
Lin Yi drove his van to school, following behind Uncle Fu’s Bentley. Although, Li Fu was completely capable of dealing with any sudden threats. People didn’t usually attack reinforced cars like the Bentley during the daytime anyway.

Lin Yi spotted Tang Yin, Kang Xiaobo, and Liu Xinwen when he was almost at school- the three were coincidentally coming off the bus together.

Lin Yi had heard that the bus number Xiaobo and Tang Yin took was the same- Xiaobo didn’t know Tang Yin before, but things were different now. He could actually stand beside her since she was his sis-in-law.

Lin Yi honked at them.

Xiaobo frowned, turning back to see a run-down old van, irritated. What the hell was this broken down van honking at? They weren’t even in its way!