually turn a new leaf for once.

“I hope you’ll keep that promise.” Lin Yi looked deeply in to Guangbo’s eyes- they were clear and awake. “I’ll fulfill my end of the bargain. Give me details on your son- send it to my number: 152xxxx1234……”

“I’ll send it to you in just a moment! Um… Is Huang……” Guangbo asked carefully.

“He’ll live. An early phase golden class like him should be alright after half a month in the hospital.” Lin Yi waved a hand dismissively.